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Two classes of differentially 4-uniform permutations over $ \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}} $ with $ n $ even

  • * Corresponding author: Longjiang Qu

    * Corresponding author: Longjiang Qu

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11601177, 61722213, 11771007 and 11701336), Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation (1608085QA05) and the Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Anhui Province of China (gxyqZD2016258)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(0) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • A construction of differentially 4-uniform permutations by modifying the values of the inverse function on a union of some cosets of a multiplication subgroup of $ \mathbb{F}_{2^n}^* $ was given by Peng et al. in [15]. In this paper, we extend their results to differentially 4-uniform permutations whose values are different from the values of the inverse function on some subsets of the unit circle of $ \mathbb{F}_{2^n} $ or on the multiplication group of some subfield of $ \mathbb{F}_{2^n} $. Moreover, it has been checked by the Magma software that some permutations in the resulted differentially 4-uniform permutations are CCZ-inequivalent to the known functions for small $ n $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94A60, 11T71; Secondary: 06E30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Differential spectrum and nonlinearity of functions in Theorem 3.2 over $ \mathbb{F}_{2^{10}} $

    $ U $ Differential spectrum Nonlinearity Ref.
    $ U_0 $ [526419, 518490, 2643] 478 [15]
    $ U_1 $ [528021, 515286, 4245] 476 This paper
    $ U_2 $ [529605, 512118, 5829] 474 This paper
    $ U_3 $ [531171, 508986, 7395] 474 This paper
    $ U_4 $ [532719, 505890, 8943] 472 This paper
    $ U_5 $ [534249, 502830, 10473] 472 This paper
    $ U_6 $ [535761, 499806, 11985] 470 This paper
    $ U_7 $ [537255, 496818, 13479] 468 This paper
    $ U_8 $ [538731, 493866, 14955] 466 This paper
    $ U_9 $ [540189, 490950, 16413] 464 This paper
    $ \mathcal{U} $ [541629, 488070, 17853] 462 This paper
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    Table 2.  Differential spectrum and nonlinearity of functions in Section 4 over $ \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}} $

    $ n $ $ m $ $ f $ $ \gamma $ Differential spectrum Nonlinearity
    12 4 Theorem 4.4 $ \xi^{273} $ [8420895, 8317890, 34335] 1978
    12 4 Theorem 4.4 $ \xi^{819} $ [8422155, 8315370, 35595] 1978
    12 4 Theorem 4.4 $ \omega $ [8421255, 8317170, 34695] 1980
    12 4 Theorem 4.4 $ \xi^{1638} $ [8422155, 8315370, 35595] 1980
    12 4 Theorem 4.4 $ \xi^{1911} $ [8420895, 8317890, 34335] 1980
    6 3 Theorem 4.8 $ \eta^{9} $ [2226, 1596,210] 22
    8 4 Theorem 4.8 $ \omega $ [34515, 28890, 1875] 108
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