IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Regular Section
60 GHz Millimeter-Wave CMOS Integrated On-Chip Open Loop Resonator Bandpass Filters on Patterned Ground Shields
Ramesh K. POKHARELXin LIUDayang A.A. MATRuibing DONGHaruichi KANAYAKeiji YOSHIDA
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2013 Volume E96.C Issue 2 Pages 270-276

This paper presents the design of a second-order and a fourth-order bandpass filter (BPF) for 60GHz millimeter-wave applications in 0.18µm CMOS technology. The proposed on-chip BPFs employ the folded open loop structure designed on pattern ground shields. The adoption of a folded structure and utilization of multiple transmission zeros in the stopband permit the compact size and high selectivity for the BPF. Moreover, the pattern ground shields obviously slow down the guided waves which enable further reduction in the physical length of the resonator, and this, in turn, results in improvement of the insertion losses. A very good agreement between the electromagnetic (EM) simulations and measurement results has been achieved. As a result, the second-order BPF has the center frequency of 57.5GHz, insertion loss of 2.77dB, bandwidth of 14GHz, return loss less than 27.5dB and chip size of 650µm × 810µm (including bonding pads) while the fourth-order BPF has the center frequency of 57GHz, insertion loss of 3.06dB, bandwidth of 12GHz, return loss less than 30dB with chip size of 905µm × 810µm (including bonding pads).
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© 2013 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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