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- 9 pages
In the Multi-Team Formation problem, we are given a ground set C of n candidates, each of which is characterized by a d-dimensional attribute vector in ℝ^d, and two positive integers α and β satisfying α β ≤ n. The goal is to form α disjoint teams T₁,...,T_α ⊆ C, each of which consists of β candidates in C, such that the total score of the teams is maximized, where the score of a team T is the sum of the h_j maximum values of the j-th attributes of the candidates in T, for all j ∈ {1,...,d}. Our main result is an 2^{2^O(d)} n^O(1)-time algorithm for Multi-Team Formation. This bound is ETH-tight since a 2^{2^{d/c}} n^O(1)-time algorithm for any constant c > 12 can be shown to violate the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). Our algorithm runs in polynomial time for all dimensions up to d = clog log n for a sufficiently small constant c > 0. Prior to our work, the existence of a polynomial time algorithm was an open problem even for d = 3.
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