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Boundary controllability for a 1D degenerate parabolic equation with drift and a singular potential

  • *Corresponding author: Marcos López-García

    *Corresponding author: Marcos López-García

The second author was partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM [PAPIIT IN109522], and CONACYT-México [A1-S-17475]. The first author was supported by a grant from CONACyT-México

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  • We prove the null controllability of a one-dimensional degenerate parabolic equation with drift and a singular potential. We study the case when the potential arises at the left endpoint and a weighted Dirichlet boundary control is located at this point. We get a spectral decomposition of a suitable operator, defined in a weighted Sobolev space, involving Bessel functions and their zeros, then we use the moment method by Fattorini and Russell to obtain an upper estimate of the cost of controllability. We also obtain a lower estimate of the cost of controllability by using a representation theorem for analytic functions of exponential type.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K65, 93B05; Secondary: 30E05, 93B60.


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