An Ultrametric Random Walk Model for Disease Spread Taking into Account Social Clustering of the Population
:1. Introduction
2. Social Trees
3. Probability to Become Infected from the Virus—Random Walk in a Hierarchic Tree of Social Clusters
- Virions can live on various surfaces;
- The COVID-19 epidemic demonstrated the crucial role of superspreaders—super-powerful sources COVID-19 virions [45] (see Appendix B).
4. Dynamics of the Probability to Become Infected
5. Average Social Distance Traveled by Disease Spreader
6. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Social Cluster Structure of Spread of Covid-19
“At a clinic in Corona, a working-class neighborhood in Queens, more than 68 percent of people tested positive for antibodies to the new coronavirus. At another clinic in Jackson Heights, Queens, that number was 56 percent. But at a clinic in Cobble Hill, a mostly white and wealthy neighborhood in Brooklyn, only 13 percent of people tested positive for antibodies. As it has swept through New York, the coronavirus has exposed stark inequalities in nearly every aspect of city life, from who has been most affected to how the health care system cared for those patients. Many lower-income neighborhoods, where Black and Latino residents make up a large part of the population, were hard hit, while many wealthy neighborhoods suffered much less.”
“We show that population heterogeneity can significantly impact disease-induced immunity as the proportion infected in groups with the highest contact rates is greater than in groups with low contact rates.”
“No realistic model will depict human populations as homogenous, there are many heterogeneities in human societies that will influence virus transmission. Here, we illustrate how population heterogeneity can cause significant heterogeneity among the people infected during the course of an infectious disease outbreak… One of the simplest of all epidemic models is to assume a homogeneously mixing population in which all individuals are equally susceptible, and equally infectious if they become infected. … To this simple model we add two important features known to play an important role in disease spreading. The first is to include age structure by dividing the community into different age cohorts, with heterogeneous mixing between the different age cohorts. … The second population structure element categorizes individuals according to their social activity level.”
Appendix B. Superspeaders as Powerful Sources of Virions
“For COVID-19, this means 80% of new transmissions are caused by fewer than 20% of the carriers—the vast majority of people infect very few others or none at all, and it is a select minority of individuals who are aggressively spreading the virus. A recent preprint looking at transmission in Hong Kong supports those figures, while another looking at transmission in Shenzhen, China, pegs the numbers closer to 80/10. Lots of outbreaks around the world have been linked to single events where a superspreader likely infected dozens of people. For example, a choir practice in Washington State infected about 52 people; a megachurch in Seoul was linked to the majority of initial infections in South Korea; and a wedding in Jordan with about 350 guests led to 76 confirmed infections.”
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Khrennikov, A.; Oleschko, K. An Ultrametric Random Walk Model for Disease Spread Taking into Account Social Clustering of the Population. Entropy 2020, 22, 931.
Khrennikov A, Oleschko K. An Ultrametric Random Walk Model for Disease Spread Taking into Account Social Clustering of the Population. Entropy. 2020; 22(9):931.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhrennikov, Andrei, and Klaudia Oleschko. 2020. "An Ultrametric Random Walk Model for Disease Spread Taking into Account Social Clustering of the Population" Entropy 22, no. 9: 931.
APA StyleKhrennikov, A., & Oleschko, K. (2020). An Ultrametric Random Walk Model for Disease Spread Taking into Account Social Clustering of the Population. Entropy, 22(9), 931.