Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quaternion and High-Order Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation
Algorithm 1 MM method |
Initialize:, , , , , , Maximum inner iterations NIt, Whiledo
End While Return |
2.2. Regularization by Denoising
3. Proposed Method
Algorithm 2 Super-resolution using RED-HOGS4 |
Initialize:, , N While
End While |
Algorithm 3 HOGS4 denoising engine using ADMM |
Initialize: While End While Return |
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. Materials and Method
4.2. Infrared Image Super-Resolution Experiment without Noise
4.3. Infrared Image Super-Resolution Experiment with Added White Gaussian Noise
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Scale | Methods | Street | Garden | Station | Gate | Car | Sidewalk | Building | Office |
×2 | MFT | 31.6188/0.9561/14.96 | 38.2022/0.9898/14.18 | 29.4866/0.9250/3.14 | 29.6519/0.9273/3.12 | 29.5091/0.9201/3.24 | 31.3036/0.9350/3.26 | 29.9346/0.8781/3.1 | 28.6855/0.9208/3.1 |
TV | 36.3936/0.9867/4.41 | 43.6264/0.9934/5.35 | 32.6511/0.8780/1.86 | 31.7051/0.8672/1.54 | 32.1085/0.8719/1.4 | 33.2392/0.8767/1.36 | 33.3386/0.8997/1.53 | 31.0775/0.8688/1.79 | |
TGV | 36.4216/0.9911/11.45 | 43.8369/0.9943/11.9 | 33.0034/0.9051/3.79 | 31.9684/0.8855/3.48 | 32.4560/0.8984/3.31 | 33.5317/0.8974/3.63 | 33.6576/0.9152/3.31 | 31.2934/0.8891/3.28 | |
OGSTV | 36.3983/0.9915/17.52 | 44.1539/0.9965/19.38 | 33.1898/0.9236/3.14 | 32.1813/0.9129/3.17 | 32.6052/0.9152/2.65 | 33.8642/0.9223/3.56 | 33.6569/0.9153/3.79 | 31.2804/0.8867/3.48 | |
HOGS4 | 36.4195/0.9912/18.77 | 44.1652/0.9964/20.71 | 33.1657/0.9222/4.38 | 32.1942/0.9141/3.83 | 32.6179/0.9153/3.36 | 33.8876/0.9225/3.91 | 33.6553/0.9155/4.36 | 31.2891/0.8891/3.45 | |
×3 | MFT | 28.0181/0.8737/8.38 | 33.6661/0.9639/8.46 | 27.4429/0.8878/2.32 | 28.0566/0.8947/2.03 | 27.2375/0.8780/2.07 | 29.5699/0.9004/1.95 | 27.4554/0.7737/2.01 | 26.5407/0.8804/2.06 |
TV | 33.4016/0.9405/4.71 | 41.2186/0.9932/6.46 | 30.7039/0.9256/1.81 | 30.2514/0.9246/1.51 | 30.6114/0.9237/1.62 | 32.0579/0.9326/1.68 | 31.9141/0.9202/1.5 | 29.2032/0.9241/1.47 | |
TGV | 33.4061/0.9587/13.92 | 41.3028/0.9918/13.67 | 30.5973/0.9303/3.34 | 30.144/0.9250/3.43 | 30.5905/0.9024/3.42 | 32.0108/0.9236/3.57 | 31.9015/0.9223/3.39 | 29.4769/0.9239/3.49 | |
OGSTV | 33.4173/0.9653/16.69 | 41.3054/0.9902/19.03 | 30.6362/0.9337/2.87 | 30.2387/0.9263/3.28 | 30.6197/0.9252/2.56 | 32.0310/0.9218/3.29 | 31.9027/0.9233/3.26 | 29.4788/0.9276/3.32 | |
HOGS4 | 33.4604/0.9748/17.99 | 41.3245/0.9940/20.09 | 30.7198/0.9336/3.19 | 30.2643/0.9350/4.04 | 30.6401/0.9311/3.13 | 32.1018/0.9475/3.9 | 31.9334/0.9279/4.16 | 29.5196/0.9381/3.46 | |
×4 | MFT | 26.2322/0.8100/5.96 | 31.1897/0.9345/5.73 | 26.2479/0.8604/1.54 | 27.0864/0.8727/1.59 | 25.8728/0.8460/1.53 | 28.6704/0.8795/1.54 | 26.2847/0.7174/1.54 | 25.1938/0.8457/1.5 |
TV | 30.6168/0.9114/3.79 | 37.8652/0.9842/5.15 | 29.2303/0.9156/1.73 | 29.0929/0.9279/1.67 | 29.2363/0.9158/1.65 | 30.8118/0.9301/1.53 | 29.9565/0.8716/1.28 | 28.0533/0.9035/1.84 | |
TGV | 30.5942/0.9082/11.17 | 37.8796/0.9845/11.51 | 29.2475/0.9142/3.39 | 29.2905/0.9301/3.56 | 29.6773/0.9149/3.48 | 30.8159/0.9203/3.18 | 29.9634/0.8562/0.62 | 28.1761/0.9067/3.51 | |
OGSTV | 30.6149/0.9108/15.77 | 37.8722/0.9818/19.8 | 29.2319/0.9188/3.00 | 29.3264/0.9249/3.38 | 29.7456/0.9086/6.75 | 30.8085/0.9212/3.73 | 29.9470/0.8717/2.93 | 28.1810/0.9072/3.42 | |
HOGS4 | 30.8434/0.9374/16.27 | 37.9156/0.9868/21.73 | 29.3724/0.9229/3.43 | 29.5356/0.9335/4.04 | 29.8813/0.9186/6.86 | 30.8252/0.9316/3.96 | 30.0449/0.8750/3.73 | 28.2137/0.9202/4.41 |
Methods | Street | Garden | Station | Gate | Car | Sidewalk | Building | Office | |
5 | MFT | 30.3844/0.8947/14.13 | 35.2944/0.9278/13.71 | 29.2544/0.8971/3.39 | 29.3962/0.8971/3.28 | 29.2663/0.8918/3.29 | 30.9504/0.9009/3.26 | 29.7203/0.8560/3.2 | 28.4523/0.8887/3.28 |
TV | 30.1995/0.8673/3.56 | 35.7295/0.9063/3.81 | 30.5913/0.9213/3.79 | 30.7728/0.9236/3.39 | 31.1923/0.9132/1.28 | 32.0916/0.9291/5.1 | 30.7949/0.8729/5.82 | 29.1854/0.9176/9.38 | |
TGV | 30.2973/0.8299/11.58 | 35.8874/0.9111/11.12 | 30.5961/0.9143/3.59 | 30.7538/0.9225/3.71 | 31.2238/0.9126/3.23 | 32.1587/0.8649/3.48 | 30.8175/0.8664/3.43 | 29.2051/0.9162/3.63 | |
OGSTV | 30.3232/0.9044/15.27 | 35.9191/0.9481/15.58 | 30.6232/0.9223/3.63 | 30.8097/0.9252/2.98 | 31.2574/0.9044/2.53 | 32.1766/0.9307/3.51 | 30.8574/0.8755/3.68 | 29.2161/0.9212/7.53 | |
HOGS4 | 30.2752/0.8793/22.49 | 35.9576/0.9511/19.57 | 30.6954/0.9184/9.44 | 30.9303/0.9201/6.41 | 31.3745/0.9196/9.06 | 32.1300/0.9317/6.21 | 30.9188/0.9003/7.83 | 29.2294/0.9211/11.87 | |
10 | MFT | 28.8193/0.8069/14.16 | 33.6306/0.8761/13.71 | 28.6383/0.8353/3.46 | 28.7479/0.8295/3.26 | 28.5947/0.8278/3.31 | 29.9312/0.823/3.26 | 28.9476/0.8024/3.23 | 27.8191/0.8149/3.37 |
TV | 28.5648/0.7735/3.95 | 34.0973/0.9009/8.24 | 29.8220/0.9056/4.17 | 30.2015/0.9033/1.92 | 30.2408/0.8963/1.9 | 31.4895/0.9131/3.14 | 29.6852/0.8180/3.67 | 28.4762/0.8996/8 | |
TGV | 29.0636/0.8046/12.32 | 34.1716/0.9454/11.73 | 30.0730/0.8939/3.4 | 30.1833/0.8575/3.74 | 30.3142/0.8919/3.21 | 31.5726/0.8840/3.56 | 29.8594/0.8207/3.48 | 28.5003/0.9003/3.53 | |
OGSTV | 29.0669/0.8574/19.8 | 34.2232/0.9440/16.86 | 30.0650/0.9050/2.75 | 30.3300/0.9090/2.43 | 30.3722/0.9026/2.45 | 31.6164/0.9171/3.26 | 29.8875/0.8262/3.1 | 28.4669/0.9050/6.93 | |
HOGS4 | 29.1334/0.8582/22.12 | 34.2920/0.9496/20.45 | 30.1622/0.9153/8.59 | 30.4083/0.9114/8.98 | 30.7266/0.9108/9.99 | 31.6563/0.9219/9.04 | 29.9636/0.8671/8.45 | 28.5119/0.9093/12.27 | |
20 | MFT | 27.2470/0.7125/14.07 | 29.1815/0.6796/13.68 | 26.8062/0.6751/3.23 | 26.8204/0.6589/3.32 | 26.6719/0.6656/3.35 | 27.32540/0.6330/3.28 | 26.9133/0.6677/3.2 | 25.9781/0.6361/3.49 |
TV | 27.2404/0.7474/10.14 | 31.0762/0.8125/12 | 28.7096/0.8539/4.7 | 29.1721/0.8591/2.46 | 29.1275/0.8520/2.71 | 30.3201/0.8641/4.27 | 28.2517/0.7432/4.07 | 27.7072/0.8620/7.55 | |
TGV | 27.3241/0.7799/11.62 | 31.5214/0.8712/11.64 | 28.8323/0.8381/3.45 | 29.2118/0.8427/3.28 | 29.1635/0.8699/3.4 | 30.4717/0.8869/3.6 | 28.3606/0.7062/3.49 | 27.8472/0.7391/3.24 | |
OGSTV | 27.3548/0.7504/22.15 | 31.3022/0.8387/16.52 | 28.9738/0.8598/2.82 | 29.3451/0.8651/2.73 | 29.2848/0.8592/2.92 | 30.5138/0.8687/2.93 | 28.3291/0.7002/2.95 | 27.8163/0.7321/3.42 | |
HOGS4 | 27.7175/0.7979/21.14 | 31.8839/0.8968/21.09 | 29.3417/0.8926/9.07 | 29.6127/0.8831/9.95 | 29.8622/0.8890/11.91 | 30.7887/0.8993/10.02 | 28.5532/0.7851/11.89 | 27.8925/0.8836/11.48 | |
30 | MFT | 24.9228/0.5721/14.41 | 26.1154/0.516/13.68 | 24.8624/0.5289/3.29 | 24.7843/0.5070/3.31 | 24.6631/0.5187/3.28 | 24.9161/0.4727/3.31 | 24.8941/0.5420/3.32 | 24.0533/0.4860/3.46 |
TV | 26.0036/0.6568/9.48 | 28.7370/0.6810/9.33 | 28.0216/0.7971/3.42 | 28.3876/0.8006/3.53 | 28.2183/0.7961/3.14 | 29.4937/0.8061/3.37 | 27.4704/0.6891/4.37 | 27.1226/0.8013/6.12 | |
TGV | 26.1381/0.7028/11.26 | 29.5419/0.7842/11.72 | 27.8666/0.7898/3.71 | 28.2098/0.7820/3.45 | 28.3737/0.8541/3.48 | 29.6464/0.8514/3.76 | 27.5328/0.7341/3.43 | 27.2024/0.7665/3.49 | |
OGSTV | 26.1238/0.6547/14.65 | 29.5298/0.8103/19.36 | 28.2897/0.8634/2.96 | 28.7690/0.8678/3.43 | 28.5982/0.8556/3.51 | 29.8894/0.8450/3.74 | 27.5448/0.7378/4.32 | 27.3762/0.8566/5.05 | |
HOGS4 | 26.7282/0.7440/18.03 | 29.9149/0.8372/23.99 | 28.6433/0.8727/11.37 | 28.8957/0.8681/9.66 | 29.1366/0.8653/11.72 | 29.9323/0.8742/11.73 | 27.7340/0.7512/11.58 | 27.4272/0.8629/11.06 |
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Liu, X.; Chen, Y.; Peng, Z.; Wu, J. Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quaternion and High-Order Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation. Sensors 2019, 19, 5139.
Liu X, Chen Y, Peng Z, Wu J. Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quaternion and High-Order Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation. Sensors. 2019; 19(23):5139.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Xingguo, Yingpin Chen, Zhenming Peng, and Juan Wu. 2019. "Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quaternion and High-Order Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation" Sensors 19, no. 23: 5139.
APA StyleLiu, X., Chen, Y., Peng, Z., & Wu, J. (2019). Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quaternion and High-Order Overlapping Group Sparse Total Variation. Sensors, 19(23), 5139.