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On–The–Fly Diagnosability Analysis of Bounded and Unbounded Labeled Petri Nets Using Verifier Nets

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This paper considers the problem of diagnosability analysis of discrete event systems modeled by labeled Petri nets (LPNs). We assume that the LPN can be bounded or unbounded with no deadlock after firing any fault transition. Our approach is novel and presents the on-the-fly diagnosability analysis using verifier nets. For a given LPN model, the verifier net and its reachability graph (for a bounded LPN) or coverability graph (for an unbounded LPN) are built on-the-fly and in parallel for diagnosability analysis. As soon as a diagnosability decision is established, the construction is stopped. This approach achieves a compromise between computation limitations due to efficiency and combinatorial explosion and it is useful to implement an engineering approach to the diagnosability analysis of complex systems.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics