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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.17 No.3&4  March 2017

Optimizing the number of gates in quantum search (pp0251-0261)
Srinivasan Arunachalam and Ronald de Wolf
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC17.3-4-4

Abstracts: In its usual form, Grover�s quantum search algorithm uses O( √ N) queries and O( √ N log N) other elementary gates to find a solution in an N-bit database. Grover in 2002 showed how to reduce the number of other gates to O( √ N log log N) for the special case where the database has a unique solution, without significantly increasing the number of queries. We show how to reduce this further to O( √ N log(r) N) gates for every constant r, and sufficiently large N. This means that, on average, the circuits between two queries barely touch more than a constant number of the log N qubits on which the algorithm acts. For a very large N that is a power of 2, we can choose r such that the algorithm uses essentially the minimal number π 4 √ N of queries, and only O( √ N log(log? N)) other gates.
Key words:
Quantum computing, Quantum search, Gate complexity
