Shiny Emerald

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Dreamlight Valley Collection.png
Shiny Emerald
Shiny Emerald.png

A rare deep green gem that can be mined.

Type: Menu Icon Gems.png Gem
Placement: 1x1 (Surfaces)
Sells for: Star Coin icon.png 1,300
Gift Reward: Friendship.png 600
Found: Forest of Valor
Glade of Trust
From: Mining

Shiny Emerald is a gem which can be found when mining rock nodes using the Pickaxe in the Forest of Valor and the Glade of Trust.

It can not be used as a crafting material substitute in recipes which require Emerald. Once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Gems Collection.

Gems can be placed in the world by highlighting them inside the Inventory window and selecting Drop. After removing from inventory they can be positioned using furniture placement mode.

In nodes where this gem can be found there is a chance to find Emerald, which is a more common and less valuable variant.


Shiny Emerald is a required material in the following crafting recipe.

Image Name Crafting Recipe
Shiny Gift.png
Shiny Gift

Festive Wrapping Paper
Shiny Ruby
Shiny Emerald
