Champion Cascade

From Dragon Quest Wiki


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Just down the worn path from Rosehill, Champion Cascade is a pastoral mountain road flanked with towering natural arches that winds down from the highlands and past a roaring waterfall with accompanying lake, which will freeze over in winter and give the player access to a deep cave behind the dry falls. The path terminates into a large meadow down by a river known as Gradely Grasslands.

This pleasant area serves as the game's training sector to get players accustomed to wrangling monsters, led on by the ever-energetic Fizzy. The player will become familiar with species representing five of the eight monster families, learn passing of the seasons and that it's well worth it to follow the trails left by the seasonal sprites, how changes in weather affect which monsters are present, and how to forage the natural resources for easy item accumulation. One sterner lesson is to not approach giant monsters flippantly, as the resident Cyclops is too much for any new player to handle.

Once she thinks Psaro is up to snuff, Fizzy will teach him the Zoom spell.

Resident giant monster[edit]

Cyclops DQM3 portrait.png

Spring monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Feralball DQM3 portrait.png Killerpillar DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Summer monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Dragonthorn DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Stump chump DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Autumn monsters[edit]

Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Capsichum DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Woebergine DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png Wing slime DQM3 portrait.png (only during rain)

Winter monsters[edit]

Antguzzler DQM3 portrait.png Bantamweight DQM3 portrait.png Bunicorn DQM3 portrait.png Dracky DQM3 portrait.png Khalamari kid DQM3 portrait.png Komodo DQM3 portrait.png Mischievous mole DQM3 portrait.png Slime DQM3 portrait.png Teeny sanguini DQM3 portrait.png Vegandragora DQM3 portrait.png