HKF-SVR Optimized by Krill Herd Algorithm for Coaxial Bearings Performance Degradation Prediction
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. KH Algorithm
2.2. HKF–SVR
- (1)
- The number of iterations t, the number of krill and the maximum number of cycles are initialized.
- (2)
- The value range of parameters is set and the set of parameters is randomly generated as the initial position.
- (3)
- Particle motion and generalization error calculation are conducted.
- (4)
- If the error at a given moment meets the requirements or reaches the number of iterations, Step 7 is performed.
- (5)
- The number of iterations t = t + 1.
- (6)
- The current particle position and velocity are updated on the basis of Equations (6) and (7), new training parameters are found and then Step 3 is repeated.
- (7)
- The optimal parameters are obtained.
3. HKF–SVR Method for Bearing Performance Degradation Prediction
- (1)
- Multi-domain features extraction. The performance degradation process of bearings has a certain non-linearity. It is difficult for a single feature to accurately reflect the degradation process. In order to comprehensively reflect the bearing state, in this study, eight time-domain features and eight frequency-domain features F1-F16 shown in Table 2 and Table 3 are extracted from the mixed bearing vibration signal. Where the F1-F8 stand for mean, root mean square value, square root amplitude, absolute mean, skewness, waveform indicators, pulse indicator and margin index, respectively. F9-F12 stand for mean frequency, standard deviation of frequency, center frequency, frequency RMS and F13-F16 stand for the degrees of dispersion or concentration of the spectrum where si is a spectrum for i = 1, 2, …, N (N is the number of spectrum lines) and fi is the frequency value of the i-th spectrum line, which indicates the degree of dispersion or concentration of the spectrum and the change of the dominant frequency band. Assume that the sample of the healthy state is X, the sample of the current monitoring data sample is Y. The two samples are both divided into ni segments {X1, X2, …, Xni} and {Y1, Y2, …, Yni} and then the 16 features of each segment are calculated as the original feature vectors {Fx} = {Fx1,1, Fx1,2, …, Fx1,ni; Fx2,1, Fx2,2, …, Fx2,ni; …; Fx16,1, Fx16,2, …, Fx16,ni }16 × ni and {Fy} = {Fy1,1, Fy1,2, …, Fy1,ni; Fy2,1, Fy2,2, …, Fy2,ni; …; Fy16,1, Fy16,2, …, Fy16,ni}16 × ni.
- (2)
- Feature fusion using KJADE. In this step, KJADE is used to further extract latent sensitive source features that could accurately reflect the performance degradation of the monitored bearing from the features {Fx} and {Fy} extracted in the previous step. To facilitate visualization of results, the dimension of the latent sensitive source feature vector is set to be 3. So, after this step, the latent sensitive source features are transformed to be {Fx} = {Fx1,1, Fx1,2, …, Fx1,ni; Fx2,1, Fx2,2, …, Fx2,ni; Fx3,1, Fx3,2, …, Fx3,ni }3 × ni and {Fy} = {Fy1,1, Fy1,2, …, Fy1,ni; Fy2,1, Fy2,2, …, Fy2,ni; Fy3,1, Fy3,2, …, Fy3,ni }3 × ni.
- (3)
- Performance degradation index calculation. The integration evaluation factor of SS between the {Fx} and {Fy} obtained in the previous step is calculated as the comprehensive performance degradation index. First, the between-class scatter matrix is calculated as follows:
- (4)
- Prediction model constructed through HKF-SVR. In practical engineering application, after continuous monitoring for a period of time, a continuous monitoring vibration data can be obtained. One SS value corresponding to each monitoring moment can be obtained by using steps 1–4 and the performance degradation prediction model can be conducted by using HKF-SVR.
- (5)
- Performance degradation prediction using the constructed model. The performance degradation of the next moment can be predicted using the constructed model obtained in the previous step. Meanwhile, the model is updated in real time with the current and historical data.
4. Case Studies
4.1. CASE I
4.2. CASE II
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Description | Notation |
Polynomial kernel function parameter | g1 |
Polynomial kernel function parameter | coef0 |
Polynomial kernel function parameter | d |
Gaussian kernel function parameters | g2 |
SVR penalty coefficient | c |
Kernel function hybrid coefficient | λ |
Method | Bearing 1 | Bearing 4 | Bearing 3 |
SVR | 0.104 | 0.082 | 0.062 |
KH–SVR | 0.079 | 0.069 | 0.047 |
HKF–SVR | 0.026 | 0.027 | 0.022 |
Method | Bearing1 | Bearing4 | Bearing3 |
BPNN | 0.051 | 0.04 | 0.047 |
ELM | 0.042 | 0.055 | 0.05 |
HKF-SVR | 0.026 | 0.027 | 0.022 |
Method | Bearing1 | Bearing4 | Bearing3 |
GA-HKFSVR | 0.078 | 0.052 | 0.054 |
KH-HKFSVR | 0.026 | 0.027 | 0.022 |
RMSE | 0.225 | 0.077 | 0.035 |
RMSE | 0.067 | 0.065 | 0.035 |
RMSE | 0.163 | 0.035 |
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Liu, F.; Li, L.; Liu, Y.; Cao, Z.; Yang, H.; Lu, S. HKF-SVR Optimized by Krill Herd Algorithm for Coaxial Bearings Performance Degradation Prediction. Sensors 2020, 20, 660.
Liu F, Li L, Liu Y, Cao Z, Yang H, Lu S. HKF-SVR Optimized by Krill Herd Algorithm for Coaxial Bearings Performance Degradation Prediction. Sensors. 2020; 20(3):660.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Fang, Liubin Li, Yongbin Liu, Zheng Cao, Hui Yang, and Siliang Lu. 2020. "HKF-SVR Optimized by Krill Herd Algorithm for Coaxial Bearings Performance Degradation Prediction" Sensors 20, no. 3: 660.
APA StyleLiu, F., Li, L., Liu, Y., Cao, Z., Yang, H., & Lu, S. (2020). HKF-SVR Optimized by Krill Herd Algorithm for Coaxial Bearings Performance Degradation Prediction. Sensors, 20(3), 660.