
From Dragon Quest Wiki

The armful is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series first introduced in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation. Having multiple extremities, it attacks several times per turn in each appearance.


Armfuls are skeletal warriors that have gained two extra pairs of arms to attack with, wielding wicked sabers in each of their hands. They are more armoured than the typical skeleton, wearing a small breastplate over their sternum, a spiked helmet on their skulls, a pair of boots, and gloves on each of their hands. In their original colouration, they had grey armour, dark orange bones, and swords made of both red and grey metal, shifting to yellowing bones and grey-green armor starting with the Super Famicom version of III. The hellish knights often have the ability to act twice per turn and can paralyze opponents by exhaling burning breath from their mandibles. The armfuls returned to the main series after 30 years like many classic monsters with their original Famicom coloration.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

Armful (じごくのきし Jigoku no kishi)DQ3-SNES-LOGO-ICON.png
Original (NES)
Sprite Level HP MP
Marauder DQIII NES.gif 34 130 0
Attack Defense Agility Experience Gold
115 63 58 1190 73
Bestiary No. #100
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Acts twice per turn
Burning Breath
Location(s) Baramos' Lair
Maw of the Necrogond
Tantegel area
Craggy Cave
Item Dropped Seed of agility1256
Evasion Fire Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
064 25% 25% 25%
Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance
25% 100% 70% 0%
Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance Fizzle Resistance Fuddle Resistance
25% 25% 100% 70%
Snooze Resistance Deceleratle Resistance * Sap Resistance *
70% 25% 0%
Remakes sprites

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Armful (じごくのきし Jigoku no kishi)DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Sprite HP MP Attack
Armful DQ III HD sprite.png 206 22 202
Defense Agility Experience Gold
272 140 1,196 31
Bestiary No. #099
Family Undead
In-game description With six swords at their disposal, these skeletal psychopaths are hell incarnate, striking fear into the hearts of adventurers the second they start swinging
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Acts twice per turn
Burning Breath
Location(s) Maw of the Necrogond
Baramos's Lair
Item Dropped Blizzard blade1256
Evasion Fire Resistance * Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance *
0/64 -125% -125% 0%
Wind Resistance * Strike Resistance * Lightning Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance
0% 0% -125% 0%
Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance Poof Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
100% 0% 0% 0%
Fizzle Resistance Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 0% 100% 100%
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
0% 100% % %

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Armful (じごくのきし Jigoku no kishi)DQXI Logo EN.png
Sprite HP MP Attack
Armful XI sprite.png 554 11 196
Defense Agility Experience Gold
183 146 1,299 235
Bestiary no. #330
Family Undead
In-game description With their six arms each able to swing a sword, these terrors attack from all angles at once, making them fearsome foes to defend against.
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Occasionally acts twice per turn
Makes a violent slashing attack (125% damage)
Desperate attack
Becomes Pepped up
Burning Breath
Location(s) The Manglegrove - Whale Way Station (second act)
The Battleground (second act)
Baramos's Castle (2D mode of 3DS and Definitive Edition only)
Item(s) dropped Big bone18
Bandit mail1128
Evasion Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance *
N/a -10% 25% 0%
Earth Resistance * Light Resistance * Dark Resistance * Zap Resistance *
0% -50% 25% 0%
Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance *
0% 100% 50% 100%
Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
100% 25% 100% 100%
Snooze Resistance * Blunt Resistance Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Spooky Aura
Anathematise Resistance
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Charm Resistance *
0% 0% 99% 100%
Beguile Resistance * Double Down Resistance * Elemental Resistance *
100% 0% 0%


Malicious armful (じごくのきし・邪 Jigoku no kishi・ja)DQXI Logo EN.png
Sprite HP MP Attack
Armful XI sprite.png 676 22 248
Defense Agility Experience Gold
338 186 1,897 159
Bestiary no. #405
Family Undead
In-game description Armfuls who have morphed into a truly malevolent form under the malign influence of infinite evil.
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Occasionally acts twice per turn
Makes a violent slashing attack (125% damage)
Desperate attack
Becomes Pepped up
Burning Breath
Robochop 2 (Pep power, with Malicious armful)
Location(s) The Battleground (third act)
The Manglegrove - Whale Way Station (third act)
Item(s) dropped Big bone18
Bandit mail1128
Evasion Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance *
N/a -10% 25% 0%
Earth Resistance * Light Resistance * Dark Resistance * Zap Resistance *
0% -50% 25% 0%
Drain Magic Resistance Whack Resistance * Poof Resistance Dazzle Resistance *
0% 100% 75% 100%
Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
100% 25% 100% 100%
Snooze Resistance * Blunt Resistance Deceleratle Resistance Sap Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Spooky Aura
Anathematise Resistance
Stumble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Charm Resistance *
0% 0% 99% 100%
Beguile Resistance * Double Down Resistance * Elemental Resistance *
100% 0% 0%

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[edit]

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Armful appears as an A-rank member of the Undead family as part of the limited Dragon Quest III event and it stars in its own Battle Road. It can be recruited from Chapter 4, Episode 1: To Baramos Castle of the event quests at any difficulty and it can also participate in the Skelegon's Battle Road as a party member.

Armful (じごくのきし Jigoku no kishi)Tactlogo.png

DQT Armful.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Zombie.png
DQTact Rank Icon A.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
120 900 297 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
421 405 323 207 35
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Burning Breath Aeolian Slash* Wild Slash*
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Rare HP Regen / Stats Up Zam Res +25 / Stats Up Wild Slash Potency +5% / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Woosh Res +25 / Stats Up Wild Slash Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Raises physical potency of undead allies, including itself, by 10% in a 5x5 square around it.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
ATK +10 DEF +15 Wild Slash Potency +2%
Perk Details
Rare HP Regen: Rarely heals HP at action start.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Very Weak Normal Normal Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Very Weak Normal Half Res Half Res
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Half Res Normal Normal Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Normal Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Immune Normal Normal


  • Their names reference their multiple arms and are also a play on "Harmful", which they also are given their warlike purpose.

Similar species[edit]
