IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
Online ISSN : 1882-6695
ISSN-L : 1882-6695
Capturing Textured 3D Shapes based on Infrared One-shot Grid Pattern
Kazuhiro SakashitaRyusuke SagawaRyo FurukawaHiroshi KawasakiYasushi Yagi
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2012 Volume 4 Pages 161-169

One of promising approach to reconstruct a 3D shape is a projector-camera system that projects structured light pattern. One of the problem of this approach is that it has difficulty to obtain texture simultaneously because the texture is interfered by the illumination by the projector. The system proposed in this paper overcomes this issue by separating the light wavelength for texture and shape. The pattern is projected by using infrared light and the texture is captured by using visible light. If the cameras for infrared and visible lights are placed at different position, it causes the misalignment between texture and shape, which degrades the quality of textured 3D model. Therefore, we developed a multi-band camera that acquires both visible and infrared lights from a single viewpoint. Moreover, to reconstruct a 3D shape using multiple wavelengths of light, namely multiple colors, an infrared pattern projector is developed to generate a multi-band grid pattern. Additionally, a simple method to calibrate the system is proposed by using the fixed grid pattern. Finally, we show the textured 3D shapes captured by the experimental system.
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© 2012 by the Information Processing Society of Japan
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