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Curves in characteristic $2$ with non-trivial $2$-torsion

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Cais, Ellenberg and Zureick-Brown recently observed that over finite fields of characteristic two, all sufficiently general smooth plane projective curves of a given odd degree admit a non-trivial rational $2$-torsion point on their Jacobian. We extend their observation to curves given by Laurent polynomials with a fixed Newton polygon, provided that the polygon satisfies a certain combinatorial property. We also show that in each of these cases, if the curve is ordinary, then there is no need for the words ``sufficiently general''. Our treatment includes many classical families, such as hyperelliptic curves of odd genus and $C_{a,b}$ curves. In the hyperelliptic case, we provide alternative proofs using an explicit description of the $2$-torsion subgroup.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 14H25,14H45,14M25.


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