Puppy Socialisation Sessions
with sensory input to build confidence and make friends, help with training and bonding with your pup and gives them lifelong friends…
Piccie by A Billion Clicks Photography
Wednesday evenings 7-8pm
Portfield Hall, between Southbourne and Christchurch
The first session our volunteers will assess the differing needs of the pups and build the rest of the block around these.
“Tilly had a great time each week, meeting all the other doggies and owners, and really helped her socialisation skills” Vicky Bridle Kyriacou
“Very organised and well run” xx
UPPER AGE LIMIT 8 months (but flexible)
Socialise and meet fellow pups with new friendships formed. We will have fun sensory items for puppies to explore and grow their confidence, ball pit, tunnel and play area. Puppy training done naturally.
Between free play, there will be pauses, focused brain training and interactive games with the humans. Teaching puppies that socialisation is just as much about impulse control as it is about bouncing together joyously. Nervous puppies are tailored for by our volunteers and pups grow their confidence at their own pace and given space to do so.
Book your puppy for 6 weekly sessions The booking includes the hall hire and volunteers to be present.
We have Jan who runs our Rescues Meet-Ups, Stress-Free Meet-Ups with a Behaviourist and who fosters romanian puppies and Nikki who runs our Zoomies play dates and All-Breeds Walks running the session with lots of play activities. All our volunteers are very knowledgeable in the care of dogs. And Dog First Aid trained.
You are solely relied upon to take responsibility for your own puppy. If your pup is timid or over boisterous you need to speak up and take action to learn how to socialize your pup at their own pace. And to ask others to be considerate. Our volunteers are there to help. Please see disclaimer at bottom. Only friendly puppies please.
Email [email protected] if you want to be placed on a cancellation list for any of the courses below. Please name the dates.
Starting March 2025
£48 for 6 weeks (come and go as you please within the 5 weeks but we recommend attending all sessions for your pup to build the relationships and different activities provided session by session).
6 week course: Wednesday evenings 7-8pm -
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April £48
April /May 2025
£48 for 6 weeks (come and go as you please within the 5 weeks but we recommend attending all sessions for your pup to build the relationships and different activities provided session by session).
6 week course: Wednesday evenings 7-8pm - 30th April, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th May & 4th June £48
Piccie by A Billion Clicks Photography
If your puppy becomes overwhelmed there is a hallway before the entrance for timeouts or a secret garden between the back carpark and front entrance…
We suggest puppies are kept on their lead initially until doors are closed and until they feel comfortable.
If your pup feels overwhelmed pick them up (if they are small enough) regularly for time outs or take them into the hallway.
Please do not allow any puppies to be overly boisterous or knock over or allow any persistent chasing of any pups who appear nervous or unhappy with any of the interactions. And do ask others to give their pup a time-out if necessary. This session is run on a responsible attitude not only for your own puppy but for the care and consideration of all the puppies present.
Location: Portfield Community Hall (indoor hall off Barrack Road) Portfield Rd, Christchurch BH23 2AQ
Disclaimer: your puppies' safety is your responsibility and there is no liability taken by us. You must have your own pet insurance to attend.
There are strictly NO REFUNDS
1 puppy and max. 2 adults per booking (if you wish to bring well behaved children please enqire to [email protected]
Only social and friendly puppies permitted and you may be asked to leave if your puppy displays unsociable behaviour.
You will need your own pet insurance to attend as you are responsible for your own puppy.