Hawzah News Agency – Opponents have always attacked the belief in a hidden Imam – one of the strong opinions of the Shi‘a Muslims. Given reliable hadiths, besides belief in the previous eleven present Imams, the Shi‘a believe in the presence and influence of the hidden Imam and consider it an obligation to answer to its misconceptions.
Among the important issues discussed by Shi‘a and Sunni thinkers is the prolonged lifespan of Imam Mahdi. This issue – which has been discussed among the academics for a long time – has left some so dumbfounded that they have essentially denied the existence of the true character of Imam al-Mahdi (a).
This paper investigates the longevity of Imam Mahdi and to prove the truth of the Twelver-Imam Shi‘a belief. By considering its different aspects and resorting to the Shi‘a and Sunni hadith, we respond to those who question this issue. ...
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