Moving to
Tiller, Oregon
(Tiller is Located in Douglas County)
Living in Tiller, Oregon
4.23 million people live in Oregon (1.3% of the US population 334.9 mln as of 2023) on the territory 98,379 square miles (2.6% of the US territory).
174 of residents of Douglas County call Tiller their home (0.12% of Douglas County population).
Should you move to Tiller, Oregon? Is Tiller, Oregon a good place to live?
When determining what cities are good for your personality, life situation, and personal preferences, there are many factors to consider including climate, cost of living, community, job opportunities, population makeup, activities, and things to do.
Healthy Living in Tiller, OR
Tiller's Outdoor Living Score is 40.86 out of 100 (find the best location for Outdoor living here or explore Tiller's climate in detail here). We examine health risks, safety and natural disasters among other metrics important for outdoor activities.
Are public schools good in Tiller, OR?
There are 0 elementary, 0 middle and 0 high schools for children within the borders of Tiller, OR .
An important fact to note from the editor:
More on the Education quality in Tiller, OR
Is Tiller, OR affordable?
Cost of living in Tiller, OR is in the group of 20% of locations in the US with the highest cost of living. When we compare the cost of living in Tiller to other locations within Oregon state only, it is in the the lowest group. To learn more about the income, taxes and various budget itemized costs, navigate to the page Cost of Living in Tiller, OR.
When we figure out the Cost of Living, we don't look at just what things cost. We also see how much money you'd have left after paying taxes and living expenses. In places where it's cheap to live, there might not be many jobs that pay well. In areas without income taxes, you might pay more in property taxes. And in places where living costs a lot, you could earn a lot more money. So, what really matters in the end is looking at your whole budget and seeing how much money you have left after all deductions at each location.
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