An Improved Channel Estimation Technique for IEEE 802.11p Standard in Vehicular Communications
:1. Introduction
- We have proposed an end-to-end channel estimation and equalization scheme for the IEEE 802.11p standard. It does not require modifications in the structure of the standard and keeps a balance between computational complexity and BER performance of the overall system.
- In the channel estimation process, we have also utilized the correlation characteristics between adjacent subcarriers in the frequency domain, as well as between adjacent OFDM symbols in time domain.
- The simulation results have demonstrated the performance improvement over CDP and spatial temporal-averaging (STA) schemes for V2V communications.
- We have also presented an intuitive visualization of the V2V channel model which is used in the evaluation of the proposed scheme.
2. System Model of the IEEE 802.11p
2.1. OFDM Frame of IEEE 802.11p
2.2. Transmitter Model
2.3. Channel Model
3. Overview of Current Channel Estimation Schemes
3.1. Scenario 1: Modification in IEEE 802.11p
3.1.1. The Midamble Based Channel Estimation Scheme (MBCE)
3.1.2. Time Domain Least Square Estimation (TDLSE) Scheme
3.2. Scenario 2: Remain the Structure of the IEEE 802.11p
3.2.1. Wiener Filter (WF) Based Scheme
3.2.2. Generalized Discrete Prolate Spheroidal (GDPS) Sequences Based Scheme
3.2.3. Spectral-Temporal Averaging (STA) Based Scheme
3.2.4. Pseudo-Pilot Based Scheme
3.2.5. DFT Based Scheme
3.2.6. CDP Based Scheme
4. The Proposed Scheme
5. Simulation Results and Analysis
Computational Complexity
6. Issues and Future Work
7. Conclusions
8. Materials and Methods
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
BER | Bit Error Rate |
CDP | Constructed data pilots |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transform |
DPS | Generalized Discrete Prolate Spheroidal |
DSRC | Dedicated Short Range Communications |
GI | Guard Interval |
iCDP | Improved constructed data piloted |
LS | Least square estimation |
LTS | Long Training Symbols |
MBCE | The Midamble Based Channel Estimation Scheme |
MCS | Modulation Coding Scheme |
NLOS | Non line of sight |
OFDM | Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing |
PHY | Physical |
PLCP | Physical layer convergence procedure |
STS | Short Training Symbols |
STA | Spatial temporal Averaging |
TDL | Tapped Delay Line |
TDLSE | Time Domain Least Square Estimation Scheme |
VTV | Vehicle to vehicle |
WSSUS | Wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering |
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Parameter | Values |
FFT size | 64 |
FFT period | 6.4 s |
Symbol duration | 8.0 s |
GI duration | 1.6 s |
Total subcarriers | 52 |
Pilot subcarriers | 4 |
Data subcarriers | 48 |
Code Rate | |
Modulation Schemes | BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM |
Bit Rate | 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 27 |
Frequency spacing of subcarriers | 156.25 KHz |
Error correction coding | k = 7 (64 states) convolution code |
Bandwidth | 10 MHz |
Channel Model | Doppler Shift (Hz) | Multipaths | Velocity (km/h) | Average Path Gains (dB) | Path Delays (ns) |
VTV Express Oncoming | 1000–1200 | 11 | 104 | [0, 0, 0, −6.3, −6.3, −25.1, −25.1, −25.1, −22.7, −22.7, −22.7] | [0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 300, 301, 302] |
RTV Expressway | 600–700 | 12 | 104 | [0, 0, 0, −9.3, −9.3, −9.3, −20.3, −20.3, −21.3, −21.3, −28.8, −28.8] | [0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 102, 200, 201, 300, 301, 400, 401] |
VTV Express SDWW | 900–1150 | 12 | 104 | [0, 0, −11.2, −11.2, −19, −21.9, −25.3, −25.3, −24.4, −28.0, −26.1, −26.1] | [0, 1, 100, 101, 200, 300, 400, 401, 500, 600, 700, 701] |
RTV Urban Canyon | 300 | 12 | 32–48 | [0, 0, 0, −11.5, −11.5, −11.5, −19.0, −19.0, −25.6, −25.6, −28.1, −28.1] | [0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 102, 200, 201, 300, 301, 500, 501] |
RTV Suburban street | 300–500 | 12 | 32–48 | [0, 0, −9.3, −9.3, −14, −14, −18, −18, −19.4, −24.9, −27.5, −29.8] | [0, 1, 100, 101, 200, 201, 300, 301, 400, 500, 600, 700] |
VTV Urban Canyon Oncoming | 400–500 | 12 | 32–48 | [0, 0, −10, −10, −10, −17.8, −17.8, −17.8, −21.1, −21.1, −26.3, −26.3] | [0, 1, 100, 101, 102, 200, 201, 202, 300, 301, 400, 401] |
HIPERLAN−E | 1000–1200 | 18 | 109.83 | [−4.9, −5.1, −5.2, −0.8, −1.3, −1.9, −0.3, −1.2, −2.1, 0.0, −1.9, −2.8, −5.4, −7.3, −10.6, −13.4, −17.4, −20.9] | [0, 10, 20, 40, 70, 100, 140, 190, 240, 320, 430, 560, 710, 880, 1070, 1280, 1510, 1760] |
Scheme | SM Requirement | CSI Requirement | CCL | PL | Compatibility |
STA | No | Yes | 0.3 | 0.2 | Invariant |
MBCE | Yes | No | 0.2 | 0.1–0.3 | Reduced |
TDLSE | Yes | No | 0.2 | 0.2 | Reduced |
LS | No | No | 0.1 | 0.5 | Invariant |
WF | No | Yes | 0.3 | 0.3 | Invariant |
GDPS | No | Yes | 0.5 | 0.3 | Invariant |
Improved GDPS | Yes | Yes | 0.4 | 0.3 | Invariant |
DD | No | Yes | 0.5 | 0.3 | Invariant |
DD Lossless reduction | No | Yes | 0.4 | 0.3 | Invariant |
DD Lossy reduction | No | Yes | 0.5 | 0.3–0.4 | Invariant |
Pseudo-pilot | No | Yes | 0.5 | 0.3–0.4 | Invariant |
CDP | No | Yes | 0.2 | 0.1–0.2 | Invariant |
Proposed | No | Yes | 0.3 | 0.1 | Invariant |
Parameter | Value | 10 MHz Channel Bandwidth |
Number of data subcarriers | 48 | 48 |
Number of pilot subcarriers | 4 | 4 |
Number of total subcarriers | + | 52 |
Subcarrier frequency spacing | 10 MHz/64 | 0.15625 MHz |
: FFT, IFFT period | 1/ | 6.4 s |
: GI duration | / 4 | 1.6 s |
: Duration of the Signal section | + | 8 s |
: Training symbol GI duration | / 2 | 3.2 s |
: Symbol duration | + | 8 s |
: STS duration | 10 × / 4 | 16 s |
: STS duration | 2 × + | 16 s |
: Duration of PLCP preamble | + | 32 s |
Scheme | Divisions | Multiplications | Additions | Subtractions |
LS | 48 + 96 | - | 48 | - |
DFT | 48 + 96 | - | 48 | - |
STA | 104 + 104 | 148 − 2 | 52 + 2( + 1)(52 − 2) | 48 |
CDP | 192 + 48 | - | 48 | - |
iCDP | 104 + 104 | 144 | 52+240 | 48 |
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Wang, T.; Hussain, A.; Cao, Y.; Gulomjon, S. An Improved Channel Estimation Technique for IEEE 802.11p Standard in Vehicular Communications. Sensors 2019, 19, 98.
Wang T, Hussain A, Cao Y, Gulomjon S. An Improved Channel Estimation Technique for IEEE 802.11p Standard in Vehicular Communications. Sensors. 2019; 19(1):98.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Tong, Azhar Hussain, Yue Cao, and Sangirov Gulomjon. 2019. "An Improved Channel Estimation Technique for IEEE 802.11p Standard in Vehicular Communications" Sensors 19, no. 1: 98.
APA StyleWang, T., Hussain, A., Cao, Y., & Gulomjon, S. (2019). An Improved Channel Estimation Technique for IEEE 802.11p Standard in Vehicular Communications. Sensors, 19(1), 98.