Communications in Cryptology IACR CiC

Synchronous Distributed Key Generation without Broadcasts


Nibesh Shrestha, Adithya Bhat, Aniket Kate, Kartik Nayak
Nibesh Shrestha
Supra Research, USA
nibeshrestha2 at gmail dot com
Adithya Bhat
Visa Research, USA
haxolotl dot research at gmail dot com
Aniket Kate
Supra Research, USA
Purdue University, USA
aniket at purdue dot edu
Kartik Nayak
Duke University, USA
kartik at cs dot duke dot edu


Distributed key generation (DKG) is a key building block in developing many efficient threshold cryptosystems. This work initiates the study of communication complexity and round complexity of DKG protocols over a point-to-point (bounded) synchronous network. Our key result is the first synchronous DKG protocol for discrete log-based cryptosystems with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication complexity ($\kappa$ denotes a security parameter) that tolerates any $t < n/2$ Byzantine faults among $n$ parties. We present two variants of the protocol: (i) a protocol with worst-case $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and $O(t)$ rounds, and (ii) a protocol with expected $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and expected constant rounds. In the process of achieving our results, we design (1) a novel weak gradecast protocol with a communication complexity of $O(\kappa n^2)$ for linear-sized inputs and constant rounds, (2) a protocol called “recoverable-set-of-shares” for ensuring recovery of shared secrets, (3) an oblivious leader election protocol with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication and constant rounds, and (4) a multi-valued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) protocol with $O(\kappa n^3)$ communication complexity for linear-sized inputs and expected constant rounds. Each of these primitives is of independent interest.


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PDFPDF Open access

Submitted: 2024-04-09
Accepted: 2024-06-03
Published: 2024-07-08
How to cite

Nibesh Shrestha, Adithya Bhat, Aniket Kate, and Kartik Nayak, Synchronous Distributed Key Generation without Broadcasts. IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 2, Jul 08, 2024, doi: 10.62056/ayfhsgvtw.


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