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Derek Humphry

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Please respect the true intentions of Final Exit: the right of a terminally ill person with unbearable suffering to know how to choose to die.

Derek Humphry (born 29 April 1930), journalist, author and principal founder of the Hemlock Society. Today (2016) he is president of ERGO (Euthanasia Research & Guidance Org.) and chair of the advisory board of the Final Exit Network.


  • If you are thinking of ending your life because you are depressed, or cannot cope with the pressures of this difficult world, do not use this book. … Please respect the true intentions of Final Exit: the right of a terminally ill person with unbearable suffering to know how to choose to die.
    • Cautionary words
  • Frequently I am asked if I will take my life when I have a terminal illness. My answer is: "I'll wait and see." If my dying is bearable, the pain well managed, and my self-control and dignity are not damaged, then I shall hang on and die naturally. But if I am one of the unlucky few who suffer abysmally, then I shall make a quick exit. This book is intended for readers who think much the same as me.
    • "Introduction", p. XX
  • I tend to choose a doctor in the forties age range, male or female, in general preference to an older one. … They understand the full implications of modern medical technology a great deal better than their elders, are more open to new ideas, and usually are keenly aware of today's medical controversies, including law and ethics.
    • "Shopping for the Right Doctor", p. 12
  • If you have to help a person die, say nothing. Let the police do their own sleuthing.
    • "Beware of the Law", p. 18
  • Too soon is to waste the good aspects of life, and perhaps unkind to those who love and need you. Too late means you might lose control.
    • "When Is the Time to Die?", p. 101
  • Ugh! The plastic bag! Agreed. Not very aesthetic, but not so bad with a little a little prior practice to become accustomed to it.
    • "The Final Act", p. 150
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