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User:Aedwardmoch/Remote Viewing (Alternate Version)

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Remote Viewing (Alternate Version)


The Word "Remote Viewing", has been a subject in which there are as many variations as there has been explainations. In the recent ressurection of the name "Remote Viewing", from 1970-1995, there has been a series of scientific lab experiments, in the attempt to find "Scientific Acceptability" of what we call present day Remote Viewing. Though this has now been accepted in most of the scientific community, the origins of what we call Remote Viewing, has a far more deep and interesting history.

What Is Remote Viewing?


In simple laymen's terms, Remote Viewing is a controlled ability to see and/or view people, places, and things that are beyond, outside the normal five sences and physical body of the individual. In more parapsychological and scientific terms, remote viewing is more complex than that. Remote Viewing can also happen even under spontanious non-control episodes (ie: trama, illness, pain, excitement, dreaming, provocation, etc.). Remote Viewing can have variables as well? Where one or more of the five sences can play and associate in part, bringing up supportive-enhanced senci attributes. So Remote Viewing can be the same or uniquely individual to one another.

Who Really "Coined" The Name Remote Viewing?


Though we have since the 1970's, re-accepted the name "Remote Viewing", under present day scientific terminology, by several scientists, parapsychologists, and associated individuals who have made claims. The fact of the matter is, no one person or group can really claim the name per se? One of the earliest coining of the name "Remote Viewing" can be traced to a French Magician around the year 1910, but again it was loosely used, and later fell away.

Early Remote Viewing or Clarvoyance?


In the 1910 November issue of "La Vie Mysterieuse", clairvoyant, Mme R. described in detail a motor car accident involving her cousin. Later that night, such an event did occur many miles away as exactly described. Was this really Clarvoyance or a remote viewing? With the additional tool of "Mesmerism or Hypnosis" being applied, the individual can be guided or controlled to a point, whereby displacing themselves in "Controlled Mind or Astral Traveling", a form of early or primitive remote viewing.

The Cases of Didlier and Poe


During the 1830's, a form of what was named "Sleep Waking" was termed, whereby the individual was put or self-enduced in an altered state of conciousness. In regards to Alexis Didlier, he was put under a form of mesmeric-hypnosis where he had an "Out of Body Experience" or OOBE, and discribed in clear detail, an event that was happenning a few blocks away. When Didlier and his associate, went later to the exact location, everything (Person,Place,Thing) was as if he had described.

In the 1845 article "Mesmeric Revelation", Writer and Poet, Edgar Allan Poe, wrote what was witnessed to be a form of clinical-lab observation of "Early Remote Viewing". Though portions of the article seemed sprinkled with embellishments, the main basis of the article was clearly a remote viewing session.

From The Spiritual to The Medical


From time to time in history, we have seen varient forms of what we call "Remote Viewing". From vision events discribed in "The Bible" and other religious scripture, to poetry and music. In the poem "Triumph Of Life", master-poet Percy Bysshe Shelly, described in clear detail, in what was obvious a detailed remote viewing episode of a future. Vainly, he tried to describe the (People, Places, and Things) he encountered in his so-called "vision viewing". From a medical end, Surgeon-Physician, Dr. Rufus Osgood Mason, and other associates brought many medical and psychological case studies to the surface. Taking them to The Society for Psychical Research where "early parapsychology" began to form, in a loose scientific nature for inquire, even cases of "Astral or Mind Traveling" that seemed more like present day clinical Remote Viewing.

Early Remote Viewing Studies


Toward the late 19th Century, In England, The Society for Psychical Research "SPR" became the depository center for the understanding of paranormal behavior or what would become Parapsychology. Many cases were studied, analyzed, and examined for the sake of eventual explaination. Though remote viewing and other related normal and paranormal diciplines could be varified and/or proved fraudulent, Parapsychology and Psychical Research began to take it's first steps toward the turn of the 20th Century.

ESP And Psychical Research


In the early 1900's, Parapsychology began to create a more define scope of guidelines and disiplines. Soon after the formation of the "SPR", The American Society for Psychical Research formed in New York City , followed by a series of early ESP experiments done on the campus of Stanford University in California, later, the department of parapsychology would be created at The Stanford Research Institute "SRI". Over the years, other Public and Private institutes would emerge, with various psychical research labs of one form or another researching "Variations" of what we call today Remote Viewing.

Military Studies Into Parapsychology


Though it seemed not, from time to time, various military organization were interested in the study of early psychical research. From witnessing airforce pilots having grayline or mind blackouts, navy seamen going into trance-like states during heavy use of morse code communications, to basic sleep-fatigue studies in army soldiers, these and other related studies intrigued and at times thoughts of "Military use and Applications" in such various degrees brought out "What if's" that could be applied toward warfare and/or security.

The Astral Sciences and World War Two


During the 1930's, various psychical research labs continued to refine the scopes of parapsychology. What was loosely known as "The Astral Sciences" of psychical research (ie: Out of Body Experience-OOBE, Astral projection, Astral Traveling or Visioning ) would take refinement to a higher step. Still under the scope of parapsychology, it was during this time that Europe (especially Nazi Germany ) were making strides in psychical research, but the looming shadow of war and the leaking rumors of "Psychic Warfare", caused causion and concern over many in the field. The merger experiments of a technique called Map "Dowsing" into "Astral Applications", created a type of Astral-Dowsing protocol, that is un-offically used by the military and private interests today. This experimental technique was utilized in a limited degree, to keep better and precise track of aircraft and pilots on their missions. This dowsing-astral protocol, utilized area maps and flight charts in the attempt for search and rescue missions, to locate or re-locate downed pilots and/or missing aircraft lost in the flight plan, being in front or behind enemy lines.

It has also been alledged that a primitive form of remote viewing may have been under development, but toward the end of the war, dashed away to any futher followup?

Coordination Astral Viewing and The Bomb


During the 1950's, the U.S. Navy became interested in their own version of a "Dowsing-Astral" protocol. Like it's World War II Army Aircorp sister version, they wanted to utilized this in the tracking of naval ships and submarines. Naval navigation charts and Coordinate logs were to be used, to create a type of psychical GPS potocol. As far fetched that it seemed, it did have limited success. During one or a number of early Nuclear Bomb tests (ie:Project Wigwam ) in the Pacific Ocean, this was utilized to analyze the effects of ships and submarines before, during, and after a nuclear detonation... safely "viewing from a distance".

Though these techniques were utilized for a limited time as needed, they were later scrutinized and contested by the military, and went into disuse. For the first time, a now developing link from these protocols would emerge that would become part of what we call present day Remote Viewing.

The Cold War "Psi Spy" Behind The Iron Curtain


During The Cold War, Four distinct periods emerged, these periods are known as "The Atomic Race", "The Information Race", "The Space Race". In these three periods we took on the challenges of The Cold War. The last period of challenge was called "The Mind Race".

As in World War II, rumors of "Psychic Warfare" resurfaced in the 1960's from behind the Soviet iron curtain. Some of these rumors proved to be dis-informational nonsence and voodoo, but other rumors were disturbing. Psychical Applications in warfare became a national security issue and concern. The ideas of "Psychic Spying", and "Psy-ops", peppered by rumors of acute breakthroughs in psychical research leaking out to the West, caused the U.S. Military to re-evaluate not only what was happenning in the Soviet Union, but also domestic prioities as well.

Again the military went back to the psychical Research Labs to seek, understand and update agressive, defensive and counter-measure applications. Many a military group and agency had their mixed ideas to tackle this challenge. In particular, the idea of psychical applications in intelligence gatering or "Psychic Spying", intrigued particulary The Central Intelligence Agency or CIA of things psychical, but also The National Secerity Agency NSA, and The Defence Intelligence Agency DIA had their seperate ideas of "Intel. Applications" as well.

OOBE-Beacon "RV" Breakthrough Experiments


During the late 1960's and early 1970's, various psychical labs began to again re-define the scope of psychical disiplines under parapsychology. With the "so called" limited success of "Astral-Dowsing" protocols, due to it being a "open freestyle" technique. A more directed "Control factor" was seeked, as in the finate idea that "You can look out, but can you prevent the enemy to look in"?

At The American Society for Psychical Research, director of research, Dr. Karlis Osis began to find that "Control factor" he needed in the astral sciences area of "Out of Body Experiences or OOBE. He had to go back and redundatly find that psychical string of "Repeatability". This was not an easy task, as other labs were working on similar and/or varitions of the same thing. Eventually, Dr. Osis and his staff came up with a psychical protocol called "Beaconing". This would be a focus contol point, where the subject would go "Outbound" or "Inbound" to a particular animate object or target location. Instead of the use of charts and maps as in "Astral-Dowsing", this version of the "Beaconing" process would utilize the skills of an artist-illustrator to report and visualize on a blank piece of paper as quickly as possible what they were "viewing" before, during, and after the lab event?

Phase one

One of the first to participate in this was, pioneer remote viewer, Ingo Swann. Through at times he complained about the repetiness and limited scope of the experiments, he did with much success, accomplished and contributed data to the "Beaconing" Protocol. In spite the success, Swann as the only participant, made some at the ASPR question the true accuracy, as there was no additional supportive data to verify or fall back upon. To some at the ASPR, Swann's personal past association with the science-religious group Scientology, also made him "suspect" that his data could have been tainted or deceptive?

To clear up the controversy and to varify Swann's data, it was suggested that Dr. Osis was to repeat the "Beacon" experiment again, but this time with new participants and expanded scope.

Phase Two

In the second phase of The "Beacon" experiments, additionl participants contributed data as well. One of a number of participants involved was pioneer remote viewers, Keith Harary and Alfred E. Moch (aka: A. Edward Moch ). The data contributed by Harary, Moch and others would slightly varify, but meet and surpass the original data given by Swann. Remote Viewing as we know it today had become a reality.

Scientific Remote Viewing As We Know It Comes of Age?


With the success of the OOBE-Beacon Experiments at the ASPR labs, psychical research toward the scientific scope acceptance of Remote Viewing began to amp up at The Stanford Research Institute or SRI in California. Pioneer Remote Viewer, Ingo Swann and former ASPR Lab assistant, Janet Mitchell would join research directors, Russel Targ and Hal Puthoff to experiment and refine what is called remote viewing.

Various other pioneer remote viewing participants would also contibute additional data to the SRI remote viewing experiments as well (ie: Pat Price, etc.). Even Keith Harary would be called to assist later for the SRI team in additional refinement of scientific acceptance of remote viewing.

Various RV Domestic and Military Applications


There was no one remote viewing protocol.

According to pioneer remote viewer, A. Edward Moch, he claimed that there were as many as fourteen psychical labs researching and developing similar and variable protocols of what would be present day remote viewing. Some of these "RV" protocols would fully develop, and some would fail and fall by the wayside. How many of these original "RV" protocols survived, is non-known to this day. In the later public and de-classified documents of "The Stargate Program", most of Moch's early claims would be verified by other psychical labs like The ASPR, and SRI were mentioned (ie: Duke University, UCLA, Monroe Institute, NASA, etc.). Even pioneer remote viewer, Ingo Swann verified that the labs of The Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech in California were utilized in remote viewing for an experiment or two in satelite and planet tracking... a sort of upgraded "RV" version of the early "Astral-Dowsing" protocols that were used back in the 1940's and 1950's.

"Various Military applications", in the use of remote viewing were the obvious primary goal of "The Stargate Program", and a number of military personnel became involved. The U.S. Defence Department DIA found various needs as well. According to military remote viewer, Dr. David Morehouse as a soldier, he participated as a remote viewer to discern various "military applications" for the DIA defence department.

Since the de-classification of the use of remote viewing, under the umbrella of "The Stargate Program" in 1995, various claims of new post-stargate remote viewing protocols were developed for "domestic purposes", but according to Moch, other associates, and supportive documents, "domestic applications' in remote viewing during "The Stargate Program",were also being researched and developed as well. Claiming field testings as far back as 1976-77. This has been varified in a well known domestic crime case, but was later upgraded to "Classified" by the FBI due to the sensitivity of the events in that case.

The various sub-project names under the umbella of "The Stargate Program", had their particular piorities, even "RV" secondaries and supportive data were also utilized.

Remote Viewing Pros and Cons


Depending on the acccepting or rejecting part or all the point of views and facts that make up present day "Remote Viewing", There are noted positive and negative opinions surrounding this subject. This may or may not have anything to do with "RV" at all, but the personal and public understanding or ignorance of the subject. The fact of the matter is, most of remote viewing works, and is accepted in the field of parapsychology-psychical research and in the scientific community, but only within the standards and scope of these areas. Professional, opinion can differ from one professional or equal to another. What might be acceptable to a parapsychologist, may or may not meet the same standards from a scientist or even a medical professional, and vice versa.

Like any field of accepted science and medicine, the prospect of fraud and quackery is always in the shadows, and even the most trained professional can be deceived or mislead by the smallest of data error. More is being discovered every day about remote viewing, and how it has the potential of going beyond the present criteria.

Media Hype Embraces Remote Viewing


In the fall of 1995, when "Project Stargate" was leaked to the public, the media broadcasted only a limited understanding of what project stargate was. The public had expressed a mixed opinion of how the media first presented it. Actually, the news leaks about remote viewing go back to the mid 1980's, and most of the public dismissed it as "media hype". But when the Central Intelligence Agency officially revealed the various operations under the umbrella name of "The Stargate Program", the media went into a frenzy. Soon after, both accurate and mis-information about remote viewing made it a topical subject, even to the present day. A multitude of individuals came forward, claiming direct and in-direct involvement with The Stargate Program. Though some individuals have been varified, there are still a small percentage that have not been offically verified, due to the present time, that a portion of The Stargate Program is still "Classified". In spite the lax of complete disclosure, the media felt it was enough to present as a bonified subject for media discretion.

Published books and articles began to appear, and in no time even Hollywood and Television had to play their ways and ends about remote viewing. Unfortunately, much of the idea of remote viewing seemed to take on an almost "based on" aire of science fiction and/or info-taining conjecture. Movie films like "Vision", "The Capitol Conspiracy", "Suspect Zero", "Minority Report (film)", "The Matrix", "Next (film)" , etc. melding a medley of embellished ideas of remote viewing, and making it dis-informative and larger than life, sweetened with Hollywood hype and publicity. Most of the reality of remote viewing in these and other related films become masked and get lost somewhere between the hot buttered popcorn and the super hero who saves the world?

Quantum Applications The Future Is Our's Today?


Approximately eight years ago, it was reported that various aspects of what we call "Remote Viewing" was utilized in a domestic murder incident. Known as "The Chandra Levy Case", it was verified that some accurate remote viewing and other related psychical and scientific applications were done. Though most if not all the data was dismissed at the time, but "New Evidence" has now emerged. The recent "new" confession of the now prime suspect, Igmar Guandique, open the reality that some of suggestions made were erroniously overlooked. As like "The Son of Sam Case", where certain aspects of remote viewing was utilized also, it is obvious when used properly, that it does has it redeeming value as a tool, along side other tried and true techniques.

Aedwardmoch (talk) 20:04, 13 March 2009 (UTC)aedwardmochAedwardmoch (talk) 20:04, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

Some Resources


"The Mind War" by Russell Targ and Keith Harary

"Remote Viewing-The Real Story" by Ingo Swann

"Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spys", By Jim Schnabel

"Psychic Warrior", By Dr. David Morehouse

"Psychic Battlefield"

"Psychic Detectives" By Randles and Hough.

"Best Known Work's Of Poe".

"Works of Percey B. Shelley"

"Minority Report", The Movie, Starring Tom Cruise

"Vision", The Movie, Starring Eric Estrada

"Suspect Zero", The Movie, Starring Ben Kingsley

"The Capitol Conspiracy", The Movie

"Next", The Movie, Starring Nicholas Cage

"Knowing", The Movie, Starring Nicholas Cage

"The Men Who Stare At Goats", The Book and Movie