1. Introduction
Spectral unmixing (SU) has become one of the essential topics in the context of hyperspectral imagery processing. Hyperspectral images are captured by remote sensors over hundreds of channels within a certain wavelength range. Each such image can be viewed as a data cube, with two of its dimensions being the spatial and the third one recording the spectral information, i.e., each pixel corresponds to a spectrum vector [
1]. Compared to abundant spectral information, the spatial information contained in the image is quite limited due to the low spatial resolution of sensors. Therefore, it is usually assumed that each observed spectrum is mixed by several pure material signatures, termed
endmembers. The aim of SU is to extract the endmembers and to determine their respective proportions, referred to as
abundances [
The linear mixing model (LMM) is the most widely-used one, which assumes that the spectra mixture occurs on a macroscopic scale. Namely, each photon interacts with only one endmember before being received by the sensor, and the light reflected from different endmembers is then mixed [
3]. Therefore, each observed pixel can be represented as a linear combination of the endmembers [
4]. To be physically interpretable, the abundance nonnegativity constraint (ANC) and the abundance sum to one constraint (ASC) are often considered in SU algorithms, e.g., the fully constrained least-squares (FCLS) algorithm [
5] and the constrained spectral unmixing by splitting and augmented Lagrangian (C-SUnSAL) [
6]. A thorough review of the SU based on LMM is provided in [
Although LMM-based models can approximate the light reflection and scattering mechanism for most cases, serious nonlinearity effects may exist in many scenes, and more accurate models to describe the mixing/unmixing process of the observed spectra [
7] are thus required. To this end, numerous nonlinear unmixing techniques have been developed, including the earlier Hapke’s model [
8] for intimate unmixing, the bilinear-based models, and the data-driven, kernel-based unmixing ones [
10]. The bilinear mixing models essentially assume that each photon interacts with two endmembers successively before reaching the sensor. It is observed that, when the area is covered by soil and plant, bilinear interactions often exist between two materials [
11]. Generally, most of the bilinear models are formulated in a general form of adding extra second-order products between endmembers to the LMM. Specific models include the Nascimento model [
12], the Fan model [
13], the generalized bilinear model (GBM) [
15], and the polynomial postnonlinear mixing model (PPNMM) [
16], and they mainly vary from one to another in the way of imposing constraints on model parameters. In [
7], a detailed overview of the bilinear models, as well as their relations and differences, are provided.
Recently, important progress has been made to develop the physics-driven unmixing models accounting for higher order nonlinear effects [
19]. The first model is the so-called multilinear mixing model (MLM) [
17]. The MLM extends the bilinear model with the PPNMM formulation to include all degrees of interactions, where a pixel-wise probability parameter is introduced to describe the possibility of light undergoing further interactions. Based on MLM, the authors of [
18] proposed an unsupervised nonlinear unmixing method, termed MLMp. The latter improves the former from two aspects: First, the objective function of MLMp is slightly simplified compared to that of MLM. This helps to avoid the under-estimation of the probability parameter in MLM, and to reduce the computational complexity. Second, MLMp is in an unsupervised form, in the sense that the endmembers are estimated jointly with the abundances and probability parameters. In contrast, the MLM is a supervised method, where the endmembers should be extracted in prior by using some endmember estimation algorithms, e.g., vertex component analysis (VCA) [
19]. More recently, a novel band-wise nonlinear unmixing algorithm (BNLSU) has been developed in [
20]. This model extends the pixel-wise, scalar probability parameter in MLM to the vector form. That is, for a given pixel, its nonlinear intensity at each band is characterized by a probability parameter independently. In particular, a graph-based regularizer is included to enforce similarity between the probability parameters from neighboring bands. In this way, the nonlinear contributions from different bands are expected to be modeled more accurately. Nevertheless, research on MLM model is still very limited.
Jointly exploring the spectral and spatial information contained in the hyperspectral data has shown great effectiveness in boosting the SU performance, mainly by including regularizers favoring different purposes to the objective function of SU models [
25]. The sparsity constraint, which is originated from sparse unmixing problem [
6], consists of expressing the mixing pixels by using only a few endmembers, namely only the abundance elements corresponding to a few endmembers should be non-zero. The sparse solutions are obtained by enforcing
-norm, or its surrogate
-norm regularization on the unknown abundances [
26]. Total-variation (TV) penalties take account of the geographical structure among pixels, by assuming that adjacent pixels tend to have similar abundance vectors for a same set of endmembers. When applied to SU tasks, TV-regularizers usually lead to abundance maps with good spatial consistency [
27]. By exploiting the intrinsic manifold structure of hyperspectral data, the graph Laplacian regularization has been incorporated within the sparsity-constraint NMF for unsupervised SU [
23], and for supervised unmixing [
28]. Different from TV-inducing regularizers that restrict spatial similarity within some local neighborhood, graph Laplacian regularizer allows one pixel being connected to multiple pixels as long as they are spectrally similar. It is noticed that unmixing methods with graph-based regularizers often suffer from serious computational burden, especially when the hyperspectral image under processing is large. This is because a large graph is built across the entire image, each node stands for a pixel and each edge connects two similar pixels. To alleviate this issue, the authors of [
24] firstly applied the spectral clustering algorithm to divide the nodes in the graph into several subgraphs. In [
28], the original image is preprocessed using the SLIC-based (simple linear iterative clustering) superpixel construction, by which the adjacent pixels with similar spectral features are divided into small blocks, called superpixels. After these procedures, linear unmixing with graph-based regularization is performed on each subgraph or superpixel with smaller size.
The high-dimensional observed spectra can be taken as being sampled from some sub-manifold [
23]. Therefore, it is important to take account of the manifold structure of data in the mixing/unmixing models, in order to augment the parameters estimation. To the best of our knowledge, manifold regularization has not yet been approached for simultaneously regularizing the abundance matrix and the probability parameters for MLM-based methods. In this paper, we propose a novel graph regularized nonlinear SU method based on recent MLM model, and derive the associated algorithm using ADMM. The resulting unmixing algorithm is referred as the graph regularized MLM (G-MLM). The main contributions are as follows.
By taking advantage of graph Laplacian and sparse unmixing, both the abundance matrix and the nonlinearity parameters are augmented. In particular, the internal manifold structure of data is well-exploited. The intuition is that, if two pixels are spectrally similar with connection established in the graph, their low-rank representations by abundance vectors, as well as their nonlinearity parameters should preserve this consistency.
We apply the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [
29] to solve the resulting optimization problem. Moreover, to reduce algorithm complexity and improve efficiency, efforts have been made to avoid large graph computation associated to the whole image. To this end, we exploit the superpixel construction method proposed in [
28]. By dividing the original image into smaller adjacent superpixels and then performing the unmixing step on each of them, the computational efficiency of the proposed G-MLM algorithm is greatly improved without deteriorating the unmixing performance too much. For the purpose of differentiation, we refer to the graph regularized MLM with superpixel construction by
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 briefly reviews the MLM model and its current variations. In
Section 3, the proposed unmixing model is presented, and the optimization problem is formulated. Experimental results on a series of synthetic data and a real image are reported in
Section 4.
Section 5 concludes the paper with remarks on future works.
2. Related Work
This section succinctly reviews the existing works related to the MLM unmixing model. Before proceeding, main symbols used in this work are firstly introduced. Given a hyperspectral image, let represent the observed data matrix consisting of T pixels over L spectral bands, where records the spectrum vector of the jth pixel, for . Suppose that the hyperspectral data is composed by R endmembers. Let be the endmember matrix, with being the spectrum vector of the ith endmember. Let denote the abundance matrix, where is the abundance vector of the jth pixel. The entry of abundance matrix, namely , denotes the abundance with respect to the ith endmember of the jth pixel. Particularly, we use to denote the linear part by LMM of the jth observed pixel , and . Moreover, we use to denote a row recording the probability parameters for every pixel in the image, where is a scalar indicating the probability of further interactions for the jth pixel.
2.1. MLM
The MLM in [
17], a newly-proposed nonlinear mixing model, successfully generalizes the bilinear model to include all degrees of multiple scattering among endmembers. This model is built with a meaningful physical reasoning, upon following basic assumptions:
The incoming light will interact with at least one material.
For pixel , after each interaction with a material, the probability to undergo further interactions is , and, accordingly, the probability of escaping the scene and arriving at the sensor becomes .
The probability of interacting with material i is proportional to its abundance .
The intensity of the light scattered by material i depends on the corresponding material’s albedo .
As only small differences exist between albedo and reflectance in most practical situations [
17], the albedo is substituted by reflectance with
. Based on these assumptions, the MLM model is formulated as follows:
denotes the linear part by LMM model,
is the additive Gaussian noise, and ⊙ represents element-wise product. The resulting optimization problem is given by
represents the vector of ones. The sequential quadratic programming is applied to solve above optimization problem. Note that the MLM is a supervised unmixing model in the sense that the endmember matrix
is extracted by VCA [
19] in prior. The pixel-wise parameter
indicates the probability for further interactions, where a particular case with
leads to the LMM model. Of particular note is that the model in Equation (1) is also well defined for
2.2. Unsupervised MLM (MLMp)
In [
18], an unsupervised unmixing method is developed based on MLM. The optimization problem in the so-called MLMp is formulated by
Note that is element-wise. Compared to MLM, MLMp has a simplified objective function without the denominator. This helps to alleviate the under-estimation issue of probability parameters in MLM to some extent, and also to decrease the difficulty in solving the problem in Equation (3) by using a block coordinate descent (BCD) strategy. Another merit is that MLMp is an unsupervised method, which estimates the endmember matrix jointly with the abundances and the probability parameters.
2.3. BNLSU
More recently, the authors of [
20] extended MLM for the supervised band-wise nonlinear unmixing (BNLSU). Taking account of the wavelength dependent multiple scatterings, every pixel is supposed to have a specific probability vector recording the band-wise nonlinearities. Considering all the pixels of an image, a probability matrix
is introduced, where each vector
, for
describes the probability vector for the
jth pixel. In addition, both the sparsity constraint on abundances and the smoothness constraint on probability parameters are incorporated to the BNLSU model, yielding
are regularization parameters balancing the influences of constraints,
is the trace of matrix, the inequality
is element-wise,
is the graph Laplacian matrix and
is a diagonal matrix with the entries
. Here, the weight matrix
is constructed by measuring the similarity between different pairs of bands across the image. In this work, the Laplacian graph regularizer is adopted to promote smoothness on the estimated probability matrix
. The optimization problem in Equation (4) is addressed by ADMM. Owing to an increasing number of probability parameters, the BNLSU model shows great effectiveness in reducing the reconstruction error at each band. However, BNLSU is very sensitive to noise due to the calculation of a large number of probability parameters.
4. Experimental Results
In this section, the proposed G-MLM method, as well as
, is compared with six state-of-the-art unmixing methods, on both synthetic and real hyperspectral datasets. The compared unmixing methods include both the linear and nonlinear ones, namely the C-SUnSAL [
6] dedicated to the linear mixing model, the so-called GBM [
14], PPNMM [
16] elaborated for the bilinear mixing model, and the aforementioned MLM [
17], MLMp [
18], and BNLSU [
20] based on the multilinear mixing model. All algorithms were executed using MATLAB R2016a on a computer with Intel Core i5-8250 CPU at 1.60 GHz and 8GB RAM.
We adopedt following metrics to evaluate the unmixing performance of all the comparing methods. For synthetic datasets, as the ground truth abundance matrix is available, the unmixing result was evaluated by the the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of abundance, defined by
stand for the actual and estimated abundance vector for the
jth pixel, respectively. Concerning the real hyperspecral data, as the actual abundance matrix is unknown, the reconstruction error (RE) of pixels was considered for assessing unmixing performance, which is given by
represent the observed spectrum and reconstructed one for the
jth pixel, respectively.
4.1. Experiments on Synthetic Data Cubes
Experiments were firstly conducted on two sets of synthetic data cubes, namely DC1 and DC2 [
34], that were generated by MLM [
17] and PPNMM [
16], respectively. For either set, there are three images, and each has a size of
pixels. There are five endmembers for data generation, i.e.,
, that were randomly selected from the USGS library [
35], each one being measured over 224 bands, as shown in
Figure 1. The generated abundance maps corresponding to the five endmembers are illustrated in the first line of 5.
There are 25 regions of square in the image, each of the size pixels. Each square is homogeneous in terms of fractional abundances, namely the pixels in a same square have the same abundance vectors. The five squares of the first row are pure regions, each composed by only one endmember. For example, the abundance vectors for the square located at the first row and first column are . The five squares of the second row are mixed by two of the endmembers with the same proportions. Taking the square located at the second row and first column as an example, the corresponding abundance vectors are . Furthermore, the five squares in the last row of the image is a mixture of five endmembers with equal fractions, therefore they are identical. Apart from the 25 squares, the rest pixels in the image are all considered as background, which were generated using the following abundance vector . Generally, every synthetic image was generated using the aforementioned endmembers and abundance maps, according to different mixture models. The mixing models, as well as the associated parameters for generating DC1 and DC2, are detailed as follows:
- DC1:
The pixels in DC1 images are generated by MLM in Equation (1). Specifically, the nonlinear probability parameter
P is distributed as follows: the
p values for the background pixels are set to zero by assuming that the backgrounds are linearly mixed. Concerning the remaining 25 regions in the square, each one is assigned by an identical
p value, which is randomly chosen from a half-normal distribution with
. The values of
p larger than one are set to zero as in [
17]. It is also noteworthy that, since the five squares in the last row are identical, the same
p value is assigned to all of them.
- DC2:
The synthetic pixels in DC2 images are generated based on the PPNMM [
16], which is given by
where the nonlinear parameter
b is generated similarly as in DC1. For the assemblage of background pixels and the remaining 25 squares, each is assigned by the same
b randomly drawn from a uniform distribution within the range
, according to Altmann et al. [
Finally, to test the robustness of the proposed G-MLM against noise, the Gaussian noise of varying signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is added, with dB, thus yielding three images for each set.
4.1.1. Experimental Setting
For all the comparing methods, the unmixing procedure was performed in a supervised manner, where the ground truth endmembers were utilized. Concerning the initialization of abundance matrix, the result of FCLS was applied in all methods. The parameters in state-of-the-art methods C-SUnSAL, GBM, PPNMM and MLM were basically set according to their original papers. Specifically, a supervised version of MLMp method was considered by simply fixing the endmembers in the algorithm, and the tolerance value was changed to
as in [
18], for the sake of fair comparison. Regarding BNLSU, the maximum iteration number was set to 500, the tolerance value was set to
, and the parameters were set as follows: the penalty parameter in ADMM was set as
, and the regularization parameters in Equation (4) were set as
for the sparsity constraint and
for the smoothness of nonlinearity matrix, following the analysis in [
As for the proposed G-MLM algorithm, the maximum iteration number was set to 500, the tolerance value was set to , and the penalty parameter in ADMM was set as . Four regularization parameters needed to be tuned: , , and . To keep the comparison fair and also to simplify the process of parameters tuning, we fixed the parameter for sparsity regularization as , the same value as in BNLSU.
The threshold parameter
in Equation (6) determines the affinity matrix
computed from the input image, and should be chosen case by case. In essence, this parameter determines the underlying graph structure of the Laplacian regularizers on both abundance matrix and nonlinearity parameter vector, that is, only the pixels connected by nonzero elements in
will mutually influence the parameter estimation. Following the spirit of the work in [
37], we propose to estimate the parameter
as a function of reconstruction error, by using an empirical formula
where the parameter
was chosen as
throughout the experiments, and
is the abundance matrix estimated by FCLS [
5]. In this way, the threshold parameter
was chosen as 0.28, 0.17 and 0.13 for DC1 data with
dB, respectively, and
was chosen as 0.19, 0.08 and 0.05 for DC2 data with
dB, respectively. Of particular note is that the dataset with lower SNR value generally prefers more important threshold value. It is reasonable, since severer noise affects the measure of the real similarity between spectra pairs more.
We verified the appropriateness of the parameter
given by Equation (35), by taking DC1 data at
dB as an example. For these data, the affinity matrix
obtained by
is shown in
Figure 2, where a re-arranged matrix is shown for illustration purpose, according to Ammanouil et al. [
24]. That is, the pixels of the five squares in the first row are placed first, then the pixels of the five squares in the second row appear, and so on, and the background pixels are placed last. We observe that there are 20 small, 1 medium and 1 big white blocks in
. Each white block is a sub-matrix of
whose elements are all close to 1, signifying the associated pixels are mutually similar. This is just consistent with the actual case of data generation. To be precise, the 20 small blocks correspond to the 20 different squares of pixels in the first four rows, each containing
identical pixels; the one medium white block corresponds to an assemblage
identical pixels from five squares in the last row; and the one big white block represents the sub-affinity-matrix for all the remaining identical background pixels. As a result, the graph structure of these data is well-revealed by
obtained by
. In
Figure 3, we also compare the affinity matrices
produced by
given by Equation (35), respectively. It is obvious that, with
, the graph structure is better represented, with the resulting matrix
being more consistent to the actual one. Based on above discussions, the effectiveness of Equation (35) in estimating
is verified to some extent.
The remaining two regularization parameters to be tuned are
, which determine the importances of the graph-based abundance and nonlinearity parameter regularization terms, respectively. To further simplify the parameter tuning process, we applied
in this experiment, considering that the abundance matrix
has more dimensions than the nonlinear parameter
. The parameter
was then selected by applying the candidate value set
, on the image with
dB for each set. The influence of
on unmixing performance in terms of RMSE is plotted in
Figure 4a,b, where good results are obtained within the interval
for DC1 and DC2, respectively. Thus, we fixed
for DC1, and
for DC2.
4.1.2. Results Analysis
On images in DC1 and DC2, the unmixing performance was evaluated by the RMSE of abundance, as defined in Equation (32). The results obtained by applying all the comparing algorithms on DC1 and DC2 images at different noise levels are compared in
Table 2 and
Table 3, respectively. As observed in
Table 2 for DC1, for all the three noise levels, the proposed G-MLM always outperforms its counterparts, by yielding the smallest RMSE value. This result is not surprising, as the proposed G-MLM takes advantage of the graph information hidden in the dataset, which is more consistent with the real situation. Moreover, as the value of SNR increases, the value of RMSE decreases prominently for every method. Namely, high noise level with low SNR deteriorates the performances of all the unmixing strategies. Generally, the MLM-based methods provide better unmixing results than the methods based on linear or bilinear models, on DC1.
Table 3 for DC2, as the pixels were generated by PPNMM, it is not surprising to observe that the PPNMM unmixing method outperforms all the comparing methods. The proposed G-MLM is able to provide good unmixing results that are only second to those of PPNMM, on DC2 images with
. For the image with
, it is the BNLSU method that yields the second best RMSE.
The estimated abundance maps by using different methods are shown in
Figure 5 for DC1 image with SNR = 30, and in
Figure 6 for DC2 image with SNR = 30. It is not difficult to find that the abundance maps obtained by the proposed G-MLM are the closest to the ground truth, when compared to all the other methods. For DC1 image with SNR = 30, the corresponding maps of
P obtained by the MLM-based unmixing methods are shown in
Figure 7, where the proposed G-MLM leads to the
P map most consistent to the ground turth.
To study the convergence of the proposed ADMM algorithm for G-MLM, we traced the value of the objective function in Equation (9), the reconstruction error, the primal residual and the dual residual along with the number of iterations, as given in
Figure 8. It is observed that all these values drop rapidly for the first 50 iterations, and then nearly decline to zeros at a slower rate. It demonstrates the good convergence of the proposed ADMM algorithm, according to [
Lastly, the executing time by different methods are compared in
Table 4. The original G-MLM is shown to be time-consuming. To alleviate this issue, we examine
algorithms. The comparison of these three methods are reported in
Table 5, where the number of clusters in
is set as
and the number of superpixels in
is set as
. As observed, the use of
algorithm slightly reduces the computational time of G-MLM, almost without deteriorating the unmixing performance. The
algorithm can greatly save the computational time, while providing acceptable RMSE that is still smaller than that of the comparing methods in
Table 2. It is noteworthy that the overriding merit of
is the practicality for addressing large-scale images, especially in the cases where both G-MLM and
may not be applicable.
4.2. Experiments on Urban Dataset
The Urban dataset is widely-investigated in hyperspectral unmixing research [
38]. The original image has
pixels with each pixel corresponding to an area of
area. It is measured by 210 wavelengths ranging from 400 nm to 2500 nm. After removing the noisy bands (1–4, 76, 87, 101–111, 136–153, and 198–210) that are contaminated by water vapor density and atmosphere, the remaining 162 bands of high SNR were considered. This field is known to be mainly composed by four materials: roof, tree, asphalt and grass. In our experiment, the four endmembers were first extracted by the VCA algorithm, as shown in
Figure 9.
Because the Urban image is of large scale, neither G-MLM nor
can be directly applied on our computer. Therefore, the
scheme was adopted. We speciied the selection of parameters in
for Urban image. The original image was firstly divided into
superpixels, as shown in
Figure 10. The value of
in Equation (6) was estimated to be 0.02, according to Equation (35). As done for synthetic images, the sparsity regularization parameter was set as
, and the relationship with
was maintained. For Urban image, the value of
was selected from the set
. For illustration purposes, we plot the changes of RE along with
Figure 11. It is observed that the RE value is relatively small and stable for small values of
, and starts to increase when
exceeds 0.001. Therefore, we chose
for Urban image.
The executing time using all the comparing methods is given in
Table 6. A comparison of RE is also reported in the same table, where BNLSU provides a value much smaller than other unmixing approaches. It is reasonable, as this method defines the nonlinearity parameter in each band for a given pixel, thus yielding a model with many more parameters to fit the reconstruction error, compared to other methods. However, it should be noticed that RE is only adopted as a reference of the unmixing performance. It measures the averaged fitting level of a mixture model, e.g., LMM, GBM or MLM, to the observed spectra, but cannot truly reflect the unmixing quality in terms of abundance, especially for real hyperspectral images where the mechanism of mixture is complicated and unclear [
10]. The abundance maps obtained by all comparing algorithms are shown in
Figure 12. The abundance maps by different algorithms visually show little differences. The estimated maps of
P obtained with
, MLM and MLMp are shown in
Figure 13. All three maps correspond well with the areas in the image where nonlinear effects are expected to be significant, e.g., the intersection area between roof and tree, and between grass and asphalt. As the graph structure of data is considered in the proposed
, the corresponding abundance maps and
P map exhibit more spatial consistency and and smoothness compared with other algorithms.