Fluid Flow and Entropy Generation Analysis of Al2O3–Water Nanofluid in Microchannel Plate Fin Heat Sinks
:1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Model
2.1. Physical Model and Assumptions
2.2. Governing Equations
2.3. Thermophysical Properties
2.4. Fluid Flow Analysis
2.5. Entropy Generation Analysis
3. Numerical Method
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Model Validation
4.2. Effect of Reynolds Number on Pressure Drop and Frictional Entropy Generation
4.3. Effect of Aspect Ratio on Pressure Drop and Frictional Entropy Generation
4.4. Effect of Volume Fraction of Al2O3-water Nanofluid on Pressure Drop and Frictional Entropy Generation
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- For given nanoparticle volume fraction and channel aspect ratio, the frictional entropy generation and pressure drop of the microchannel plate fin heat sinks dramatically increase by increasing the Reynolds number. For the 1 vol.% Al2O3–water nanofluid, when the Reynolds number increases from 500 to 1000, the pressure drop and frictional entropy generation of rectangular microchannel heat sinks with aspect ratio ε = 1 increases by 144% and 389%, respectively. In addition, the fappRe at low Reynolds numbers is higher than the values at high Reynolds numbers, especially in the entrance region.
- (2)
- The frictional entropy generation and pressure drop slightly increases as the channel aspect ratio decreases. For the 1 vol.% Al2O3–water nanofluid, when the aspect ratio increases from 0.6 to 1 at Re = 500, the pressure drop of the channel decreases by 2%; however, when the aspect ratio increases from 0.1 to 0.5, the pressure drop of the channel decreases by 15%. The results also demonstrate that the flow parameters are not observably affected by the geometry of the cross-section at the entrance region.
- (3)
- Given an increase in nanoparticle volume fraction, the frictional entropy generation and pressure drop have a slight increase. When the nanoparticle volume fraction increases from 0 to 1% at Re = 500, the pressure drop of microchannel plate fin heat sinks with the aspect ratio ε = 0.5 increases by 3%. Further, when the nanoparticle volume fraction increases from 1 to 5%, the pressure drop of the channel increases by 12%. The results mean that a heat transfer enhancement can be obtained by adding appropriate volume fraction of nanoparticles in a base fluid without significantly increasing pump work.
- (4)
- The higher viscous entropy generation rate gradient and significantly higher fappRe values occur in the entrance region, which indicates the critical importance of the effect of the entry region in determining the behavior of microchannel heat sinks. Furthermore, the general expression of the entropy generation rate considering entrance effects is developed.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
a | major semi-axis of rectangle, μm |
A | flow area, m2 |
b | minor semi-axis of rectangle, μm |
Cp | specific heat capacity at constant pressure, J/(kg·K) |
dp | particle diameter, nm |
Dh | hydraulic diameter, = 4A/P |
f | Fanning friction factor, = |
H | height of heat sinks, mm |
k | thermal conductivity, W/(m·K) |
L | length of heat sinks, mm |
p | pressure, N/m2 |
Po | Poiseuille number, = |
Pr | Prandtl number,= |
heat transfer rate, W | |
R | evaluation object |
Re | Reynolds number, = |
local entropy generation rate, W/(m3·K) | |
global entropy generation rate, W/K | |
t | fin thickness, m |
T | temperature, K |
u | velocity, m/s |
um | average velocity, m/s |
U | velocity scale, m/s |
Ui | uncertainty of the variable xi |
W | width of heat sinks, mm |
x, y | Cartesian coordinates, m |
xi | independent variable |
z | coordinate in flow direction, m |
Greek symbols | |
ε | aspect ratio, = b/a |
μ | dynamic viscosity, N·s/m2 |
ν | kinematic viscosity, m2/s |
ξ | dimensionless hydrodynamic channel length, = |
ρ | density, kg/m3 |
wall shear stress, N/m2 | |
nanoparticle volume fraction, % | |
Subscripts | |
a | ambient |
b | heat sink base surface |
bf | base fluid |
Dh | based upon the hydraulic diameter |
m | mean |
nf | nanofluid |
p | nanoparticle |
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ε | a (μm) | b (μm) | Dh (μm) | L (mm) | Mesh (Computational Domain) |
0.1 | 1100 | 110 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 165 × 17 |
0.2 | 600 | 120 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 90 × 18 |
0.3 | 433 | 130 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 65 × 20 |
0.4 | 350 | 140 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 53 × 21 |
0.5 | 300 | 150 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 45 × 23 |
0.6 | 267 | 160 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 40 × 24 |
0.7 | 243 | 170 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 37 × 25 |
0.8 | 225 | 180 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 34 × 27 |
0.9 | 211 | 190 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 32 × 28 |
1 | 200 | 200 | 400 | 14 | 700 × 30 × 30 |
Material [Reference] | ρ (kg/m3) | Cp (J/kgK) | k (W/mK) | μ (Pa·s) | dp (nm) |
Deionized water [39] | 996 | 4178 | 0.611 | 0.000859 | - |
Al2O3 [70] | 3380 | 765 | 30 | - | 47 |
Nanofluids | Φ (%) | ρ (kg/m3) | Cp (J/kgK) | μ (Pa·s) |
Al2O3-water | 0.5 | 1007.92 | 4120.77 | 0.000870 |
Al2O3-water | 1 | 1019.84 | 4064.88 | 0.000881 |
Al2O3-water | 3 | 1067.52 | 3853.81 | 0.000927 |
Al2O3-water | 5 | 1115.20 | 3660.79 | 0.000977 |
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Ma, H.; Duan, Z.; Su, L.; Ning, X.; Bai, J.; Lv, X. Fluid Flow and Entropy Generation Analysis of Al2O3–Water Nanofluid in Microchannel Plate Fin Heat Sinks. Entropy 2019, 21, 739. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080739
Ma H, Duan Z, Su L, Ning X, Bai J, Lv X. Fluid Flow and Entropy Generation Analysis of Al2O3–Water Nanofluid in Microchannel Plate Fin Heat Sinks. Entropy. 2019; 21(8):739. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080739
Chicago/Turabian StyleMa, Hao, Zhipeng Duan, Liangbin Su, Xiaoru Ning, Jiao Bai, and Xianghui Lv. 2019. "Fluid Flow and Entropy Generation Analysis of Al2O3–Water Nanofluid in Microchannel Plate Fin Heat Sinks" Entropy 21, no. 8: 739. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080739
APA StyleMa, H., Duan, Z., Su, L., Ning, X., Bai, J., & Lv, X. (2019). Fluid Flow and Entropy Generation Analysis of Al2O3–Water Nanofluid in Microchannel Plate Fin Heat Sinks. Entropy, 21(8), 739. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21080739