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Landis' fate to be announced Monday

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Floyd Landis on the Tour de France, July 23 2006.

On Monday, the result of a counter-analysis of Floyd Landis' B-sample, as requested by the Americans, will be announced.

Landis, who came in first on this year’s Tour de France, has previously tested positive for an abnormally high testosterone balance in his blood stream. This led to claims that he was involved with doping, in order to improve performance.

According to Patrick Lefévère, the president of the Association of professional cycling teams, "Our sport's survival is at stake"..."We can no longer afford to have teams or riders who just won't learn still starting races."

Landis continues to deny any wrongdoing.

"I want the result to be made public immediately, I see no reason why not," Landis said. "I'm proud that I won the Tour because I was the strongest guy there"
