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Gusenbauer reelected as Austrian Social Democrat Party leader

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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Alfred Gusenbauer has been reelected as leader of the Austrian Social Democrat Party (SPOE) at the party's convention in Vienna. Gusenbauer received 88.93% of the vote, an unexpectedly low value. In 2002, he was reelected with 99.6%. Gusenbauer leads the SPOE since 1999.

Albeit the low result he has called the vote an "impressive display of confidence". Gusenbauer and other heads of the party, including influential Vienna mayor Michael Haeupl have confirmed that Gusenbauer will be the party's top candidate for the next parliamental election which will also determine the Austrian chancellor.

In his keynote address Gusenbauer has issued heavy criticism at the current Austrian government which is led by chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel and the Austrian People's Party (OEVP).
