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Jedi apprentice

From Wikiquote

Jedi Apprentice is a series of children's novels set in the Star Wars milieu, about the young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. The first book was written by Dave Wolverton and the remainder by Jude Watson.


  • You weren't going to say goodbye? You were just going to leave?
  • We are not to know.
  • We are to do.
  • I don't mean to sound greedy, but may I have your meat?
  • Yes, we were talking about you, O Great Jemba. Come in... if you can.
  • Jedi, you think yourself to be a fair man. But when Hutts and Humans argue, even the fairest of men take sides against my kind.
  • What, Jedi? You send a child to fight me? Is this some insult?
  • So I know him? I am expected to know every Phindian in the galaxy?
  • Not so!
  • Fear. It is everywhere.
  • True, I lie, I do! I was on the ship, hidden in the cargo hold. After I escaped the mining platform, there were those who wanted to bring me back to work in the mines. But I longed for Phindar. So here I am!
  • But why did you hide? And since you are native Phindians, why didn't you just land?
  • Good question, very smart, Obawan.
  • Not a thief, brother! A freedom fighter who steals!
  • True, thank you, brother.
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