Approaches and Tools for Quality Measurement Scales Validation in Education: An Initial Systematic Literature Review Collection




Psychometrics studies, tools, measurement, quality, review


Des études en psychométrie liées à la construction et à la validation d'échelles de mesure ont prouvé leur fiabilité et leur validité de construit dans différents domaines. Cette revue systématique de la littérature sur les instruments de mesure de la qualité et les indicateurs a deux objectifs principaux : Identifier la construction par la recherche d'instruments de mesure validés et construire une base de données initiale et prédictive pour les chercheurs et les praticiens. L'étude a donné des résultats satisfaisants sur différents domaines qui ont rapporté des caractéristiques méthodologiques importantes. Cette analyse n'est pas une macro-analyse mais un aperçu des échelles de mesure en psychométrie qui ont des forces et des faiblesses. Des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour caractériser et explorer les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque procédure.

Author Biographies

Saïd Lotfi, Normal Superior School, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco

Heis a Ph.D. in Education assessment measure. He is a member of the Laboratory of Education and Training Sciences. He is a professor at the Ecole Normal Superior at Hassan II University, Casablanca. Morocco. He pursues a career in training engineering and research methodology by combining consulting and training. Director of a research laboratory at the ENS. He has led projects to implement management evaluation systems within institutions throughout his professional career. He is a member of expert committees solicited by the Ministry for several structuring projects.

Mohammed Talbi, Faculty of sciences Ben M’sik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco

He is Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of BenM'sik of Casablanca. Doctor of State in sciences and analysis processes at the Pierre and the Marie Curie University of Paris, Professor at the Hassan II University of Casablanca in Morocco. The fields of teaching and research include educational technologies, distance learning engineering, engineering, and techniques of education and training. Within the Observatory of Research in Didactics and University Pedagogy framework, he coordinates work on the teaching-learning process, didactics of science, the project, and training. He is also interested in evaluating learning, evaluating project situations, and analyzing policies and educational systems.




How to Cite

Berbar, H., Lotfi, S. ., & Talbi, M. . (2022). Approaches and Tools for Quality Measurement Scales Validation in Education: An Initial Systematic Literature Review Collection. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(16), pp. 73–91.


