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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.3 No.6 November 2003

Security bounds in quantum cryptography using d-level systems (pp563-580)
        A. Acin, N. Gisin, and V. Scarani
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC3.6-1

Abstracts: We analyze the security of quantum cryptography schemes for d-level systems using 2 or d+1 maximally conjugated bases, under individual eavesdropping attacks based on cloning machines and measurement after the basis reconciliation. We consider classical advantage distillation protocols, that allow to extract a key even in situations where the mutual information between the honest parties is smaller than the eavesdropper's information. In this scenario, advantage distillation protocols are shown to be as powerful as quantum distillation: key distillation is possible using classical techniques if and only if the corresponding state in the entanglement based protocol is distillable.
Key words: quantum cryptography, key distillation, quantum distillation

