About Us

We’re Securing Raw Materials & the EU’s Competitive Edge
Our mission is to foster growth and attractiveness for the European raw materials sector. Through radical innovation, new education models and strategic advisory, we’re developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe. In alignment with Critical Raw Materials Act, we’re focusing on three key areas to achieve success:
Closing Material Loops
Securing Raw Materials supply
Designing Materials Solutions

Regional Innovation Centres
The EIT RawMaterials Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Hubs play a critical role in reducing regional innovation disparities and boosting innovation capacity in Europe’s raw materials sector. RIS Hubs act as local innovation and knowledge centers, connecting stakeholders across industry, academia, and government to drive sustainable resource management and strengthen the raw materials value chain. By providing access to EIT RawMaterials activities and tailored programmes, the RIS Hubs empower moderate and emerging innovators to participate in cutting-edge projects, access funding, and build strategic partnerships. Through this network, the EIT RawMaterials RIS initiative fosters regional economic growth while advancing Europe’s transition to a circular and sustainable economy.

EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Adria
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Dimičeva ul. 14
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
Dimičeva ul. 12
1000 Ljubljana
University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
Pierottijeva ul. 6
10000, Zagreb

EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece
National Technical University of Athens
Zografou Campus
9, Iroon Polytechniou str
15780 Zografou

EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub South Spain
CSIC, Casa de la Ciencia
Av. de María Luisa, s/n, 41013
Seville, Spain
Success Stories
Our success is based on relationships between students, partners and industry professionals. Thanks to our partner network, we’ve assigned more than €330million in start-up investment, and brought 220+ innovation projects to market.
We inform policy, create opportunity and unlock commercial value – for our partners and customers. Find out more about our goals, achievements and their impact by reading our reports.