IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
Development of Compression Tolerable and Highly Implementable Watermarking Method for Mobile Devices
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2014 Volume E97.D Issue 3 Pages 593-596

This paper reports on the image compression tolerability and high implementability of a novel proposed watermarking method that uses a morphological wavelet transform based on max-plus algebra. This algorithm is suitable for embedded low-power processors in mobile devices. For objective and unified evaluation of the capability of the proposed watermarking algorithm, we focus attention on a watermarking contest presented by the IHC, which belongs to the IEICE and investigate the image quality and tolerance against JPEG compression attack. During experiments for this contest, six benchmark images processed by the proposed watermarking is done to reduce the file size of original images to 1/10, 1/20, or less, and the error rate of embedding data is reduced to 0%. Thus, the embedded data can be completely extracted. The PSNR value is up to 54.66dB in these experiments. Furthermore, when the smallest image size is attained 0.49MB and the PSNR value become about 52dB, the proposed algorithm maintains very high quality with an error rate of 0%. Additionally, the processing time of the proposed watermarking can realize about 416.4 and 4.6 times faster than that of DCT and HWT on the ARM processor, respectively. As a result, the proposed watermarking method achieves effective processing capability for mobile processors.
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© 2014 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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