Real-Time Hybrid Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles
:1. Introduction
2. Fusion Systems Literature Review
3. Autonomous Vehicle Perception Sensors
3.1. Camera
3.2. RADAR
3.3. LiDAR
4. Hybrid Sensor Fusion Algorithm Overview
4.1. Object Classification and Road Segmentation Using Deep Learning
4.1.1. Camera-LiDAR Raw Data Fusion
4.1.2. Proposed Fully Convolutional Network (FCNx) Architecture
4.2. Testing Obstacle Detection and Tracking using Kalman Filtering
4.2.1. Radar Beat Signal Data Processing
4.2.2. LiDAR Point Cloud Data Processing
4.2.3. Extended Kalman Filtering
5. Experiments Procedure Overview
6. Experimental Results and Discussion
- Camera sensor failure: In this case, the pipelines free navigation space segmentation is affected, but it is still able to properly segment using LiDAR depth map alone. Detecting and tracking objects is unaffected and done via the late fused (object level) LiDAR and radar data with the EKF algorithm.
- Radar sensor failure: In this case, LiDAR can measure the speed of the objects via the range and ToF measurements. However this is slightly less accurate, but still usable for EKF to track the state of objects detected. The road segmentation and object classification remain unaffected.
- LiDAR sensor failure will not fail the framework. Since the camera and radar essentially are doing the segmentation and tracking tasks on their own, not having LiDAR data will not completely derail or disturb the fusion flow. However, not having LiDAR depth map or point cloud position coordinates information can reduce the segmentation quality as well as tracking accuracy.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Network | Architecture | Skip Connection Operation | Residual Connections | |
FCN8 [23] | Asymmetrical encoder-decoder base | Skip connections between the encoder and the decoder using element-wise sum operator | Three convolution groups for three downsampling layers before the upsampling path | |
U-Net [43] | Symmetrical encoder-decoder base | Skip connections between the encoder and the decoder using concatenation operator | All downsampling layers information is passed to the upsampling path | |
FCNx (Our model) | Asymmetrical encoder-decoder base | Skip connections between the encoder and the decoder using element-wise sum operator | Four convolution groups for three downsampling layers before the upsampling path |
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Shahian Jahromi, B.; Tulabandhula, T.; Cetin, S. Real-Time Hybrid Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors 2019, 19, 4357.
Shahian Jahromi B, Tulabandhula T, Cetin S. Real-Time Hybrid Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors. 2019; 19(20):4357.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahian Jahromi, Babak, Theja Tulabandhula, and Sabri Cetin. 2019. "Real-Time Hybrid Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles" Sensors 19, no. 20: 4357.
APA StyleShahian Jahromi, B., Tulabandhula, T., & Cetin, S. (2019). Real-Time Hybrid Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Perception in Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors, 19(20), 4357.