Smart Mobility in Urban Areas: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda
:1. Introduction
2. What Is Smart Mobility?
2.1. How Has Smart Mobility Been Defined So Far?
2.2. The Role of Technology in Smart Mobility
2.3. Evolution of Transport Planning and the Emergence of Integrated Transport Planning and Smart Mobility
2.4. The Role of Governance and Policy in Smart Mobility
2.5. State of Smart Mobility Scholarship
3. Methodology
3.1. Research Design
3.2. Method of Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Productivity Analysis: Scholars, Countries, and Sources with the Most Significant Contribution
4.1.1. The Most Productive Sources in Smart Mobility Research
4.1.2. Most Productive Authors in Smart Mobility Research
4.1.3. Most Productive Countries
4.2. Intellectual Structure of the Literature on Smart Mobility
4.3. Key Cross-Discipline Themes in Smart Mobility Research
4.3.1. Co-Word Analysis
4.3.2. Thematic Evolution
5. Discussion
6. Research Agenda
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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3 | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD | 8 | 11 | 1 | 160 | 134 | 2007 |
5 | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE | 13 | 19 | 3 | 608 | 95 | 2012 |
8 | SENSORS | 15 | 19 | 1 | 522 | 63 | 2012 |
9 | TRANSPORT POLICY | 10 | 13 | 1 | 876 | 56 | 2014 |
10 | TRANSPORTATION | 10 | 14 | 1 | 271 | 55 | 2015 |
11 | ENERGIES | 4 | 7 | 1 | 59 | 49 | 2019 |
12 | JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY | 5 | 9 | 1 | 89 | 47 | 2016 |
14 | CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY | 5 | 8 | 1 | 86 | 42 | 2015 |
15 | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION | 2 | 2 | 1 | 11 | 42 | 2021 |
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Rank | Authors | Article Title | Summary of the Paper |
1 | Fagnant, DJ; Kockelman, KM | The travel and environmental implications of shared autonomous vehicles, using agent-based model scenarios | The aim of the research was to investigate the environmental and travel implications of shared autonomous vehicles using agent-based models. The study found that the adoption of shared autonomous vehicles can significantly reduce the number of vehicles on the road and greenhouse gas emissions. However, the benefits will depend on factors such as vehicle occupancy rates and the extent of vehicle sharing. |
2 | Rayle, L; Dai, D; Chan, N; Cervero, R; Shaheen, S | Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco | The research aimed to compare taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco using a survey-based approach. The study found that ridesourcing services were more convenient and faster than taxis and transit, but they were also more expensive. The study also found that ridesourcing services have a significant impact on the overall demand for transportation services. |
3 | Quddus, MA; Ochieng, WY; Noland, RB | Current map-matching algorithms for transport applications: State-of-the art and future research directions | The aim of this research was to provide a review of current map-matching algorithms used in transport applications and identify future research directions. The study found that map-matching algorithms need to consider real-time processing, map accuracy, and data quality. The study also identified the need to integrate other data sources, such as GPS and accelerometer data. |
4 | Cohen, B; Kietzmann, J | Ride On! Mobility Business Models for the Sharing Economy | The research aimed to investigate mobility business models for the sharing economy. The study found that mobility services in the sharing economy can provide cost-effective and sustainable alternatives to car ownership. However, the study also identified challenges such as regulatory issues, safety concerns, and competition from traditional transportation services. |
5 | Min, WL; Wynter, L | Real-time road traffic prediction with spatio-temporal correlations | The research aimed to develop a real-time road traffic prediction model with spatio-temporal correlations. The study found that incorporating spatio-temporal correlations in the model improved the accuracy of traffic predictions. However, the study also identified the need for high-quality data and sophisticated modelling techniques. |
6 | Farahani, B; Firouzi, F; Chang, V; Badaroglu, M; Constant, N; Mankodiya, K | Towards fog-driven IoT eHealth: Promises and challenges of loT in medicine and healthcare | The research aimed to investigate the promises and challenges of using IoT in medicine and healthcare. The study found that IoT technologies can improve healthcare services, including remote monitoring, early disease detection, and personalized treatment. However, the study also identified concerns related to data privacy and security, as well as regulatory issues. |
7 | Buch, N; Velastin, SA; Orwell, J | A Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic | The research aimed to review computer vision techniques used in urban traffic analysis. The study found that computer vision techniques can provide accurate and efficient solutions for traffic analysis tasks such as vehicle detection, tracking, and behaviour analysis. However, the study also identified challenges related to data quality, environmental conditions, and real-time processing. |
8 | Shaheen, SA; Cohen, AP | Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends | The aim of the research was to provide an overview of the global market trends in carsharing and personal vehicle services. The study found that carsharing services are growing rapidly worldwide, driven by factors such as urbanisation, environmental concerns, and changing mobility preferences. The study also identified emerging trends such as peer-to-peer carsharing and multimodal mobility services. |
9 | Mecklenbrauker, CF; Molisch, AF; Karedal, J; Tufvesson, F; Paier, A; Bernado, L; Zemen, T; Klemp, O; Czink, N | Vehicular Channel Characterization and Its Implications for Wireless System Design and Performance | The research aimed to investigate vehicular channel characterisation and its implications for wireless system design and performance. The study found that channel models need to consider vehicle mobility, antenna characteristics, and propagation effects. The study also identified the need to develop new channel models for urban environments and higher-frequency bands. |
10 | Firnkorn, J; Muller, M | What will be the environmental effects of new free-floating car-sharing systems? The case of car2go in Ulm | The aim of the research was to investigate the environmental effects of car-sharing systems using the case of car2go in Ulm. The study found that car-sharing systems can reduce the number of vehicles on the road and emissions, but the benefits depend on factors such as vehicle occupancy rates and vehicle technology. |
11 | Hidas, P | Modelling lane changing and merging in microscopic traffic simulation | The research aimed to model lane changing and merging in microscopic traffic simulation. The study found that incorporating realistic lane-changing behaviour improves the accuracy of traffic simulations. However, the study also identified the need for more research on merging behaviour and the impact of lane-changing on traffic flow. |
12 | Ismagilova, E; Hughes, L; Dwivedi, YK; Raman, KR | Smart cities: Advances in research-An information systems perspective | The research aimed to review advances in smart city research from an information systems perspective. The study found that smart city research focuses on integrating ICT solutions to address urban challenges such as transportation, energy, and public services. However, the study also identified challenges related to data management, privacy, and governance. |
13 | Martin, E; Shaheen, SA; Lidicker, J | Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Holdings Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey | The research aimed to investigate the impact of carsharing on household vehicle holdings using data from the North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey. The study found that carsharing can reduce household vehicle ownership, particularly in urban areas. However, the study also identified factors such as demographics and access to public transportation that can affect the impact of carsharing on vehicle holdings. |
14 | Chen, TD; Kockelman, KM; Hanna, JP | Operations of a shared, autonomous, electric vehicle fleet: Implications of vehicle & charging infrastructure decisions | The research aimed to investigate the implications of the vehicle and charging infrastructure decisions on the operations of a shared, autonomous, electric vehicle fleet. The study found that the choice of vehicle and charging infrastructure affects the operational efficiency and cost of the fleet. However, the study also identified the need for further research on the optimal location and capacity of charging infrastructure. |
15 | Jittrapirom, P; Caiati, V; Feneri, AM; Ebrahimigharehbaghi, S; Alonso-Gonzalez, MJ; Narayan, J | Mobility as a Service: A Critical Review of Definitions, Assessments of Schemes, and Key Challenges | The research aimed to provide a critical review of Mobility as a Service (MaaS), including definitions, assessments of schemes, and key challenges. The study found that MaaS has the potential to provide integrated and personalised mobility services, but there are challenges related to interoperability, data privacy, and regulatory frameworks. |
16 | Boyaci, B; Zografos, KG; Geroliminis, N | An optimization framework for the development of efficient one-way car-sharing systems | The research aimed to develop an optimisation framework for the development of efficient one-way car-sharing systems. The study found that the optimisation framework can help reduce operational costs and improve service quality. However, the study also identified challenges related to data availability, user behaviour, and demand uncertainty. |
17 | Ning, ZL; Xia, F; Ullah, N; Kong, XJ; Hu, XP | Vehicular Social Networks: Enabling Smart Mobility | The research aimed to investigate the potential of Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) in enabling smart mobility. The study found that VSNs can improve traffic safety, efficiency, and user experience by facilitating communication and cooperation among vehicles and other infrastructure elements. However, the study also identified challenges related to network scalability, security, and privacy. |
18 | Ricci, M | Bike sharing: A review of evidence on impacts and processes of implementation and operation | The research aimed to review the evidence on the impacts and processes of implementation and operation of bike-sharing systems. The study found that bike-sharing systems can provide various benefits such as reduced traffic congestion, improved health, and increased tourism. However, the study also identified challenges related to bike availability, user behaviour, and infrastructure maintenance. |
19 | Bagchi, M; White, PR | The potential of public transport smart card data | The research aimed to investigate the potential of public transport smart card data for mobility analysis and planning. The study found that smart card data can provide valuable insights into travel patterns, demand, and service quality. However, the study also identified challenges related to data quality, privacy, and accessibility. |
20 | Sharma, PK; Moon, SY; Park, JH | Block-VN: A Distributed Blockchain Based Vehicular Network Architecture in Smart City | The research aimed to develop a distributed blockchain-based vehicular network architecture for smart cities. The study found that the proposed architecture can provide secure and efficient communication and coordination among vehicles and infrastructure elements. However, the study also identified challenges related to scalability, interoperability, and regulatory frameworks. |
Rank | Author | Citations | Link Strength |
1 | Shaheen, Susan | 1460 | 36,869 |
2 | Cervero, Robert | 427 | 8842 |
3 | Fagnant, Daniel | 290 | 8317 |
4 | Martin, Elliot | 265 | 7194 |
5 | Finkorn, Joerg | 256 | 6752 |
6 | Becker, Henrik | 221 | 6325 |
7 | Hensher, David | 234 | 5991 |
8 | Jorge, Diana | 195 | 5931 |
9 | Rayle, Lisa | 235 | 5648 |
10 | Litman, Todd | 288 | 5282 |
11 | Le vine, Scott | 173 | 4882 |
12 | Kamargianni, Maria | 183 | 4689 |
13 | Tirachini, Alejandro | 166 | 4671 |
14 | Yang, Hai | 224 | 4670 |
15 | Chen, Tong Donna | 156 | 4527 |
16 | Fishman, Elliot | 158 | 4527 |
17 | Ciari, Francesco | 147 | 4495 |
18 | Alemi, Farzad | 149 | 4387 |
19 | Nourinejad, Mehdi | 138 | 4314 |
20 | Sochor, Jana | 164 | 4284 |
Words | Occurrences | Words in Titles | Occurrences | Words in Abstracts | Occurrences |
carsharing | 281 | sustainable urban mobility | 122 | intelligent transport systems | 434 |
intelligent transport systems | 254 | intelligent transport systems | 81 | sustainable urban mobility | 314 |
smart city | 234 | shared mobility services | 27 | shared mobility services | 111 |
shared mobility | 199 | vehicular ad hoc | 24 | smart mobility | 92 |
smart mobility | 173 | shared autonomous vehicle | 21 | urban mobility plans | 58 |
public transport | 131 | electric vehicle sharing | 20 | transportation network companies | 53 |
mobility-as-a-service | 118 | urban mobility plans | 18 | greenhouse gas emissions | 50 |
ridesharing | 110 | smart urban mobility | 13 | global positioning system | 48 |
road traffic | 95 | shared autonomous vehicles | 11 | shared mobility systems | 40 |
ridesourcing | 88 | deep reinforcement learning | 10 | network companies tncs | 38 |
sustainability | 87 | traffic flow prediction | 10 | traffic signal control | 36 |
urban mobility | 81 | cooperative intelligent transport | 9 | shared autonomous vehicles | 34 |
traffic engineering computing | 79 | traffic signal control | 9 | electric vehicles evs | 33 |
transportation | 78 | transportation network companies | 9 | global navigation satellite | 31 |
sustainable mobility | 75 | urban mobility planning | 9 | private car ownership | 31 |
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Mitieka, D.; Luke, R.; Twinomurinzi, H.; Mageto, J. Smart Mobility in Urban Areas: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability 2023, 15, 6754.
Mitieka D, Luke R, Twinomurinzi H, Mageto J. Smart Mobility in Urban Areas: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability. 2023; 15(8):6754.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMitieka, Douglas, Rose Luke, Hossana Twinomurinzi, and Joash Mageto. 2023. "Smart Mobility in Urban Areas: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda" Sustainability 15, no. 8: 6754.
APA StyleMitieka, D., Luke, R., Twinomurinzi, H., & Mageto, J. (2023). Smart Mobility in Urban Areas: A Bibliometric Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability, 15(8), 6754.