Lower and Upper Bounds for SPARQL Queries over OWL Ontologies


  • Birte Glimm University of Ulm
  • Yevgeny Kazakov University of Ulm
  • Ilianna Kollia National Technical University of Athens
  • Giorgos Stamou National Technical University of Athens




SPARQL Queries, Query Bounds, Query Extension, Query Answering, OWL Ontologies


The paper presents an approach for optimizing the evaluation of SPARQL queries over OWL ontologies using SPARQL's OWL Direct Semantics entailment regime. The approach is based on the computation of lower and upper bounds, but we allow for much more expressive queries than related approaches. In order to optimize the evaluation of possible query answers in the upper but not in the lower bound, we present a query extension approach that uses schema knowledge from the queried ontology to extend the query with additional parts. We show that the resulting query is equivalent to the original one and we use the additional parts that are simple to evaluate for restricting the bounds of subqueries of the initial query. In an empirical evaluation we show that the proposed query extension approach can lead to a significant decrease in the query execution time of up to four orders of magnitude.




How to Cite

Glimm, B., Kazakov, Y., Kollia, I., & Stamou, G. (2015). Lower and Upper Bounds for SPARQL Queries over OWL Ontologies. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v29i1.9192