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Nonlinear diffusion based image segmentation using two fast algorithms

  • * Corresponding author: Lu Tan

    * Corresponding author: Lu Tan 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(7) / Table(4) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, a new variational model is proposed for image segmentation based on active contours, nonlinear diffusion and level sets. It includes a Chan-Vese model-based data fitting term and a regularized term that uses the potential functions (PF) of nonlinear diffusion. The former term can segment the image by region partition instead of having to rely on the edge information. The latter term is capable of automatically preserving image edges as well as smoothing noisy regions. To improve computational efficiency, the implementation of the proposed model does not directly solve the high order nonlinear partial differential equations and instead exploit the efficient alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which allows the use of fast Fourier transform (FFT), analytical generalized soft thresholding equation, and projection formula. In particular, we creatively propose a new fast algorithm, normal vector projection method (NVPM), based on alternating optimization method and normal vector projection. Its stability can be the same as ADMM and it has faster convergence ability. Extensive numerical experiments on grey and colour images validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and the efficiency of the algorithms.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Effects of our model. The first row: initial curves. The second row: the results obtained by ADMM and NVPM. (a2) and (b2) from ADMM, (c2) and (d2) from NVPM

    Figure 2.  Effects of GAC and PSAC modelsw. The first and the fourth column: initial curves. The second and the fifth column: final curves of GAC model. The third and the sixth column: final curves of PSAC model

    Figure 3.  Plots of parametric errors and energy curves. The first row is obtained by ADMM. The second row is obtained by NVPM

    Figure 4.  Effects of our model, GAC model and PSAC model. The first column: initial curves. The second column: the results of our model obtained by ADMM (top) and NVPM (bottom). The third column: the results of GAC model. The last column: the results of PSAC model

    Figure 5.  Non-threshold solutions of our methods. The first column: final results of $ \phi $. The second column: zoomed small sub-regions (red rectangles in (c1) and (d1)) for detail comparison

    Figure 6.  Effects of our model, GAC model and PSAC model on colour images. (a1), (b1) and (c1): initial curves. (a2), (b2) and (c2): results of our model via ADMM (a2), NVPM (b2) and NVPM* (c2). (a3), (b3) and (c3): GAC model results. (a4), (b4) and (c4): results of PSAC model

    Figure 7.  Plots of parametric errors and energy curves. The first row is obtained by our model using ADMM. The second row is obtained by our model using NVPM*

    Table 1.  Potential functions for the regularization term

    $ \varphi(|\nabla\phi|) $ source
    (ⅰ) $ |\nabla\phi|^p, 0<p\leq2 $ [21]
    (ⅱ) $ \sqrt{1+|\nabla\phi|^2} $ [31]
    (ⅲ) $ \sqrt{1+|\nabla\phi|^2}-1 $ [1]
    (ⅳ) $ \frac{|\nabla\phi|^2}{1+|\nabla\phi|^2} $ [15]
    (ⅴ) $ \log(1+|\nabla\phi|^2) $ [19]
    (ⅵ) $ \log(\cosh(|\nabla\phi|)) $ [13]
    (ⅶ) $ 1-\lambda^2e^{-\frac{|\nabla\phi|^2}{2\lambda^2}} $ [22]
    (ⅷ) $ \lambda^2\log(1+\frac{|\nabla\phi|^2}{\lambda^2}) $ [23]
    (ⅸ) $ 2\lambda^2(\sqrt{1+\frac{|\nabla\phi|^2}{\lambda^2}}-1) $ [12]
    (ⅹ) $ |\nabla\phi|-\alpha\log(1+\frac{|\nabla\phi|}{\alpha}) $ [17]
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    Table 2.  Comparisons of iterations and time using different methods

    Image Methods Iterations Time (sec)
    Fig. 1 (a2)
    PF (ⅰ)
    ADMM 3 0.062
    NVPM 3 0.047
    NVPM* 3 0.039
    Fig. 1 (b2)
    PF (ⅲ)
    ADMM 7 0.162
    NVPM 6 0.132
    NVPM* 6 0.122
    Fig. 1 (c2)
    PF (ⅴ)
    ADMM 5 0.155
    NVPM 5 0.145
    NVPM* 5 0.141
    Fig. 1 (d2)
    PF (ⅶ)
    ADMM 3 0.094
    NVPM 3 0.083
    NVPM* 3 0.076
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    Table 3.  Comparisons of iterations and time using different methods

    Image Methods Iterations Time (sec)
    Fig. 4 (a2)
    PF (ⅱ)
    ADMM 6 0.184
    NVPM 6 0.178
    NVPM* 6 0.175
    Fig. 4 (b2)
    PF (ⅳ)
    ADMM 16 0.215
    NVPM 9 0.118
    NVPM* 8 0.109
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    Table 4.  Comparisons of iterations and time using different methods

    Image Methods Iterations Time (sec)
    Fig. 6 (a2)
    PF (ⅵ)
    ADMM 6 0.336
    NVPM 5 0.273
    NVPM* 5 0.264
    Fig. 6 (a2)
    PF (ⅷ)
    ADMM 7 0.389
    NVPM 7 0.318
    NVPM* 7 0.296
    Fig. 6 (b2)
    PF (ⅸ)
    ADMM 5 0.175
    NVPM 5 0.168
    NVPM* 5 0.162
    Fig. 6 (b2)
    PF (ⅹ)
    ADMM 5 0.183
    NVPM 5 0.172
    NVPM* 5 0.163
    Fig. 6 (c2)
    PF (ⅵ)
    ADMM 11 2.389
    NVPM 11 2.052
    NVPM* 11 2.043
    Fig. 6 (c2)
    PF (ⅸ)
    ADMM 10 1.998
    NVPM 10 1.805
    NVPM* 9 1.626
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