20,251 results found
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Risk factors affecting polygenic score performance across diverse cohorts

    Daniel Hui, Scott Dudek ... Marylyn D Ritchie
    Numerous related sample characteristics affect polygenic score performance, and incorporation of interaction effects increases both model and polygenic score performance.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Emergence of planar cell polarity from the interplay of local interactions and global gradients

    Divyoj Singh, Sriram Ramaswamy ... Mohd Suhail Rizvi
    A minimal mathematical model can explain the emergence of planar cell polarity in epithelial tissues using only three free parameters, namely the rate of protein binding to cell membrane, the intracellular protein concentration, and the steepness of tissue-level gradients.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Target protein identification in live cells and organisms with a non-diffusive proximity tagging system

    Yingjie Sun, Changheng Li ... Youngnam N Jin
    Pup-On-target for Small molecule Target Identification Technology, POST-IT, is a revolutionary tool for accurately identifying protein targets of bioactive molecules in living cells and organisms, successfully identifying SEPHS2 and VPS37C as targets for dasatinib and hydroxychloroquine, respectively.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Chemokine expression profile of an innate granuloma

    Megan E Amason, Cole J Beatty ... Edward A Miao
    A successful innate granuloma requires CCR2 to organize the macrophage ring, and without CCR2, mice succumb to Chromobacterium violaceum infection.
    1. Neuroscience

    Three-dimensional single-cell transcriptome imaging of thick tissues

    Rongxin Fang, Aaron Halpern ... Xiaowei Zhuang
    By integrating multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH), deep learning, optical sectioning, and protocol optimization, thick-tissue 3D MERFISH allows volumetric single-cell transcriptome imaging of thick-tissue samples, broadening the scope of applications of spatial genomics.
    1. Ecology

    Polarised moonlight guides nocturnal bull ants home

    Cody A Freas, Ajay Narenda ... Ken Cheng
    Large eyed bull ants are able to use the exceedingly dim lunar polarised light pattern in the overhead sky to navigate back to the nest at night.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Lineage-specific intersection of endothelin and GDNF signaling in enteric nervous system development

    Denise M Poltavski, Alexander T Cunha ... Takako Makita
    Neural crest and placode lineages both contribute to the enteric nervous system, divergently utilizing Edn3-Ednrb and GDNF-Ret signaling.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Early and delayed STAT1-dependent responses drive local trained immunity of macrophages in the spleen

    Aryeh Solomon, Noa Bossel Ben-Moshe ... Roi Avraham
    In vivo perturbations and single-cell RNA-seq reveal cell-type-specific STAT1-IFNg signaling in regulation of trained immunity in tissue-resident immune cells.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Medicine

    Synthesis and biological assessment of chalcone and pyrazoline derivatives as novel inhibitor for ELF3-MED23 interaction

    Soo-Yeon Hwang, Kyung-Hwa Jeon ... Youngjoo Kwon
    Structure-based designed chalcone and pyrazoline derivatives inhibited the ELF3-MED23 protein-protein interaction, leading to HER2 downregulation and retardation of tumor growth in HER2-positive gastric cancer.
    1. Developmental Biology

    The role of Imp and Syp RNA-binding proteins in precise neuronal elimination by apoptosis through the regulation of transcription factors

    Wenyue Guan, Ziyan Nie ... Jonathan Enriquez
    Genetic manipulations reveal how the spatiotemporal expression pattern of two RNA-binding proteins regulates the eventual number of motoneurons in a Drosophila neuronal lineage.

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