Indium Nitrite (InN)-Based Ultrasensitive and Selective Ammonia Sensor Using an External Silicone Oil Filter for Medical Application
:1. Introduction
2. Method and Setup
2.1. Sampling Process
2.2. Absorption Setup of Acetone
2.3. Absorption Setup of Ammonia
2.4. Sensitivity of InN Gas Sensor
3. Ultrathin InN Gas Sensor
3.1. Fabrication Process
3.2. Gas Sensor Device
Sensing Mechanism
3.3. Function of Valves and Pump System
4. Results and Discussion
5. Detection Limit of Portable System
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Conflicts of Interest
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Symbols | Name |
Mobility | |
Electron density in ambient gas | |
Electronics charge | |
Electric field | |
Cross sectional area | |
Electron density in presence of analyte gas |
Pt Catalyst | Advantage [70] | Disadvantage [71] |
High melting point | Cost is very high | |
Has ability to interact with poisons and Sulfur compound | Limited supply | |
Efficiently recycled | Geological singularity |
Parameter | Before Absorption | After Absorption | Silicone Oil | Flow Rate |
Detection limit NH3 | 0.2 ppm | 0.242 ppm | 10 cc | 10 cc/min |
Detection limit of Acetone | 0.2 ppm | 0.36 ppm | 10 cc | 10 cc/min |
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Share and Cite
Rai, S.K.; Kao, K.-W.; Gwo, S.; Agarwal, A.; Lin, W.D.; Yeh, J.A. Indium Nitrite (InN)-Based Ultrasensitive and Selective Ammonia Sensor Using an External Silicone Oil Filter for Medical Application. Sensors 2018, 18, 3887.
Rai SK, Kao K-W, Gwo S, Agarwal A, Lin WD, Yeh JA. Indium Nitrite (InN)-Based Ultrasensitive and Selective Ammonia Sensor Using an External Silicone Oil Filter for Medical Application. Sensors. 2018; 18(11):3887.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRai, Sujeet Kumar, Kun-Wei Kao, Shanjgr Gwo, Ashish Agarwal, Wei Da Lin, and J. Andrew Yeh. 2018. "Indium Nitrite (InN)-Based Ultrasensitive and Selective Ammonia Sensor Using an External Silicone Oil Filter for Medical Application" Sensors 18, no. 11: 3887.
APA StyleRai, S. K., Kao, K.-W., Gwo, S., Agarwal, A., Lin, W. D., & Yeh, J. A. (2018). Indium Nitrite (InN)-Based Ultrasensitive and Selective Ammonia Sensor Using an External Silicone Oil Filter for Medical Application. Sensors, 18(11), 3887.