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Comparing series of rankings with ties by using complex networks: An analysis of the Spanish stock market (IBEX-35 index)

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we extend the concept of Competitivity Graph to compare series of rankings with ties ( partial rankings). We extend the usual method used to compute Kendall's coefficient for two partial rankings to the concept of evolutive Kendall's coefficient for a series of partial rankings. The theoretical framework consists of a four-layer multiplex network. Regarding the treatment of ties, our approach allows to define a tie between two values when they are close enough, depending on a threshold. We show an application using data from the Spanish Stock Market; we analyse the series of rankings defined by $25$ companies that have contributed to the IBEX-35 return and volatility values over the period 2003 to 2013.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 05C75, 94C15; Secondary: 05C82.


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