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CSI: NY (season 7)

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CSI: NY (September 2004February 2013) is an American police procedural television series set in New York City. It is a spinoff of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and CSI: Miami.

The 34th Floor [7.01]

Jo Danville: I guess I was under the impression the NY Crime Lab was BYOB. [Danny and Sheldon look confused]. Bring your own body. [Boys laugh]

Jo Danville: [about finding the dead girl upon her arrival at the crime lab] My first thought was, "It's a practical joke. You know? Welcome to the New York Crime Lab."
Mac Taylor: We usually sabotage a pair of latex gloves or have a tech pose as a dead body in autopsy, then suddenly pop to life, but murder? Not our style.
Jo Danville: Good to know.

Danny Messer: [joining Lindsay on the roof] Thought I'd find you up here. Is this your new spot?
Lindsay Monroe: Did I have an old one?
Danny Messer: [hugging her] Yes, you did... right here.

Adam: Hello Josephine.
Jo: Jo.
Adam: Huh, really? It's not what it says in your file.

Jo Danville: I'm not breaking any rules. I'm trying to create new ones.

Unfriendly Chat [7.02]

Don Flack: We don't know who our killer is. We don't know who our victim is.
Jo Danville: And our crime scene could be anywhere in the world.

Adam Ross: I feel like I've forgotten everything, like I-I can't remember any of the details.
Jo Danville: Well, that's not uncommon, when the brain experiences trauma. Sometimes it locks up. But not to worry, cause I always carry a spare set of keys.

Jo Danville [to Adam]: You're being ridiculous.
Adam Ross: What?
Jo Danville: You deal with death every day. This case is no different. Man up.
Adam Ross: Are you kidding me? Jo, I saw this girl alive. She's not just another dead body on the slab to me. Oh, no, did you just do that so I'd spill my guts? Oh, damn it!
Jo Danville: Sorry, Adam. You can't keep your feelings bottled up. Contents may explode under pressure.

Lindsay Monroe: We did find Sass Dumonde's dead body.
Danny Messer: According to the university, she was in your class last semester.
Lindsay Monroe: We found her strangled to death with your fancy headphones.
Danny Messer: (whistles) That's pretty harsh. I mean, I failed Calculus, but my teacher didn't kill me.

Adam Ross: I shared the final moments of Sass Dumonde's life. I, I... I heard her music. I... I saw her joy. I-I... maybe even fell in love a little. And then, three minutes later, it was... it was just over.
Jo Danville: When you cross paths with people like that, it's hard not to stop in your tracks. But believe me when I tell you... none of what you're doing now will bring her back. It will only bring you down.
Adam Ross: What do I do now, though?
Jo Danville: Go home. Go to bed. Come back in the morning ready to do what's right.

Damned If You Do [7.03]

Danny Messer [to Lindsay]: Remember what I said about having a son?
Lindsay Monroe: Yeah.
Danny Messer: Never mind.

Jules Roday: He didn't do it. He doesn't have it in him to do something like this.
Don Flack: Okay, Jules, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Everyone has it in them to do something like this. Everyone.
Jules Roday: No. Not Billy.
Don Flack: How long have you been going out?
Jules Roday: Five months.
Don Flack: Five months? I usually like to wait at least six months before I can attest to somebody's lack of homicidal tendencies.
Jules Roday: You're kind of a bitch, you know that?
[Flack smiles]

Jo Danville: So from about 8:00 to 11:00, I'm just supposed to take your word for it that you were in your room? And the only person who can account for your whereabouts earlier that day is your girlfriend [starts writing down]
Billy Travers: What are you doing?
Jo Danville: Math. Because you're not man enough to admit what you did. Now I gotta do Math. I hate Math. Half hour by train to get to your parents' place. 25 minutes to stand outside and build the courage to kill them. Another 40 minutes inside to do the deed and change your clothes. 15 minutes to puke and then find a place to ditch the bloody clothes. Another half hour to travel to your room [she sums up] Five... ten... carry one... two hours and 20 minutes, give or take. Plenty of time for you to commit the murder and get back to your room.

Sid Hammerback: The human skull is composed of one of the most durable substances found in nature. It takes approximately one ton to reduce the diameter of the skull by one centimeter. Unfortunately for Walter Travers, when you get whacked in the head multiple times with a blunt-force object, that doesn't mean a whole lot.

Don Flack: [sitting in the sidewalk] I can just picture Manny Ravarra, sitting the cafeteria with a stupid grin on his face, eating a bologna sandwich, gloating to the other inmates how two mope detectives are knee-deep in crap for absolutely no reason.
Danny Messer: [coming out of the sewer] Actually, I only see one mope detective down here. You want to join me?
Don Flack: I don't do sewers. It's like he said... he's doing life, he's got nothing to lose, so why not jerk us around?

Sangre por Sangre [7.04]

Jo Danville: Torres' death leaves a void at the top of his crew, so I thought I'd look at his replacements might be able to avoid a street war if we can talk to them. So I'm gathering this as I go. Seems, Torres was the face of this crew, but Lisa Brigosa... she's the brains and Rick Devarro is the street muscle. Although, given his penchant for getting arrested, Rick's not too bright.
Mac Taylor: There's one other. Luther Devarro.
Jo Danville: Any relation to Rick?
Mac Taylor: His older brother. Founder of El Puño, but more of an advisor at this stage of his career. I helped put him away 15 years ago. He was released last week.
Jo Danville: Gasoline on the fire.
Mac Taylor: It's one thing to be a street guy, another to be smart. But it's dangerous when both those qualities are embodied in one person.

Luther Devarro: [about Mac] Fernando. Take a look at this man. If you're ever stupid enough to get arrested, this is the guy you want to put the handcuffs on. He's a fair man.

Mac Taylor [to Luther Devarro]: I want to know if I'm gonna have a problem with your crew.
Luther Devarro: This your way of paying condolences? Last time I checked, it was one of my men who had holes burned into him.
Mac Taylor: And killing more people is going to make it right?
Luther Devarro: What's the alternative, turn it over to the NYPD? Cops like to see us as defendants or, better yet, deceased.
Mac Taylor: Doesn't have to be that way.
Luther Devarro: I didn't make the rules.

Mac Taylor [to Luther Devarro]: You want to teach the next generation? You tell them revenge lands them in prison or a grave. You're a man of intelligence. Reason with them.
Luther Devarro: Men can reason all they want. Machines got minds of their own.
Mac Taylor: I want your assurance that this is not the beginning of a war.
Luther Devarro: I hear your concern but I can't make that assurance.

Luther Devarro: I never intended to save the world but somebody had to be held accountable. Those that made the same promise I did. Promise to protect the neighbourhood, not to eat it alive. To defend it, not to become the worst threat it had ever known.
Mac Taylor: Now you've caused even more bloodshed. Killing people won't solve it. We're fighting the same fight. Why didn't you come to me? We could have taken them down together.
Luther Devarro: Because old habits die hard, and we're different kind of people. I gain closure here, Detective, in the spirit of what I created. I have no other choice. It all ends here. Tonight.

Out of the Sky [7.05]

Lindsay Monroe: Our robbers are wearing the very latest in B & E chic. This season no heist is complete without these little beauties.
[Lindsay is wearing button size LEDs that make her head appear unidentifiable on the screen as it's covered by a bright light]
Lindsay Monroe: I'm walking... I'm walking... I'm walking. I'm busting the safe, I'm making my escape.
Jo Danville: A must-have for the fashion forward felon.

Adam Ross: What would you do?
Danny Messer: What would I do what?
Adam Ross: You know, if you found millions of dollars of gems in the street?
Danny Messer: Give 'em back.
Adam Ross: Oh, come on, guy. You wouldn't keep some?
Danny Messer: Why, would you?
Adam Ross: No, no, no, I... I'd give 'em back. Mostly... I mean... maybe keep one or two.
Danny Messer: Know what happens to people that take things that don't belong to them, right?
Adam Ross: No.
Danny Messer: Other people are getting hurt. Doc! Come here, we got an ethical debate going on, and Adam's failing miserably. What do you do if you come across a fortune of precious gems that don't belong to you?
Sheldon Hawkes: I'd give them to the guy with the knife to my throat.

Don Flack: What about the bag?
Arnold Vonley: Man, I'm a specialist. Strictly cash and jewelry only. I'm not risking my life for some sweaty gym socks.
Don Flack: How much did you get away with?
Arnold Vonley: 20 bucks. Plus the watch. Probably like 80 bucks, total.
Don Flack: I'm gonna be honest with you, Arnold. You're probably the dumbest mugger I've ever met.
Arnold Vonley: Why? What was in the bag?
Don Flack: Five million dollars. Those were some valuable gym socks.

Adam Ross: It's got all the auditory markers of an ass dial. You know, when your phone's in your back pocket and you make a call that you don't even know you're making. For instance, okay... my ass dialled my girlfriend once when I was out at a bar with some friends. Left, like, a 15-minute message, you know? I mean, it would've been really funny, except we were talking about her the whole time, and...
Mac Taylor: That's how she became your ex-girlfriend?
Adam Ross: Well... yeah.
Mac Taylor: Clear out the ambient sound, see if there's anything useful underneath, and call me when you got something. With your fingers, not your ass.

Roland Carson: [to Mac] This must be the highlight of your career, Detective... going after me.
Mac Taylor: It's not even an honourable mention.

Do Not Pass Go [7.06]

Danny Messer: Rooftop is clean. If there was ever trace up here, Mother Nature did not want us to find it.
Lindsay Monroe: What about the stairwell?
Danny Messer: It's my next stop.
Lindsay Monroe: You want help?
Danny Messer: Uh, well, with 738 stairs, I think I'm good.

Jo Danville: What's with the car?
Don Flack: The original architect had a thing for big-boy toys and drag racing. Been up here 40 years.
Mac Taylor: I had daydreams of owning one well into my 20s.
Jo Danville: I'm assuming yours didn't come standard with a dead body.
Mac Taylor: That wasn't even an option.

Don Flack: Mrs. Anderson... we're going to find the guy who murdered your son.
Mrs. Anderson: That's not going to bring him back, is it? I'm sorry.
Don Flack: It's going to take time.
Mrs. Anderson: I don't know the right way to act around people, what to say to them.
Don Flack: No right way to act. Children aren't supposed to die.
Mrs. Anderson: I would like to see him, Detective.
Don Flack: All due respect, I don't think that's a good idea. That's not how you want to remember him.
Mrs. Anderson: Then, how do I say good-bye?
Don Flack: You don't. Not where it counts.

Mac Taylor: So how'd your negotiation go yesterday?
Jo Danville: Negotiation?
Mac Taylor: Your daughter seems rather determined to vacate New York City.
Jo Danville: She can be a stubborn mule like her mama. Seldom shy about what she likes and doesn't like.
Mac Taylor: Being thrown into the deep end is never easy. It helps to know there are people around that have your back.
Jo Danville: Well, Ellie's a tough kid. She's going to be fine.
Mac Taylor: I wasn't talking about Ellie.
Jo Danville: Thank you.

Jo Danville: Ellie would've just ended up one of those innocent kids lost in a broken system.
Mac Taylor: Well, bringing her into your family was a noble thing to do.
Jo Danville: I didn't have any choice, Mac. She was love at first sight. She was so yummy. And if my son Tyler gave meaning to my life, Ellie just made it complete. It was the best decision I ever made in my life.

Hide Sight [7.07]

Mac Taylor: I received a memo from my superior officers just prior to calling this meeting. It reads as follows: 'There is no sniper.' Make no mistake about it. New York City has a sniper. And he's good.

Mac Taylor: Our hope is that this was an isolated incident and that the shooter will be in custody soon. I know that's what the brass wants the public to believe. What I don't know... what we can't know... is when or where the killer will strike again.

Chief Ted Carver [to Mac]: Heard about your antics this morning.
Mac Taylor: By antics, you mean telling the truth?
Chief Ted Carver: Look, your own people is one thing. I trust you're not going to be tearing up any directives from above in front of the press.
Mac Taylor: No, no. They were smart enough not to send me any paper this time.
Chief Ted Carver: All right, wait, wait, listen. Neither of us is to utter the word sniper, is that clear? That's a direct order from Chief Sinclair to me. Now it is a direct order from me to you. Is that going to be a problem?
Mac Taylor: They have a right to know.
Chief Ted Carver: Why? So they can turn this into Son of Sam? So they can post this on their blogs? Harry Smith does a segment on the Early Show about the psychology of a sniper and then introduces a new song by Katy Perry? No. The public has a right to know what we tell them.
Mac Taylor: I'm not going to lie for you or anyone else.
Chief Ted Carver: Who said anything about lying? Mac, look, I walked the beat just like you did, all right? I know where you're coming from but there is a difference between lying and withholding a truth.
Mac Taylor: I don't think there is.

Danny Messer: How's he doing?
Sheldon Hawkes: Well, doctor says he's fine. In fact, I hear he's already back at the office. They told him to take the rest of the week off, but you know Sid.
Danny Messer: Right, right. I mean, he's not happy unless he's looking at dead things.

Mac Taylor: Michael had been missing for 72 hours when this case file came across my desk. He was on his way home from school when he was abducted.
Jo Danville: Did you catch the guy?
Mac Taylor: Took 3 years. Arthur Francis. Twice convicted sex offender. Whole time he was missing, we didn't know whether he was alive or dead. It was the first case I ever questioned which of those two options might be worse.
Jo Danville: I'm sure his own parents asked themselves the same thing.
Mac Taylor: At age 12, he finally managed to escape. Clawed his way through the floorboards to a crawl space.
Jo Danville: I can't imagine that moment for a 12-year-old kid. It's heartbreaking.
Mac Taylor: I went to see him a few times after he returned home. Made sure he was doing all right. He always wanted to wear my badge. He asked me if it was pure gold the first time he put it on. His brother Tom, too. I thought for sure one of those boys would become a cop. I tried to stay in touch with the family, but then another case came along, then another case and I lost touch. Now he's the primary suspect in a murder investigation.
Jo Danville: Mac... there's only so much this job allows us to do.

Scared Stiff [7.08]

Jo Danville: No other prints to suggest she was being followed.
Don Flack: No... If this was a chase or a blitz attack there'd be signs of a struggle somewhere.
Jo Danville: I don't see it.
Don Flack: Nope. So what, or who was she running from?
Sheldon Hawkes: Ghosts.
[Flack and Jo look at him disbelievingly]
Jo Danville: [amused] Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, did I just hear you say ghosts?
Don Flack: You did. Wanna know why? 'Cause that's what he said: Ghosts.
Sheldon Hawkes: A lot of New Yorkers believe this part of the park is haunted. The lake just over there, for years rumor has it, two women have been seen skating figure eights, at night. Rosetta and Janice, sisters, died in the 1800s. Apparently they just glide above the ice, if you get too close they disappear.
Don Flack: [amusedly scared] Shut up.
Sheldon Hawkes: Yeah. Then there was that real estate guy that got gutted by the river just east of here. Oh, and Belvedere Castle, tons of people have heard disembodied voices, dispatch gets calls there all the time.
Don Flack: Teenagers. Doing the nasty.
Sheldon Hawkes: Go ahead, poke fun, but this area where we are, right now, some of the volunteers from the emergency medical unit won't even ride in here, they send me. I gotta be honest, there have been times when I felt something.
Jo Danville: A presence?
Sheldon Hawkes: I don't know.
Don Flack: Doc, come on. You can't tell me, that in your well educated scientific mind, you don't have an explanation for paranormal activity.
Sheldon Hawkes: OK, one night, I heard a woman screaming. I get off my bike, I run towards the sound, the screaming is getting louder and louder, but when I get to where she should've been: nothing. Nobody.
Jo Danville: What do think it was?
Sheldon Hawkes: I don't know. I don't have a rational explanation for what happened that night. Now, it could have been my mind playing tricks on me, or maybe it was the sound bouncing of the trees; but I felt something weird here, and judging by the looks of these shoeprints, maybe our Jane Doe felt something too.

[phone rings]
Don Flack: Flack.
Jo Danville: [in a crypt creepers voice] We gotta go visit the dead.
Don Flack: Work related I hope.

Jo Danville: This place is so creepy. But I guess, funeral home, what else would it be?
Don Flack: How the hell does a funeral home go out of business?
Lindsay Monroe: The owners died four years ago, the left the family business to the only son, Gordon, he closed up shop apparently, but I understand he still lives here.
Sheldon Hawkes: No prints in the dust, no movement in the air.
Jo Danville: Definitely doesn't look lived in.
Lindsay Monroe: Or died in.

Don Flack: This doesn't make any sense. This kid closed down the funeral home, but stayed in the embalming business.
Jo Danville: He kept it open for personal use. [reviews crime scene] No signs of struggle. So Isabel was probably unconscious when he laid her out here. So what did he do from there?
Lindsay Monroe: [opens door to closet] He dressed her. [takes out a dress] Vintage. Looks like it's from the fifties.
Don Flack: Hey, if we come across a little old lady skeleton in a wig and a rocking chair down here, it's every man for himself.

Lindsay Monroe: So this guy can only relate to dead bodies. That's really sad.
Don Flack: That's not the adjective I would use...

Justified [7.09]

Mitch: ...clothes on her back, food in her mouth, and she runs away? Huh?! That's how she repays me?!
Don Flack: Settle down, Mother Theresa.

Shop Till You Drop [7.10]

Danny Messer: Yo Mac.
Mac Taylor: Let me guess, she gave you a full confession, our job is done.
Don Flack: Wouldn't that be nice. No, she still won't say a word.
Danny Messer: But, something I found at the crime scene is speaking volumes. Piece of glass from one of those window lamps, actually had human flesh burnt into its surface. Got a hit in CODIS to a Pascal Denton. Now, he's StoneFields window display designer.
Don Flack: Turns out, before he was a designer, he was a regular at Rikers. Did six months for assaulting a police officer.
Mac Taylor: Any connection to the victim?
Danny Messer: Well, we found his prints on a wrought iron branch used as the murder weapon, and on top of that Grossman fired him a week ago.
Mac Taylor: Gives him motive. Still doesn't explain how Alena fits in.
Don Flack: No, but this will. She and Pascal got engaged six months ago.
Mac Taylor: So all this time we thought she was there alone with Grossman, maybe her fiancé was there too.

To What End? [7.11]

[Mac gets to the crime scene as Flack finished interrogating a witness/suspect, which are a lot of people dressed as clowns. Mac is amused]
Don Flack: Don't say anything. It's just better if you don't say anything.
Mac Taylor: The victim's inside?
Don Flack: The owner. Gino Cressida, was his son's sixth birthday. Witnesses just say a clown walked in a wasted him.
Mac Taylor: And when you showed up, the arresting officers had these guys contained? [nodding to suspects]
Don Flack: Yeah. Now, some of these costumes are way off, but more than half of them match the description witnesses gave of the shooter they saw walk across the street and disappear down the alley.
Mac Taylor: So one of these clowns might actually be our killer.

Don Flack: [Interrogating Clown suspect] You squirt me with that thing, I will shoot you, right here in front of everybody, understand me?

Danny Messer: [After talking about evidence] You know what, one more thing, do you wear sneakers inside clown shoes?
Mac Taylor: Are you seriously asking me that question?
Danny Messer: What, no good? What the hell do I know about clowns?
Mac Taylor: Look, I'm a bright man Danny, but I'm afraid I can't help you with that one.
[Jo arrives]
Jo Danville: Hey.
Danny Messer: Jo, do you wear sneakers inside clown shoes?
Jo Danville: I don't know, I don't own any.
Danny Messer: Clown shoes?
Jo Danville: Sneakers.
Mac Taylor: Danny, get out of here. Get me some answers. [Danny laughs as he leaves]

Russ Josephson: Hey, Mac seems like a nice guy.
Jo Danville: He is.
Russ Josephson: Any reason I should be jealous?
Jo Danville: [rolls eyes]

Holding Cell [7.12]

Danny Messer: Inhaling your alcohol... I think I saw this in an episode of The Jetsons.
Don Flack: I'm not a doctor, but that can't be good for you.
Danny Messer: The vapor or the girl?
Don Flack: Yeah...

Party Down [7.13]

Mac Taylor: What happened here Don?
Don Flack: This was a truck party gone bad. It's the latest craze in after-hours entertainment. They convert tractor trailers into exclusive nightclubs. Times and locations are spread among the social networks.
Mac Taylor: I'm assuming this one didn't start at the bottom of the Hudson?
Jo Danville: I thought the truck was not supposed to move once the party started.
Don Flack: It's not.
Mac Taylor: So who moved it?
Don Flack: Couple cabbies nearly got run over, but they didn't get a good look of the driver's face. They did say that he accelerated through the fence. The absence of skid marks confirms that there was no braking.
Mac Taylor: Driver could've drowned. Or still be among the survivors.
Jo Danville: We have divers in the water looking for more bodies and the others are being transported to the precinct for questioning.
Don Flack: My guess; driver saw that river coming, jumped out before splash down, then got the hell out of dodge.
Mac Taylor: Either way, looks like crashing this party wasn't an accident.

Smooth Criminal [7.14]

Jo Danville: Sounds like the punch line to a bad joke, professional killer, and ex-con walk into a bar.

Don Flack: So, Camille Jordanson wasn't just stealing meds. She was also giving them fake meds in return. Pun intended: That's pretty sick.

Vigilante [7.15]

Lindsay Monroe: Why, because I'm a woman I should cheer his death? I'm a cop first. As much as I despise what he did I don't advocate vigilante justice.

Danny Messer: I got to say, whoever these women are, I respect their determination.
Jo Danville: You think they did the right thing?
Danny Messer: Eh... I mean, no. But, I can't say I that wouldn't do the same thing in their position.

Kate Price: You know why I remember you, Lindsey? The day that we met at group, before you and I spoke. You kept checking your watch. You just couldn't wait to get out of there. I don't blame you. It wasn't like we wanted to be there either.

Lindsay Monroe: How do you follow the law and still be a human being?
Jo Danville: That's the hard part, because the piece of me- if that was my daughter- that would want him dead I have to put in a box.

Annie Cartland: I got what the system couldn't. Justice.
Mac Taylor: What you got was retribution.
Annie Cartland: Aren't they the same thing?
Mac Taylor: Not even close.

The Untouchable [7.16]

Lindsay Monroe: This is possibly... a grease.
Danny Messer: Yeah, you better hope it's that given where we found it.
Lindsay Monroe: You're gross.
Danny Messer: What? You wanted the coat.

Don Flack: How did she get in here without getting caught?
Mac Taylor: Buildings on either side are abandoned. No one's been up here for years.
Don Flack: What the hell was she doing in here?
Mac Taylor: Looks like Tessa was living here.
Don Flack: Whoa...[They find a wall plastered with Newspaper clippings, polaroids of people, masks...] I don't think the elevator goes to the top floor, if you know what I mean.
Jo Danville: It's amazing.
Mac Taylor: Somewhere in here is the answer to what Tessa was trying to tell me.

[Flack and Mac investigate room at Gentleman's Club. They find traces of bodily fluid on a couch]
Don Flack: A lot of sex going on in this room. Apparently VIP room means something else.
Mac Taylor: Well, sex isn't a crime, murder is. We need to find blood.
[They spray the room for blood, find it on a wall]
Don Flack: Bingo.
Mac Taylor: The splatter suggests a gunshot wound. Tessa was right.

Jo Danville: Your little talk with Detective Taylor was really a threat, wasn't it?
Keith DeJong: No! No, no. Look, I just... wanted him to know how-
Lindsay Monroe: How much of a pompous ass you and your club pals are? Do you think money can get you out of murder?
Keith DeJong: No! Look I don't know anything, okay, I just do what I'm told.
Lindsay Monroe: Oh, so you're a pompous lackey ass.

Do Or Die [7.17]

Mac Taylor: Significant blood loss. Couldn't have gone far. She was murdered right here on the school grounds.
Don Flack: Usually you tell your kids to be safe walking home from school, not through it.

Girl Student: [About being in the school library] [Nervous] Yeah, but I'm there every day.
Don Flack: Got a lot of work done then?
Girl Student: Yeah.
Don Flack: I didn't realize having sex was considered homework.

[Adam is walking trying to figure out something, Jo walks up]

Jo Danville: Hey.
Adam Ross: Hey.
Jo Danville: Dog ate your homework, what's up?
Adam Ross: OK, check this out. I was processing Olivia Prescott's clothing, and I found this weird grey dirt on her blazer, so I ran it through GCMS, and I found a high concentration of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride; which is... ah well... ah... eh- It has the same chemical consistency as ah... Martian soil.
Jo Danville: [amused] What?
Adam Ross: Soil found on Mars.
Jo Danville: OK. So I should have Flack send out an APB on what? 5'2, big head, oval shaped piercing black eyes, last scene leaving Archford Academy in a flying saucer? [still amused]
Adam Ross: You know, I just got the results back and I-I don't wanna go to Mac yet cause I don't want him to think that I'm-I'm crazy!
Jo Danville: Adam, I can personally guarantee you, that Olivia has never been to Mars. Based on the tears of the fabric of her blazer, the killer likely grabbed Olivia, so the "martian soil" had to be secondary transfer from the killer's hand, but obviously the killer's never been to Mars, so you have to figure out what martian soil has to do with Archford Academy.
Adam Ross: OK. [Turns to leave, sees Mac] Oh God. [Leaves in the opposite direction]

Identity Crisis [7.18]

Don Flack: Hey Mac. Bet you a cup of coffee this is the most interesting crime scene you'll go to all week.
Mac Taylor: You sound confident, obviously you know something I don't.
Don Flack: [To Sheldon] You wanna tell him?
Sheldon Hawkes: No, please.
Don Flack: Alright. [To Mac] You had to guess, how old do you say our victim is?
Mac Taylor: Late seventies, early eighties maybe.
[Sheldon and Flack smile and nod as if it was a good guess, Mac looks at them confused]
Don Flack: Doc.
Sheldon Hawkes: Mid thirties would be closer to the truth.
Mac Taylor: [Snorts] What?
Sheldon Hawkes: Yeah... and he's a woman. [Takes off mask from vic]
[Mac looks shocked]
Don Flack: [smirking] I like my coffee black, no sugar.

[Adam is doing something in the computer and starts laughing]
[Danny notices he is playing with the aging software using Lindsay's face]
Danny Messer: [Laughing] Hey, come on, that's not right, don't do that, stop.
Lindsay Monroe: What?
Danny Messer: He's just messing with the age progression software.
[Lindsay walks around the table to see]
Danny Messer: I wouldn't look.
Lindsay Monroe: Is that me?! That's not funny!
Danny Messer: I didn't do it.
Lindsay Monroe: Yeah, but you're laughing.
Danny Messer: No.
Lindsay Monroe: You're going to be married to her. [They all keep laughing] We're growing old together.
[Adam notices Mac walking over]
Adam Ross: [Seriously] Boss, One o'clock.
Mac Taylor: What is happening in here?
Adam Ross: We were... well, ah... while these guys were, eh... goofing around, I recovered a rust like substance from the vic's sweater, more than likely transfer from the weapon. [Lindsay and Danny look at him incredulously]
Danny Messer: Rust, huh?
Adam Ross: Yeah, huh.
Danny Messer: I think you need a distinct chemical composition or you'll be staring at big fat dead end chief.
Lindsay Monroe: There was no hit in Codis from the blood on the platform. And Danny's print from the train, dead end. But I did manage to find a partial print on the adhesive tape on the cigar box, and I'm thinking since our vic was wearing a mask, she was probably up to something, and she might have a record.
Danny Messer: Right, which we won't find any time soon, cause our vic is still a Jane Doe, and I ran Sid's ten card and we didn't get an ID... So if that print you recovered is hers, it's not gonna get us a name.
Lindsay Monroe: I'm your wife, OK. You don't have to turn on me.

Jo Danville: [To Ellie] I adopted you because you needed me... and because I needed you

Jo Danville: Hey.
Mac Taylor: [Looks at his watch] What are you doing here?
Jo Danville: Forgot my homework. Left myself a post it on my desk so I wouldn't forget and of course, I forgot.
Mac Taylor: On your desk?
Jo Danville: OK, thank you, yes, it's a mess, I know.
Mac Taylor: Huh... How'd it go? [About Ellie]
Jo Danville: Oh, it didn't. Ellie changed her mind.
Mac Taylor: Teenagers.
Jo Danville: Yep, that about sums it up. Mac you need to get married and have kids so I don't have to go through all these challenges alone.
Mac Taylor: Have you lost your mind?
Jo Danville: Yeah, don't get married, just adopt a child. [Mac laughs] Children are wonderful.
Mac Taylor: Misery loves company, huh?
Jo Danville: You'd make a great father.
Mac Taylor: Jo, stop.
Jo Danville: Did you ever think about being a grandfather?
Mac Taylor: Hey, if I buy you a burger and beer will you stop talking?
Jo Danville: Done. You know I have a weakness for food. Lets get a real juicy, greasy hamburger, with a light beer.
[They chuckle a little]
Jo Danville: You would make a great father.
Mac Taylor: Jo...

Food For Thought [7.19]

Danny Messer: What about that feast that we brought you in bed?
Lindsay Monroe That was Mother's Day... two years ago.
Danny Messer: Two? Really?... Wow, I'll get you something tasty soon as we're done.
Lindsay Monroe: I want a bowl of grits, two eggs over medium, sausage and wheat toast with a lot of butter from that soul food place on Bleaker. And, I want a double cheese burger with large fries, and a cream super float from that place in Madison Square park.
Danny Messer: [Snorts, starts walking away] That's it... [Stops, looks back questioningly]
Lindsay Monroe: I'm not pregnant. I'm just hungry.

Camille Jordanson: I'm throwing a party and I want you to come.
Sheldon Hawkes: Babe, didn't we just almost die?
Camille Jordanson: Why do you think I'm throwing a party?

Adam Ross: Hey Mac, do you think if a bird spits on you it's the same good luck as whe-
Mac Taylor: Figure it out, Adam.

Jo Danville: So all this time we've been looking at food trucks we should have been focused on fine dining.
Mac Taylor: Let's go see if murder is on the menu.

Nothing for Something [7.20]

[Talking about Flack taking Mac home]
Mac Taylor: Will he be giving me milk and cookies and singing a lullaby?
Don Flack: Lullaby thing's a bit weird...but milk and cookies can happen. [Grins]
[Mac grins back]
Don Flack: Let's go.

Life Sentence [7.21]

Mac Taylor: You want to kill me, Harris? Kill me. Here I am. Make a move.
Raymond Harris: Then there wouldn't be any surprises. Where's the fun in that?

Bill Hunt: Day hasn't gone by when I haven't thought about turning myself in.
Mac Taylor: But you never did.
Bill Hunt: It wouldn't have made a difference.
Mac Taylor: It would have to me.

Exit Strategy [7.22]

Jo Danville: Danny, check your schedule. You'll receive a 'must appear' for Wednesday.
Sheldon Hawkes: I can cover your cases for you if you have any deadlines.
Danny Messer: Ah, thanks, Doc [To Lindsay] You weren't even gonna offer, were you?
Lindsay Monroe: Solve your own damn cases.
Adam Ross: I can't wait to get married.

Jo Danville: Okay, what's going on, Mac? I know you better than you think. Something's up. What suddenly compelled you to investigate a robbery at a bodega on Austin and 123rd?
Mac Taylor: I'm the head of the Crime Lab, Jo. I think that more or less entitles me to re-evaluate any case I want, whenever I want.
Jo Danville: Fine. I have no problem with that. But I'm your colleague and friend and I think that more or less entitles me to ask why.

Don Flack: What's up?
Mac Taylor: You just killed two people: owner and an employee behind the counter.
Don Flack: That sounds like me.

Danny Messer: How does Sergeant Danny Messer sound?
Lindsay Monroe: Are you serious? You're thinking about taking the sergeant's exam?
Danny Messer: Maybe.
Lindsay Monroe: I think that's a great idea.
Danny Messer: Good. 'Cause I took it a few months ago and I'm waiting for the results in a few days.
Lindsay Monroe: What? Why didn't you tell me?
Danny Messer: I mean, I haven't told anyone. I mean, I don't know if I want it. I mean, it's more money. It puts me on the path to possibly running this lab one day but it takes me away from here. It would take me away from the team. It would take me away from you.
Lindsay Monroe: Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I love that you're thinking about our future like this.

Mac Taylor: What am I doing? How much longer can I do this?
Jo Danville: So that's why you went back to the bodega homicide, the last unsolved case. You wanted to see if you could find some closure.
Mac Taylor: I've done a lot of good.
Jo Danville: Yeah.
Mac Taylor: Maybe I've done my part.