IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Joint Special Section on Opto-electronics and Communications for Future Optical Network
Recent Advances in Elastic Optical Networking
Takafumi TANAKAMasahiko JINNO
Author information

2014 Volume E97.B Issue 7 Pages 1252-1258

Many detailed studies ranging from networking to hardware as well as standardization activities over the last few years have advanced the performance of the elastic optical network. Thanks to these intensive works, the elastic optical network has been becoming feasible. This paper reviews the recent advances in the elastic optical network from the aspects of networking technology and hardware design. For the former, we focus on the efficient elastic network design technology related to routing and spectrum assignment (RSA) of elastic optical paths including network optimization or standardization activities, and for the latter, two key enabling technologies are discussed: elastic transponders/regenerators and gridless optical switches. Making closely-dependent networking and hardware technologies work synergistically is the key factor in implementing truly effective elastic optical networks.
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© 2014 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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