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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access April 15, 2013

Learning a DFT-based sequence with reinforcement learning: a NAO implementation

  • Boris Durán EMAIL logo , Gauss Lee and Robert Lowe


The implementation of sequence learning in robotic platforms offers several challenges. Deciding when to stop one action and continue to the next requires a balance between stability of sensory information and, of course, the knowledge about what action is required next. The work presented here proposes a starting point for the successful execution and learning of dynamic sequences. Making use of the NAO humanoid platform we propose a mathematical model based on dynamic field theory and reinforcement learning methods for obtaining and performing a sequence of elementary motor behaviors. Results from the comparison of two reinforcement learning methods applied to sequence generation, for both simulation and implementation, are provided.


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Received: 2012-12-18
Accepted: 2013-3-27
Published Online: 2013-4-15
Published in Print: 2012-12-1

© Boris Durán et al.

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