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User:Hanmanthirkal/Books/Districts of the World

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Districts of the World

Table of administrative divisions by country
Provinces of Afghanistan
Districts of Afghanistan
Counties of Albania
Districts of Albania
Municipalities of Albania
List of cities in Albania
Provinces of Algeria
Districts of Algeria
Communes of Algeria
Parishes of Andorra
Provinces of Angola
List of municipalities of Angola
Communes of Angola
Parishes and dependencies of Antigua and Barbuda
Provinces of Argentina
Departments of Argentina
Partidos of Buenos Aires
Barrios and Communes of Buenos Aires
Administrative divisions of Armenia
List of municipalities of Armenia
States and territories of Australia
Local government in Australia
States of Austria
Districts of Austria
Statutory city
Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan
Local government in the Bahamas
Governorates of Bahrain
Divisions of Bangladesh
List of districts of Bangladesh
Upazilas of Bangladesh
Parishes of Barbados
Administrative divisions of Belarus
Communities, regions and language areas of Belgium
Provinces of Belgium
Arrondissements of Belgium
Districts of Belize
Constituencies of Belize
Departments of Benin
Communes of Benin
Arrondissements of Benin
Districts of Bhutan
Gewogs of Bhutan
Departments of Bolivia
Provinces of Bolivia
Municipalities of Bolivia
Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Municipalities of Republika Srpska
Districts of Botswana
Sub-districts of Botswana
States of Brazil
Municipalities of Brazil
List of administrative regions in Federal District
Districts of Brunei
Mukims of Brunei
Provinces of Bulgaria
Municipalities of Bulgaria
Districts of Sofia
Regions of Burkina Faso
Provinces of Burkina Faso
Departments of Burkina Faso
Provinces of Burundi
Communes of Burundi
Collines of Burundi
Provinces of Cambodia
List of Cambodian districts and sections
Regions of Cameroon
Departments of Cameroon
Provinces and territories of Canada
Lists of municipalities in Canada
Administrative divisions of Cabo Verde
Prefectures of the Central African Republic
Sub-prefectures of the Central African Republic
Regions of Chad
Departments of Chad
Regions of Chile
Provinces of Chile
Communes of Chile
Provinces of China
Autonomous regions of China
Direct-controlled municipalities of China
Prefecture-level city
Prefectures of the People's Republic of China
Autonomous prefectures of the People's Republic of China
Counties of the People's Republic of China
Autonomous counties of the People's Republic of China
District (China)
County-level city
Leagues of Inner Mongolia
Banners of Inner Mongolia
Autonomous administrative divisions of China
Districts of Hong Kong
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
Departments of Colombia
Municipalities of Colombia
Corregimientos of Colombia
List of islands of Comoros
Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Districts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Departments of the Republic of the Congo
Districts of the Republic of the Congo
Provinces of Costa Rica
Cantons of Costa Rica
Regions of Ivory Coast
Departments of Ivory Coast
Counties of Croatia
Local community
Provinces of Cuba
Municipalities of Cuba
Districts of Cyprus
Regions of the Czech Republic
List of districts of the Czech Republic
Districts of Prague
Regions of Denmark
Municipalities of Denmark
Regions of the Faroe Islands
List of municipalities of the Faroe Islands
Administrative divisions of Greenland
Districts of Djibouti
Djibouti (city)
Parishes of Dominica
Provinces of the Dominican Republic
List of municipalities of the Dominican Republic
Districts of East Timor
Subdistricts of East Timor
Provinces of Ecuador
Cantons of Ecuador
Governorates of Egypt
Regions of Egypt
Departments of El Salvador
Municipalities of El Salvador
Provinces of Equatorial Guinea
Regions of Eritrea
Counties of Estonia
Municipalities of Estonia
Regions of Ethiopia
Districts of Ethiopia
Local government in Fiji
Provinces of Fiji
Regions of Finland
Sub-regions of Finland
Municipalities of Finland
Municipalities of Åland
Regions of France
Departments of France
Arrondissements of France
Administrative divisions of French Polynesia
Administrative divisions of New Caledonia
Provinces of Gabon
Departments of Gabon
Cantons and communes of Gabon
The Gambia
Districts of the Gambia
Administrative divisions of Georgia (country)
Districts of Georgia (country)
States of Germany
Districts of Germany
Regions of Ghana
Districts of Ghana
Administrative regions of Greece
Municipalities and communities of Greece
Regional units of Greece
Parishes of Grenada
Departments of Guatemala
Municipalities of Guatemala
Regions of Guinea
Prefectures of Guinea
Sub-prefectures of Guinea
Regions of Guinea-Bissau
Sectors of Guinea-Bissau
Regions of Guyana
Neighbourhood Councils of Guyana
Departments of Haiti
Arrondissements of Haiti
Departments of Honduras
Municipalities of Honduras
Counties of Hungary
Subregions of Hungary
Constituencies of Iceland
Regions of Iceland
Counties of Iceland
States and union territories of India
List of districts in India
Provinces of Indonesia
List of regencies and cities of Indonesia
Subdivisions of Indonesia
Provinces of Iran
Counties of Iran
Governorates of Iraq
Local government in the Republic of Ireland
List of cities, boroughs and towns in the Republic of Ireland
Districts of Israel
Regions of Italy
Provinces of Italy
Parishes of Jamaica
Prefectures of Japan
Subprefectures of Japan
Municipalities of Japan
Cities designated by government ordinance of Japan
Governorates of Jordan
Nahias of Jordan
Provinces of Kazakhstan
Districts of Kazakhstan
Counties of Kenya
Sub-Counties of Kenya
Locations of Kenya
Subdivisions of Kiribati
Districts of Northern Cyprus
Provinces of North Korea
List of second-level administrative divisions of North Korea
Special cities of North Korea
Provinces of South Korea
Special cities of South Korea
Administrative divisions of Kosovo
Municipalities of Kosovo
Governorates of Kuwait
Districts of Kyrgyzstan
Provinces of Kyrgyzstan
Provinces of Laos
Districts of Laos
Administrative divisions of Latvia
List of cities and towns in Latvia
Governorates of Lebanon
Districts of Lebanon
Districts of Lesotho
Community councils of Lesotho
Counties of Liberia
Districts of Liberia
Districts of Libya
Municipalities of Liechtenstein
Counties of Lithuania
Municipalities of Lithuania
Elderships of Lithuania
Districts of Luxembourg
Cantons of Luxembourg
Communes of Luxembourg
Statistical regions of Macedonia
Municipalities of the Republic of Macedonia
Provinces of Madagascar
Regions of Madagascar
Regions of Malawi
Districts of Malawi
States and federal territories of Malaysia
Districts of Malaysia
Divisions of Malaysia
Administrative divisions of the Maldives
Regions of Mali
Cercles of Mali
Arrondissements of Mali
Local councils of Malta
List of islands of the Marshall Islands
Regions of Mauritania
Departments of Mauritania
Communes of Mauritania
Outer islands of Mauritius
Districts of Mauritius
List of places in Mauritius
Administrative divisions of Mexico
Municipalities of Mexico
Mexico City's boroughs
Administrative divisions of the Federated States of Micronesia
Administrative divisions of Moldova
Provinces of Mongolia
Districts of Mongolia
Düüreg of Mongolia
Municipalities of Montenegro
List of populated places in Montenegro
Regions of Morocco
Administrative divisions of Morocco
Provinces of Mozambique
Districts of Mozambique
Postos of Mozambique
Administrative divisions of Burma
Districts of Burma
Townships of Burma
Regions of Namibia
Constituencies of Namibia
Development Regions of Nepal
List of zones of Nepal
List of districts of Nepal
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Provinces of the Netherlands
List of municipalities of the Netherlands
Public body (Netherlands)
Regions of New Zealand
Unitary authority
Territorial authorities of New Zealand
Realm of New Zealand
Cook Islands
List of villages in Niue
Departments of Nicaragua
Municipalities of Nicaragua
Zelaya Department
Regions of Niger
Departments of Niger
Communes of Niger
States of Nigeria
Local government areas of Nigeria
Counties of Norway
List of municipalities of Norway
List of possessions of Norway
Governorates of Oman
Provinces of Oman
Administrative units of Pakistan
Federally Administered Tribal Areas
Azad Kashmir
States of Palau
Governorates of the Palestinian National Authority
West Bank
Gaza Strip
Provinces of Panama
Districts of Panama
List of regions of Papua New Guinea
Provinces of Papua New Guinea
Departments of Paraguay
Districts of Paraguay
Regions of Peru
Provinces of Peru
Districts of Peru
Regions of the Philippines
Provinces of the Philippines
Cities of the Philippines
Pateros, Metro Manila
Municipalities of the Philippines
Voivodeship (Poland)
List of Polish counties
Districts of Portugal
Autonomous regions of Portugal
Municipalities of Portugal
List of parishes of Portugal
Municipalities of Qatar
Counties of Romania
List of cities and towns in Romania
Communes of Romania
Sectors of Bucharest
Federal subjects of Russia
Autonomous okrugs of Russia
Federal cities of Russia
Administrative divisions of Moscow
Saint Petersburg
Administrative divisions of Saint Petersburg
Provinces of Rwanda
Districts of Rwanda
Sectors of Rwanda
Parishes of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Quarters of Saint Lucia
Parishes of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Districts of Samoa
Municipalities of San Marino
Provinces of São Tomé and Príncipe
Districts of São Tomé and Príncipe
Provinces of Saudi Arabia
Regions of Senegal
Departments of Senegal
List of districts of Serbia
Municipalities and cities of Serbia
Districts of Seychelles
Provinces of Sierra Leone
Districts of Sierra Leone
Constituencies of Singapore
Regions of Slovakia
Districts of Slovakia
List of municipalities and towns in Slovakia
Statistical regions of Slovenia
Municipalities of Slovenia
Provinces of Solomon Islands
Administrative divisions of Somalia
Provinces of South Africa
District municipality (South Africa)
Local municipality (South Africa)
Metropolitan municipality (South Africa)
States of South Sudan
Counties of South Sudan
Autonomous communities of Spain
List of provinces of Spain
Municipalities of Spain
Plazas de soberanía
Provinces of Sri Lanka
Districts of Sri Lanka
Divisional Secretariats of Sri Lanka
States of Sudan
Districts of Sudan
Districts of Suriname
Resorts of Suriname
Regions of Swaziland
Counties of Sweden
Municipalities of Sweden
Cantons of Switzerland
Districts of Switzerland
Municipalities of Switzerland
Governorates of Syria
Districts of Syria
Special municipality (Taiwan)
Provincial city (Taiwan)
County (Taiwan)
District (Taiwan)
County-controlled city
Township (Taiwan)
Provinces of Tajikistan
Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province
Districts of Tajikistan
Regions of Tanzania
Districts of Tanzania
Provinces of Thailand
List of districts of Thailand
Regions of Togo
Prefectures of Togo
Administrative divisions of Tonga
Regional corporations and municipalities of Trinidad and Tobago
Governorates of Tunisia
Provinces of Turkey
List of districts of Turkey
Districts of Turkmenistan
List of islands of Tuvalu
Districts of Uganda
Counties of Uganda
Sub-counties of Uganda
Administrative divisions of Ukraine
Raions of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates
Regions of England
Non-metropolitan county
Non-metropolitan district
Metropolitan county
Metropolitan borough
London boroughs
Counties of Northern Ireland
Local government in Northern Ireland
Subdivisions of Scotland
Local government in Wales
Crown dependencies
Parishes of Guernsey
Parishes of Jersey
Local government in the Isle of Man
British Overseas Territories
Geography of Anguilla
Districts of the British Virgin Islands
Geography of the Cayman Islands
Saint Helena
Districts of the Turks and Caicos Islands
Akrotiri and Dhekelia
U.S. state
Washington, D.C.
Palmyra Atoll
United States Minor Outlying Islands
County (United States)
Independent city
Territories of the United States
List of populated places in Guam
Northern Mariana Islands
Municipalities of Puerto Rico
Districts and sub-districts of the United States Virgin Islands
Administrative divisions of American Samoa
Departments of Uruguay
Municipalities of Uruguay
Provinces of Uzbekistan
Districts of Uzbekistan
Provinces of Vanuatu
States of Venezuela
Municipalities of Venezuela
Provinces of Vietnam
List of districts of Vietnam
Governorates of Yemen
List of districts of Yemen
Provinces of Zambia
Districts of Zambia
Provinces of Zimbabwe
Districts of Zimbabwe
List of wards of Zimbabwe
A to Z