A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Remote Healthcare Monitoring System for Home Isolation
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Reviews and Related Works
2.1. Remote Healthcare Monitoring Systems (RHMSs)
2.2. Security Issues of RHMSs
2.3. Blockchain Technology
2.4. Security Enhancement with Blockchain Technology
2.5. Related Works
2.6. Summary
3. Proposed Models
3.1. Security Model
3.2. Proposed System Architecture
Algorithm 1 sense_data(): sense precise vital signs |
round ← trial while αi ≈ 0 and round ≠ 0 do t0 ← 0 S ← ϕ while t − t0 ≤ ∆t do i ← sense() S ← S ∪ i t ← timestamp() end while αi ← LinearRegression() round ← round − 1 end while if round = 0 then return S. average() else return error |
3.2.1. Blockchain Architecture Design
3.2.2. Web APIs with an MQTT Data Broker
3.2.3. HIS Software Agent
4. Proposed S3RH Using Raspberry Pi
4.1. Hardware and Software Implementation
4.2. Sensor Calibration
5. Experiment Setup
5.1. Testbed
5.2. Transaction Fee or Gas
5.3. Scenarios
6. Experimental Results
7. Discussion
7.1. Transaction Fee
7.2. Security Issues
- Confidentiality—Encrypted Data Storage: The utilized blockchain employs advanced cryptographic techniques to secure patient health information, and this is achieved by storing it in encrypted blocks that are accessible only to authorized individuals with the corresponding private keys.
- Integrity—Immutable Record: The blockchain ensures data integrity by incorporating a chain of blocks, each containing a hash of the previous block, thus making any attempt to alter the data infeasible due to the decentralized and distributed nature of the utilized blockchain.
- Availability—Decentralized Architecture: The decentralized network architecture of blockchain ensures continuous data availability in the process of healthcare monitoring as the system remains resilient to node failures or compromises, thereby maintaining functionality in the presence of network disruptions or attacks.
- Authentication—Smart Contracts: Smart contracts provide an additional layer of authentication in the IoMT network by automatically executing predefined rules, thereby establishing and enforcing permissions, thus ensuring that only authenticated devices and users can access and update data within the system.
- Authorization—Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): The utilized blockchain, which is implemented through smart contracts, enforces role-based access control (RBAC). This aids with defining roles and permissions to restrict access within the healthcare monitoring system, thereby ensuring that only authorized personnel can access specific patient information, thus preventing unauthorized access.
- Non-Repudiation—Immutable Transaction History: The blockchain’s immutable and timestamped record of every transaction ensures non-repudiation by preventing alterations or deletions, thus offering a transparent and auditable trail of all activities within the system, which is also delivered by the system, permanently recording any changes made by users or devices.
7.3. Limitations
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Testcase | N | Mean | t | p (T ≤ t) | Error |
Temperature (MAX90614) | 30 | 36.81 | 1.676 | 0.105 | 1.26% |
EarlyVue VS30 | 30 | 36.35 | |||
SPO2 (MAX30102) | 30 | 95.40 | −3.064 | 0.005 | −2.88% |
EarlyVue VS30 | 30 | 98.23 | |||
Heart rate (MAX30102) | 30 | 92.93 | −2.244 | 0.033 | −3.89% |
EarlyVue VS30 | 30 | 96.70 |
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Kongsen, J.; Chantaradsuwan, D.; Koad, P.; Thu, M.; Jandaeng, C. A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Remote Healthcare Monitoring System for Home Isolation. J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2024, 13, 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/jsan13010013
Kongsen J, Chantaradsuwan D, Koad P, Thu M, Jandaeng C. A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Remote Healthcare Monitoring System for Home Isolation. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 2024; 13(1):13. https://doi.org/10.3390/jsan13010013
Chicago/Turabian StyleKongsen, Jongsuk, Doungsuda Chantaradsuwan, Peeravit Koad, May Thu, and Chanankorn Jandaeng. 2024. "A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Remote Healthcare Monitoring System for Home Isolation" Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 13, no. 1: 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/jsan13010013
APA StyleKongsen, J., Chantaradsuwan, D., Koad, P., Thu, M., & Jandaeng, C. (2024). A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Remote Healthcare Monitoring System for Home Isolation. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 13(1), 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/jsan13010013