This paper presents a real-time incremental mosaicing method that generates a large seamless 2D image by stitching video key-frames as soon as they are detected. There are four main contributions: (1) we propose a “fast” key-frame selection procedure based solely on the distribution of the distance of matched feature descriptors. This procedure automatically selects key-frames that are used to expand the mosaics while achieving real-time performance; (2) we register key-frame images by using a non-rigid deformation model based on a triangular mesh in order to “smoothly” stitch images when scene transformations can not be expressed by homography; (3) we add a new constraint on the non-rigid deformation model that penalizes over-deformation in order to create mosaics with natural appearance; (4) we propose a fast image stitching algorithm for real-time mosaic rendering modeled as an instance of the minimum graph cut problem, applied to mesh triangles instead of the image pixels. The performance of the proposed method is validated by experiments in non-controlled conditions and by comparison with a state-of-the-art method.