Algorithmic study of the algebraic parameter estimation problem for a class of perturbations


  • Maya Chartouny
  • Thomas Cluzeau University of Limoges ; CNRS ; XLIM UMR 7252
  • Alban Quadrat Inria Paris



Parameter estimation problem, Inverse Cauchy problem, Algebraic systems, Elimination, Annihilators, Rings of ordinary differential operators


We consider the algebraic parameter estimation problem for a class of standard perturbations. We assume that the measurement z(t) of a solution x(t) of a linear ordinary differential equation -- whose coefficients depend on a set θ := {θ₁, ..., θᵣ} of unknown constant parameters -- is affected by a perturbation γ(t) whose structure is supposed to be known (e.g., an unknown bias, an unknown ramp), i.e., z(t)=x(t, θ)+γ(t). We investigate the problem of obtaining closed-form expressions for the parameters θᵢ's in terms of iterative indefinite integrals or convolutions of z. The different results are illustrated by explicit examples computed using the NonA package -- developed in Maple -- in which we have implemented our main contributions.

Author Biographies

Maya Chartouny

PhD Student in post-quantum cryptography and secure implementation at Thales DIS and the university of Paris-Saclay

Thomas Cluzeau, University of Limoges ; CNRS ; XLIM UMR 7252

Thomas Cluzeau received a MS in 2000 and a PhD in 2003 both in Mathematics and Applications from the University of Limoges (France). He is the leader of the Computer Algebra project of the Mathematics and Computer Science department of the institute XLIM (UMR CNRS 7252) of the University of Limoges (France). His research interests are in computer algebra methods for studying systems of linear functional equations and applications.  

Alban Quadrat, Inria Paris

 Alban Quadrat is Senior Researcher at Inria Paris & Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, Sorbonne University. His main scientific interests are effective algebraic analysis, computer algebra, mathematical system theory and control theory. 

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Refereed Contributions
