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  1. 375095

  2. 366299

  3. Copper Therapy Knee Support-363686 Copper Therapy Knee Support-363686
    2 Sizes Available

  4. Premium Knee Support & Stabilizer with Gel Pad-356505 Premium Knee Support & Stabilizer with Gel Pad-356505
    3 Sizes Available

  5. Ultra Copper Knee Support-349566 Ultra Copper Knee Support-349566
    3 Options Available

  6. 349196

  7. 356926

  8. 376544


    40% Off Spring Sale

  9. Hip Protector-348852 Hip Protector-348852
    3 Sizes Available

  10. Incrediwear® Knee Sleeve-366144 Incrediwear® Knee Sleeve-366144
    5 Sizes Available

  11. 372957

  12. Extra Long Knee Sleeve-360586 Extra Long Knee Sleeve-360586
    4 Sizes Available

  13. Kinetic Knee Support-368624 Kinetic Knee Support-368624
    4 Sizes Available

  14. 378030

  15. 375662

  16. 372955

    $16.99 $9.12
  17. 374859

    $9.99 $3.92

Trying to walk when you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in one or both knees and leg areas can be extremely challenging. A compression knee brace or leg brace is a great way to give a problem area the kind of strong support it needs. Sometimes, a medical procedure leads to the need for solid leg support. Either way, our collection of quality braces and supports for the knee and leg can help you find the best products for your immediate needs. We feature a range of support types and styles to help you zero in on what may work best in your situation.

Traditional Braces and Sleeves

You have some very good choices when it comes to compression support, and you may want to spend some time browsing all options. A compression knee brace typically features adjustable strap closures for customizing its fit. Knee braces come in different styles, and you can decide what style suits you best. A compression knee sleeve can be slipped onto the leg with relative ease. The sleeve covers the entire knee and portions of the area below the knee and upper thigh.

Copper and Gel Therapy

You may notice that some knee and leg support products use copper or gel for therapeutic purposes. Copper is valued for its natural healing properties, and it may help radiate more warmth to muscles. Some support items include a gel insert that helps to stabilize the knee or leg area with a soft, cushiony material that feels comfortable next to skin.

Support for Hip or Tendons

In addition to products supporting knees and calves, we offer products that support a hip or delicate leg tendons. Hip protectors prevent the hip from experiencing the full impact of forceful pressure, and they come in various sizes for a good fit. Tendon support helps relieve pain from conditions such as patellar tendonitis and other conditions affecting knee discomfort and mobility.

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