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Inside Out 2

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Inside Out 2 is a 2024 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a sequel to Inside Out and tells the story of Riley's emotions as they find themselves joined by new emotions that want to take over Riley's head.

Make room for new emotions.
Directed by Kelsey Mann. Written by Meg LeFauve, and Dave Holstein.


  • I'm too gross to go to camp or anywhere ever AGAIN!
  • I'm a good person. [first Sense of Self]
  • I'm a winner. [belief]
  • Homework should be illegal. [belief]
  • If I'm good at hockey, I will have friends. [anxious belief]
  • I'm not good enough! [second Sense of Self]
  • I'm selfish. I'm kind. I'm not good enough! I'm a good person. I need to fit in, but I want to be myself. I'm brave, but I get scared. Success is everything. I make mistakes. I'm nice. I'm mean. I'm a good friend. I'm a terrible friend. I'm strong. I'm weak. I need help sometimes. [third Sense of Self]
  • I love "Get Up and Glow!"




  • [first line of the film] Let's…play…some… HOCKEY!
  • This is Joy coming to you live from Riley's mind. And we are expecting a great championship today with the Foghorns! Get up on your feet and make some NOISE!
  • Turns out, when you put all of those beliefs together, they make the most wonderful thing of all: Her Sense of Self.
  • This is for all memories that belong in the back of the mind. Like this penalty one, it's weighing on her, so let's lighten the load. A one-way express to "We're not going to think about that right now."
  • We keep the best and… toss the rest!
  • Orange? Who made the console orange?
  • I know new emotions can sometimes feel unhelpful at first and you just wanna...say to them. "Why are you so annoying?" But, I've learned that every emotion is good for Riley.
  • Look, again, love the energy. But you're being silly. None of this will actually happen.
  • You can't just bottle us up!
  • [talking to Disgust about Lance Slashblade] Don't you remember his power move?
  • Why can't they just leave her alone?
  • Boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys!
  • Delusional? OF COURSE, I'M DELUSIONAL!
  • Anxiety is right. Riley doesn't need us as much as she needs them. And that hurts. It really hurts.
  • [as she and the other emotions enter Imagination Land] This place has changed.
  • We can't let her do this to Riley! We need to shut this down!
  • [facing Anxiety] If you wanted her to be happy, then you'd stop hurting her!
  • What am I missing?
  • I don't know how to stop Anxiety. Maybe we can't. Maybe this is what happens when you grow up, You feel less joy.
  • [confronting Anxiety] You don't get to choose who Riley is.


  • Yay.
  • Oh, that was our favorite shirt.
  • Not me.
  • You take such good care of Riley.
  • [Joy: Have I ever steered you wrong before?] Yeah, many times.
  • Oh, this is a sad story.
  • Joy, Riley wants you.


  • No, no, no, no! That's not ours!
  • Aah! Who are you people?!
  • I never miss a look.
  • Orange is not my color.
  • Uh-uh. What do you mean "we"?
  • Guys, you just got to turn on the charm.
  • The Riley we knew is gone.
  • They're using Riley's imagination against her!
  • Fear, you have a parachute?!


  • Let me at 'em!
  • Did we grow overnight?
  • What’s going on?! AAAAAAH…
  • I barely touched it. Those morons broke the console!
  • Do I look orange?!
  • Wow, those guys are jerks.
  • The teacher's lounge has a hot tub?
  • It's a brain storm!
  • I have an idea, but I really don't like it.


  • We gotta get our mouth guard, people!
  • How dare you, madam!
  • We are suppressed emotions!
  • I Didn’t touch it.
  • Joy, if we can't follow the stream, we don't know where we're going. And if we don't know where we're going, we can't follow the stream! It's an endless loop of tragedy and consequence!
  • This whole trip is just a series of deader and deader and deader ends!
  • [Disgust: "Fear, you have a parachute?!"] Uh, yes. The real question is why don't any of you?


  • Hello, everybody!
  • Oh, my gosh. I am such a huge fan of yours. And now here I am meeting you face to face. Okay. How can I help? I can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep.
  • Oh, I'm sorry. I can get ahead of myself. I'm Anxiety. I'm one of Riley's new emotions. And we are super jazzed to be here. Where can I put my stuff?
  • That's Embarrassment. He's not really big on eye contact or talking, but he's a really sweet guy.
  • Look, we all have a job to do. You make Riley happy, Sadness makes her sad, Fear protects her from the scary stuff she can see, and my job is to protect her from the scary stuff she can't see. I plan for the future.
  • She finally arrives at high school. She has no one. She eats alone, and only the teachers know her name.
  • That's not going to haunt us for the rest of our lives at all.
  • I know change is scary, but we need new friends, or we'll be totally along in high school. Out with the old, in with the new.
  • Riley's life is more complex now. It requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you. You just aren't what she needs anymore, Joy.
  • It's not forever. It's just until Riley makes Varsity. Or until she turns eighteen. Or maybe forever. I don't know. We'll have to see. Bye!
  • Let Operation: New Riley begin.
  • Come on, Riley, get it together.
  • [during Riley's panic attack] I'm sorry. I was just trying to protect her. But you're right. We don't get to choose who Riley is.


  • I wish I was as tall as all of you. [Anger: "Who the heck are you?"] I'm Envy. Whoa, look at your hair! [Disgust: "Oh, yeah. Not happening."]
  • These girls are so cool!
  • We eat whatever Val eats.
  • Anxiety, you're putting too much pressure on her!


  • Ennui. It's what you would call the boredom.
  • That was like 30 seconds ago, Nostalgia.
  • Why are we up so early?
  • You care way too much about things.
  • My phone?! Where is my phone?!?! Seriously?!?!?! This is not happening! No, no, no, no, no!
  • She can be bored, but not boring.


  • Remember when we all finally came up to headquarters?
  • Yeah. Those were the days.


  • And she's got us! Woo-Hoo! Yeah, right?


Joy: [voice-over] Okay, looks like we have a couple of minutes while Riley takes a breather. Let me catch you up. Riley is still exceptional. And not just because she's the top of her class, which by the way, she is. She's also really kind, and she's nice to stray cats, I mean, come on! Oh, and she's officially a teenager now. She got very tall. Very fast.
Anger: [off-screen] Did we grow overnight?!
Sadness: [off-screen] Oh. That was our favorite shirt.
Joy: [voice-over] We even got braces with extra rubber bands!
Dentist: How does it feel?
Riley: Great! [one of the extra rubber bands snaps off from her braces and hits the dentist's face] Sorry.
Joy: Riley's personality islands are still going strong.
Disgust: Glad to see Boy Band Island finally broke up.
Fear: But Goofball is still monkeying around! [laughs]
Sadness: Wait, where's Family Island?
Joy: It's right there. [gives Sadness binoculars]
Sadness: [sees Family Island through the binoculars, revealing to be smaller than the other islands] Oh, there it is. But what's that blocking it?
Joy: Oh, that's Friendship Island. Isn't it amazing? [voice-over] But we realized her islands aren't the only things made by memories. Way down, at the root level, these memories were also creating beliefs.

Coach Roberts: [to Riley, Grace, and Bree] Hey, girls. Congratulations on your win!
Joy: [gasps] That's the high school coach! [she and Disgust exclaim excitedly]
Coach Roberts: What a game! That last play? Whoo! The three of you were impressive!
Riley: Thanks, Coach Roberts.
Coach Roberts: Look, it's last minute, but every year, I do a three-day skills camp. I invite all the best players in the area. I love for you girls to come.
Fear: Are we in a dream right now? Please can somebody pinch me? [Anger punches him in the arm] Definitely awake.
Joy: If we impress coach, she'll put the three of us on the team next year.
Anger: Ooh, the Fire Hawks. Finally a team I can get behind!
Coach Roberts: What do you say?
Riley: [in unison] YES! Thank you, coach! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Bree: [in unison] YES!
Grace: [in unison] YES!
Coach Roberts: Great! We'll see you tomorrow.
[Riley and her friends squeal in excitement; Later that evening at Riley's house…]
Jill: What a big day!
Bill: Ha! You are such an all-star! Oh, you're gonna knock the coach's skates off! Hockey scholarship, here we come!
Riley: Dad, stop! It's just hockey camp. I mean who knows what'll happen. [inside her mind, the memory of the referee giving her a 2-minute penalty for tripping shows up; worried] My penalty almost lost us the game today. What if I get to camp and I screw it up?
Bill: Hey, don't talk like that.
Jill: Yeah. You did great today, honey.
Joy: Exactly! Mom gets it. [removes the memory]
Riley: Yeah, I guess.
Jill: We are so proud of you.

Sadness: Joy, are you taking that where I think you're taking that?
Joy: Wanna come this time?
Sadness: Yes. I, I mean no. I, oh no. I, I, I really shouldn't.
Joy: You know, You're the only one who hasn't been to the Belief System.
Sadness: Yeah, its just that it's new, and I know how important it is, and I don't wanna mess it up or break it or burn it to the ground or anything.
Joy: Sadness, you won't hurt it, I promise. Have I ever steered you wrong before?
Sadness: Yeah. Many times.

Jill: [entering Riley's room after Riley wakes up] Riley, you aren't packed yet?
Riley: [as Anger presses a button on the console, making her really frustrated] You're always on me! Can't you just lay off for like one second?!
Disgust: Uh, overreact much?
Anger: I barely touched it. Those morons broke the console!
Jill: Riley, what's wrong?
Sadness: Oh. Mom looks sad. [presses a button on the console, making Riley more emotional]
Riley: I'm the WORST! [bawls]
Jill: Oh, no. Honey...
Sadness: I barely touched it.
Anger: That's what I said.
[Riley then sniffs her armpits]
Disgust: Let the professional handle this. [presses a button on the console, making Riley overreact]
Riley: I'm too gross to go to camp or anywhere ever AGAIN!
Disgust: Oh, yeah, this is totally broken.
[Zoom into Jill's mind and her emotions]
Jill's Anger: Well, we all knew this day would come.
Jill's Sadness: Remember, we agreed not to make a big deal about this.
Jill's Disgust: But she really does stink.
Jill's Anger: Oh, it's bad.
Jill's Sadness: Remain calm. Stick to the prepared script. [presses a button on the console, making Jill try to comfort Riley]
Jill: [sitting down on Riley's bed] You are not gross, honey. You're just changing. Remember that beautiful butterfly we saw in the park last week? [while inside Riley's mind, the emotions are using and extended arm to reach the console] Well, that butterfly began as a caterpillar. And just like that caterpillar, you're about to get your wings. But if you have questions...
[The hand touches a button on the console, making Riley overreact more]
Riley: [irritaed] My gosh, Mom! Just go away! [gets up from her bed and leaves] UGH!
Jill's Anger: Well, that's a preview of the next ten years.

Disgust: [notices Bree and Grace have worried smiles] Wait, what was that?
Joy: What was what?
Disgust: We got a look. I don't like this.
Joy: What? You're paranoid.
Disgust: I never miss a look. [brings up a panel and begins typing; a system begins examining the girls' faces and the screen zooms in on Bree's pushed eyebrows] Enhance 224, 176. Track right, zoom in, right... there!
Anger: So?
Disgust: She's hiding something! But what?
[Riley is suspicious; zoom into Bree's mind and emotions]
Bree's Sadness: What is she doing?
Bree's Anger: She's looking at our look!
Bree's Disgust: No, it's much more than that. [brings up the same panel and types, using the system to compare Riley's expressions]
Bree's Joy: She looks the same to me.
Bree's Disgust: Overlay and compare. See? Riley then, Riley now. Riley then, Riley now.
Bree's Anger: It's so obvious.
Bree's Sadness: But what does it mean?
Bree's Disgust: She knows we're hiding something.
[Zoom into Grace's mind and emotions]
Grace's Disgust: What is happening right now?!
Grace's Fear: I don't know! I don't know!
Grace's Anger: I can't take this anymore!
[Grace's Fear accidentally activates the console, causing Grace to reveal the bad news]
Grace's Disgust: You spilled the tea!
Grace: [blurting out] Coach Roberts isn't gonna be our coach next year! [shockingly covers her mouth and whimpers]
Bree: Grace! We… we got assigned to a different high school.
Disgust: Ah-ha! Oh… Oh, no.
Riley: Oh… Okay. Um… Yeah. No big deal.
Fear: This is a HUGE deal!
Anger: Our life is over!
Disgust: Is she serious right now? How long have they known us?
Anger: We can't go to high school without Bree and Grace.
Sadness: We won't know anybody.
Bree: We'll still get to hang out.
Grace: And we'll have this weekend, which means we'll get one last time playing on the same team.
Bree: Friends are forever, right?
Riley: Yeah. Of course.

Val: You're the one coach told us about. Riley, from Michigan, right?
Anger: It's Minnesota, sweetie!
Disgust: No, no, no, no! We cannot correct Val Ortiz.
[The console suddenly turns orange, making Riley speak in a nervous and anxious manner]
Riley: Yeah, that's me. Riley from good old Michigan.
Joy: Orange? Who made the console orange?
Anger: Do I look orange? [backs away]
Fear: I didn't touch it. [backs away]
Disgust: Orange is not my color. [backs away]
Sadness: Not me. [backs away]
[The emotions see what appears to be a new orange emotion, with upturn frizzy hair, wearing a striped-orange sweater and brown pants]
Anxiety: Hello, everybody! [The emotions scream in surprise] Oh my gosh. I am just such a huge fan of yours! And now, here I am meeting you, face to face. Okay. How can I help?
Joy: Uh...
Anxiety: I can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep.
Joy: Wow, you have a lot of energy. Maybe you could just stay in once place.
Anxiety: Anything. Just call my name and I'm here for you.
Joy: Okay, love that. What was your name again?
Anxiety: Oh! I'm sorry. I got ahead of myself. I'm Anxiety. I'm one of Riley's new emotions and we are just super jazzed to be here. Where can I put my stuff?
Disgust: Ah-ah-ah. What do you mean "we?"
[A little cyan emotion with sparkly eyes appears as she climbs up on the console]
Envy: [sighs] I wish I was tall as all of you.
Anger: Who the heck are you?
Envy: I'm Envy. [gazes at Disgust's hair] Oh, look at your hair.
Disgust: Oh, yeah. Not happening.
Envy: [looks at Val; gasps] Look at her hair! We need hair like that. [presses a button on the console]
Riley: Oh, my gosh, I love the red in your hair. [slowly reaches out her hand to touch Val's hair]
Val: Oh.
Disgust: [gasps] What are you doing?! [grabs Envy and pulls her away from the console]
Riley: Hey, maybe when I make the team, I can join team red head, too! Yeah, yeah!
[A big pink emotion, in a hoodie, presses his hand on the console, making Riley blush in shock as he whimpers]
Anger: Okay, who's this guy?
Sadness: What's your name, big fella?
Anxiety: That's Embarrassment. He's not really big on eye contact or like good talking, but he's a really sweet guy.
Joy: Well, welcome to Headquarters, Embarrassment! Oh. We're doing a fist- No. Oh. No? Going high. You got a real sweaty palm there, buddy.
[Embarrassment whimpers and falls on the floor]
Val: Hey. You wanna come with me actually? We can meet some of the other Fire Hawks.
Anxiety: Oh, this is exciting. But we can't let her know we're excited.
[The console turns indigo]
Riley: [nonchalantly] Yeah, sounds good.
Anger: What emotion was that?
Anxiety: That's Ennui.
Joy: En… what?
[Pan over to Ennui, an indigo emotion with long hair and a long nose, wearing a tracksuit and socks, lounging on the sofa with her phone]
Ennui: Ennui. It's what you would call "the boredom".
Joy: Well, come on up here, En-wer. Am I saying it right? En-wha. No. Oh! Nicknames! I'm gonna call you Oui-Oui.
Ennui: No.
Fear: How are you driving?
Ennui: Console app. [showing the app on her phone, demonstrating how it works]
Anger: Hey! Stop it. That's enough!
Joy: Now, now, I know new emotions can sometimes feel unhelpful at first and you just wanna...say to them. "Why are you so annoying?" But, I've learned that every emotion is good for Riley. Even this turkey.
Anger: Okay, fine.
Riley: Cool. Lead the way.
Val: Alright, grab your stuff and follow me.

Coach Roberts: Ladies. Settle in means settle down. I need your focus. Which means now I'm going to need your cellphones. All of 'em. [the girls all complain over this; tuts] You're here to work, not goof around. [looks at Riley; sternly] Got that, Andersen?
Riley: [blushing embarrassingly as Embarrassment presses a button on the console] Yes, Coach.
Coach Roberts: Please put all your phones in the basket. You'll get them back at the end of camp.

[Anxiety and the other new emotions have sent Joy and the others to the Vault inside of a jar]
[The emotions, minus Joy, starts losing it]
Joy: Stay calm! Riley's gonna be fine. Totally fine.
Bloofy: Hey, there. You know what we call that? "Denial." Can you say "denial"? [Fear's flashlight points to him, a 2D preschool show character; the emotions scream] Hi, friends! [talking to "the audience"; breaking the fourth wall] Welcome! It's so good to have you here with us today!
Joy: [laughs] It's Bloofy!
Disgust: From that preschool show Riley used to like?
Bloofy: That's right, and here's a little secret. [presses his nose against the jar, making Fear nervous; whispering] Riley still likes the show. [walks away from the jar, and turns to the audience to sing his song with Joy dancing in the background; singing] Stomp like an elephant, scurry like a mouse, make your way down to Bloofy's House!
Anger: Please kill me.
Joy: Bloofy, we're in a real pickle! Could you help us get out of here?
Bloofy: Uh, oh! [to the audience] We're gonna need your help! Can you find a way out?
Anger: Who are you talking to?!
Bloofy: [to the emotions] My friends! [to his shadow and the wall, where the audience be] Do you see a key? [silence] (No?) Hmmm... I don't either.
Fear: Okay, we're doomed.
Lance Slashblade: Indeed. Welcome to your eternal fate.
Disgust: [gasps] Lance Slashblade?!
Sadness: But he's a video game character. Why is he here?
Disgust: Yeah, I always thought Riley had a secret crush on him.
Joy: I never saw the appeal.
Lance Slashblade: I long to be a hero, but darkness haunts my past.

Ennui: Why are we up so early?
Anxiety: Because mon ami, we need to speed things up. And that means we hit the ice early and practice like we've never practiced before.
Ennui: Aren't we already good at hockey?
Envy: We're good, but the Fire Hawks are great.
Anxiety: That's right. Every time we miss, we skate a lap around the rink. Hockey is not a game, it is a sport.
Envy: That was amazing.
Anxiety: We need to be that good every time. Let's run it again.
Val: Hey, I see I'm not the only one who likes to start early.
Anxiety: You guys, it's Val. We had the same idea!
Envy: We're basically the same person! We're gonna be best friends!
Val: How long have we been here?
Riley: I-I don't know. Maybe an hour? I just wanted to get in some extra ice time.
Val: I'm the same way.
Anxiety: Oh, my gosh. She gets us.
Val: See? I told the other girls you'd figure it out. You get what it takes to be the best.
Envy: Look at us. This is going great.
Anxiety: Yeah, but we need Val to really like us.
Envy: Oh! We should ask Val lots of questions. People love talking about themselves.
Riley: So what was your freshman year on the Fire Hawks like?
Val: I mean… It was a lot of work. Like a lot. But it's also how I met my best friends.
Anxiety: Val is sharing things with us!
Val: Hey, a few of us are just gonna hang out tonight, order some food. You should come!
Envy: Oh. An exclusive invitation. We're going!
Riley: Really?
Val: Definitely! It'll be fun.
Coach Roberts: Alright ladies, let's warm up.
Grace: Hey, Riley.
Riley: Hi.
Envy: We are not sharing Val with them.
Val: Early mornings make me so hungry.
Riley: I know, right? I'd give anything for a piece of pizza right now.

Riley: [sarcastically] Oh yeah. "Get up and Glow!" is so awesome.
Bree: Riley, what are you talking about? You love "Get Up and Glow!".
Riley: Oh! Uh, hey, guys.
Envy: Why are our best friends always trying to hang out with us?
Grace: Come on, Riley, we just went to their concert.
Riley: Well, yeah. I mean sure. But like…
Bree: But what?
Grace: We had a great time!
Anxiety: Grace, you are not helping.
Riley: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah. We had a great time.
Joy: Why can't they just leave her alone?

[Joy is trying to get a vehicle to work, whilst Fear, Anger, and Disgust talk amongst themselves about Riley's current state and Joy's plan]
Joy: Okay, well, this isn’t working. And that’s fine. Everything’s fine.
Disgust: This is hopeless. I say we cut our losses and walk back.
Fear: This whole trip is just a series of deader and deader ends!
Anger: Ever since that puberty alarm went off, nothing around here works the way they're supposed to!
Disgust: I don't even recognize this place anymore. It's light out at 1 in the morning!
Fear: I never been inside so many jars in my life.
Disgust: And the Riley we knew is gone!
Anger: And if Joy can't see that, well, then she's delusional!
Joy: [hears Anger's words; turns around and stares at them] Delusional? [briefly smiles, but then she snaps] OF COURSE I'M DELUSIONAL! Do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain, complain, complain?! Jiminy, mother-loving toaster strudel! [smacks the controls of the vehicle, whilst Fear cowers, and Anger smiles] Do you think I have all the answers?! Of course I don't! [stops herself; sighs heavily] We can't even find the back of her own mind. [cowers in front of the control panel] Anxiety is right. Riley doesn't need us as much as she needs them. [starting to break down into tears] And that hurts... it really hurts.
[the other emotions look at each other, and Anger walks up to Joy]
Anger: Joy, you've made a lot of mistakes. A-A lot, and you'll make a whole lot more in the future, but if you let that stop you, we might as well lie down and give up now.
Fear: Well, actually, that does sound kind of nice. [Disgust slaps him] Ow!
Anger: [offering Joy his hand] Come on.
[Joy is helped up to her feet by Anger, and the emotions continue their journey]

Joy: Come on, we just need to cut through… [gasps] Imagination Land! Oh, you guys are gonna love it! There's French Fry Forest and Cloud Town and… [notices some changes around] Whoa. This place has changed. Mt. Crushmore?
Fear: Those are her top four?
Disgust: [sighs dreamily] The only one that matters is Lance.
Joy: Well, at least they got his good side.
Disgust: Every side is his good side.

Anxiety: All we got to do is to sneak into her office and read it. Come on, Riley, move those feet.
Envy: She doesn't want to?
Anxiety: Are we pushing her too hard?
Envy: We gotta see what's in the notebook. It's the only way for us to know how we can do better.

Disgust: Okay, so how do we get her Sense of Self from here to there?
Anger: I have an idea, but I really don't like it.
Joy: Anger, Riley needs us.
Anger: Oh, POUCHY! [echoes] Well, what are you waiting for? Say the words!
Emotions: Oh, POUCHY! [echoes]
Pouchy: Hi, everybody! I'm Pouchy!
Anger: We know!
Joy: Pouchy, we need to get back to headquarters. Do you have anything that can help us?
Pouchy: I have lots of items. Which one do you think will work the best? A roll of tape? A rubber ducky--
Anger: No time! [pulls him down and takes out sticks of dynamite]
Disgust: Seriously, Pouchy? Dynamite? Don't you have like a-a jetpack? A plane or something that's gonna help us?
Pouchy: [miffed] What do you think I have?! Everything in here?! I offered you the rubber ducky! I offered you the--
Joy: I know what to do. But we're gonna need a lot more dynamite.

Grace: Riley, you okay?
[The other emotions step forward while Joy remains by the new Sense of Self]
Riley: [getting up] Yeah. I mean… no. [breaking down; coming clean] I was such a jerk to you guys. When you guys told me you were going to a different school, I freaked out. And… [sighs] I'm so sorry. If you don't want to be friends anymore, I get it. But… I really hope that you can forgive me… Someday.

Anxiety: I love our girl.
Joy: How could you not? She's super smart.
Sadness: And great at hockey.
Disgust: She's really creative.
Ennui: She can be bored, but never boring.
Joy: But she can be a little sarcastic from time to time.
Fear: She can have really bad ideas.
Anger: Occasionally, she can do the wrong things.
Joy: Sometimes, she can be too hard on herself, but every bit of Riley makes her who she is. And we love all of our girl. Every messy, beautiful piece of her.

[During the end credits at the Andersen's house; the Andersens are eating dinner at the table]
Jill: So, Riley, how was camp?
[Zoom into Riley's mind]
Joy: Okay, we talked about this. We tell them everything.
Riley: Uh…
Anxiety: But what about sneaking into Coach's office?
Anger: What about hitting Grace?
Envy: Remember the lying?
Disgust: Are we gonna tell her about the Fire Hawks?
Anger: She doesn't need to know.
Fear: Objection!
Ennui: Pardon. Excusez moi. [presses a button on the console app on her phone]
Riley: [nonchalantly] It was good. [eats her food]
[Jill reacts unamused before zooming into her mind and her emotions]
Jill's Anger: She goes away for three days and all we get is, "good?"
Jill's Anxiety: [appearing from the curtains] And what about the red in her hair?! Did she join a gang?!
Jill's Sadness: [giving her coffee to cool her down] Welcome back, Anxiety.
[Zoom into Bill's mind and his emotions]
Bill's Anxiety: [popping up] She goes away for three days and all we get is, "good?!"
Bill's Anger: Yeah. Sounds right. Back to the game.


  • Big changes. New emotions.
  • Make room for new emotions.
  • Contain your emotions.


  • Kensington Tallman — Riley Andersen
  • Sumayyah Nuriddin-Green — Bree
  • Grace Lu — Grace
  • Yong Yea — Lance Slashblade

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