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Last words in Grand Theft Auto series games

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Following is a collection of last words spoken by characters in all Grand Theft Auto video games.


  • You're gonna earn your keep girl! And you're gonna like it!
    • Who: Marty Jay Williams
    • Note: Character has been killed by Victor Vance.
  • Me? Gimme a break, I'm your best buddy.
    • Who: Bryan Forbes
    • Note: Character has been killed by Victor Vance and Lance Vance.
  • Señor, I assure you they didn't feel a thing. Unfortunately, the same will not be said of you.
    • Who: Armando Mendez
    • Note: Character has been shot by Victor Vance in his mansion.
  • Make sure Mary-Jo takes care of my baby...
    • Who: Louise Cassidy-Williams
    • Note: Character talks to Vic Vance before dying of wounds sustained by Armando Mendez.
  • ¡Vete a la mierda!
    • Who: Diego Mendez
    • Note: He says that line to Jerry Martinez. It means "Go wing shit!". He is killed by Victor afterwards with Martinez.
  • You first.
    • Who: Jerry Martinez
    • Note: He says that line to Diego Mendez. He is killed by Victor afterwards with Diego.
  • I think we have a deal, my friend.
    • Who: Vic Vance
    • Note: Character was gunned down by Ricardo Diaz's men while conducting a drug deal worth of 20 kg of cocaine with Tommy Vercetti.
  • Make me, you prick!
    • Who: Leo Teal
    • Note: Character was killed by Tommy Vercetti.
  • I'll pay you double, Tommy! Double!
    • Who: Gonzales
    • Note: Character was killed by Tommy Vercetti.
  • You American idiot! They followed you here!
    • Who: Pierre La Ponce
    • Note: Said before he was killed by Vercetti.
  • Oh my god! Somebody help me!
    • Who: Mrs. Dawson
    • Note: She was killed by Vercetti.
  • You're on my turf, asshole! You're going down!
    • Who: The Sharks/Streetwannabes Leader
  • I trusted you, Tommy. I woulda had you made...
    • Who: Ricardo Diaz
    • Note: Character has been shot by Tommy Vercetti, who is killing him to save himself from being killed and in revenge for his role in sabotaging a drug deal. After he says this, Tommy and Lance finish him off.
  • Hey guys! Get in! I got you covered!
    • Who: Hilary King
  • I said I had enough of that at school!
    • Who: Lance Vance
    • Note: Tommy is making fun of Lance's name during a gunfight that follows Lance betraying him, which ends with Tommy killing Lance.
  • You still don't get it do you! I OWN you, Tommy. Those fifteen years were mine to spend! Get him boys, he never understood a thing!
    • Who: Sonny Forelli
    • Note: The character is saying this as he is sending his numerous goons after the main character, Tommy, who ends up killing both the goons and Sonny.
  • He's broken my heart! Get him, boys!
    • Who: Freddy
    • Note: Freddy tries to escape Carl Johnson and OG Loc, who give chase. He eventually reaches his gang and says this line, a moment after which he is killed by Carl.
  • Chinga tu madre, pendejo!
    • Who: Jose
    • Note: Character was killed by Big Smoke, the language can be translated as "fuck your mothers, asshole!".
  • Holy fuck!
    • Who: Alan Crawford
    • Note: Crawford dies after Carl Johnson drives him off a pier into the ocean.
  • Fuck you, Americansky! I'm gone! Doing business in America is dangerous!
    • Who: Andre
    • Note: He was killed by Carl.
  • Tenpenny set me up!
    • Who: Little Weasel
    • Note: He was killed by Carl.
  • You wreckin' my ride!
    • Who: Jizzy B.
    • Note: Carl had infiltrated his organization and had just revealed that he was betraying him. A car chase ensues that leads to his death.
  • I'm a motherfuckin' genius!
    • Who: Lance "Ryder" Wilson
    • Note: During a boat chase during which CJ kills him, after complaining that he "fucking sold [the Grove Street Families] out"; the player does not hear this line if Ryder is killed before he makes it to a boat.
  • We're hit! We're going down! Brace for impact!
    • Who: Little Lion
    • Note: He is later killed performing an aerial assault on the freighter, due to a RPG shot at the Maverick with Carl Johnson shooting at various Da Nang Boys gang members.
  • Enough! We settle this here!
    • Who: The Snakehead
    • Note: Character was killed by Carl Johnson in a sword fight.
  • It's fucking him! It's him! Oh, my God! Oh, God...it's him! Argh! My heart! My heart...
    • Who: Johnny Sindacco
    • Note: The character has just recognized CJ from a traumatic experience he had earlier in the game. As a result, he dies from a shock-induced heart attack.
  • Yeah... can I fuck your sister?
    • Who: Officer Eddie Pulaski
    • Note: Pulaski is shot by Carl Johnson. He says this line in response to Carl asking if he has any last requests, and Carl stamps his foot on him in response.
  • I had no choice... I had to do it... I just see the opportunity. When I'm gone, everyone gonna remember my name... Big Smoke!
    • Who: Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris
    • Note: Smoke has been shot to death by Carl Johnson, and says this line before dying when asked by Carl why he turned his back on the Grove Street Families.
  • Come on, assholes. I'll take you all! You're mine! Mine! I run this town! Hey, over here! Hey! Officer down! Come on! HEY! (pauses) Assholes! You never understood what I did! Fifty of me, and this town would be okay! I took the trash out! I DID! And I'd do it all again...
    • Who: Officer Frank Tenpenny
    • Note: This line is said after the character's stolen fire truck falls over the edge of a bridge and into Grove Street, just before the character dies of his injuries. Character was a corrupt police officer who had claimed that his schemes would bring gang violence under control.
  • Can't we be civilized about this, Toni?
    • Who: Giovanni Casa
    • Note: Character was killed by Toni.
  • Come on, tough guy!
    • Who: Cedric "Wayne" Fotheringay
    • Note: Character was killed by Toni.
  • Hey, someone dropped a dollar!
    • Who: Unnamed Sindacco thug
  • Hey, are we there? Where's Salvatore? Toni, the first drink's on me...
    • Who: JD O'Toole
    • Note: Character is shot in the back of the head by Mickey Hamfists under Salvatore Leone's orders.
  • You son of a bitch! Why can't you just die already? You should have never come back, Toni. I worked my fingers to the bone for Salvatore, and you just come wandering back to town and he's all 'Toni this', and 'Toni that'! This is my town, Toni! MY TOWN! You ain't taking it away from me! I'm gonna enjoy this!
    • Who: Vincenzo Cilli
    • Note: Character is killed by Toni after a failed ambush.
  • Hey Toni! Why don't you swim over here and kiss my ass?
    • Who: Paulie Sindacco
    • Note: Character is killed by Toni.
  • My men dishonor me, but it is fitting that I kill you myself. You two! Leave us! I am going to enjoy thrusting my sword into you!
    • Who: Kazuki Kasen
    • Note: Character is killed by Toni during a sword fight.
  • I don't think I'm ready for a beach holiday, Mister Toni. I've lost everything, and I have done so deliberately. I've been granted everything I asked for. Now, I just ask to be truly free. Goodbye, Toni-san.
    • Who: Toshiko Kasen
    • Note: Character commits suicide.
  • Here they are. Take them. I didn't get them processed yet.
    • Who: Ned Burner
    • Note: He is killed by Toni Cipriani.
  • Salvatore, Sicily never wanted questo schifo di citta. But when tribute dried up, what could we do? It was nothing personal.
    • Who: Massimo Torini
    • Note: Character is explaining why he had attempted to eliminate Salvatore Leone and kidnap the Leone-controlled mayor of the city. Salvatore does not accept this explanation, vowing to tear Massimo's heart out. Massimo retreats to his helicopter, but is killed when Toni Cipriani shoots it down. The language above can be translated as "this lousy town".
  • Carl, hi! I, er, I need more time to get your money, but if you just step into my office...
    • Who: Marty Chonks
    • Note: The character is saying this to a man named Carl, whom he failed to give money to. Before he can finish the sentence, Carl says that it's too late for the money, and that he's taking over his business. He then shoots Marty dead with a shotgun.
  • Salvatore is becoming dangerous and paranoid. He suspects everybody and everything!
    • Who: Curly Bob
    • Note: The character is saying this to the Colombian Cartel leader Catalina. The words are heard by the main character, who's been sent to kill Bob by Salvatore Leone. The main character obviously accomplishes this deed.
  • Please, amigo! Don't leave me with her, man, she's... she's psycho chica, man, please! Hey, hey amigo! AMIGO!
    • Who: Miguel
    • Note: He says this pleading for Claude to help him after Asuka accuses him of killing her brother and tortures him for information.
  • Now try the chilli oil.
    • Who: Asuka Kasen
    • Note: Said after Claude is tasked to go to the Francis International Airport to shoot down an approaching plane which contains SPANK. She is later killed off-screen by Catalina and the Colombian Cartel.
  • Get this thing airborne!!
    • Who: Catalina
    • Note: Her helicopter is shot down by the main character moments after this line is said.
  • I broke a nail and my hair is ruined! I mean, can you believe it!? This one cost me fifty dollars—
    • Who: Maria
    • Note: She says this while talking to the main character and silent protagonist. It is uncertain whether she dies after this line is said, but some speculate that because a gunshot is heard after the screen fades to black, he killed her.
  • Shit, there he is! Keep on fatboy here, and I'll talk to him! Our problem's with your cousin!
    • Who: Bledar Morina
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • I will beat you like I beat your cousin!
    • Who: Kalem Vulaj
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • You broke my arm already, man!
    • Who: Dardan Petrella
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Please! Vlad told you to kill me, right? I wasn't stealing nothing from your cousin's place! Vlad told me to go there! Let me go and I'll lay low! No one's going to know that I'm alive! Not even my mother! I'll stay out of Hove Beach! I'll be a ghost, I promise! Please!
    • Who: Ivan Bytchkov
    • Note: The player can choose to either kill Ivan or spare him.
  • Hove Beach is a small place. My friends will find you.
    • Who: VladImir "Vlad" Glebov
    • Note: Character is a drunken loan shark who is an employee of Mikhail Faustin and in charge of making sure Roman, Niko's cousin, pays his depts. He treats Roman and Niko horribly and finally goes too far by sleeping with Roman's girlfriend. Niko snaps, chases Vlad down, and shoots him in the face.
  • He is...his cousin.
    • Who: Andrei
    • Note: He was killed by Mikhail.
  • Hey, let's mess this commie asshole up! He fucked with me, he fucked with all the Lost!
    • Who: Jason Michaels
    • Note: Character has been dating Anna Faustin, Mikhail's daughter, but Mikhail didn't like this and ordered Niko to kill Jason.
  • BETRAYED! Betrayed by Dimitri and by you! TOO KIND! That's what I was, too kind! I led the snakes into the nest, and they destroyed EVERYTHING! I gave them everything, and they took everything from me! Now they've sent YOU to take the only thing I have left! You have cut the corners! There's nowhere for me to go!
    • Who: Mikhail Faustin
    • Note: He was killed by Niko, under the orders of Kenny Petrovic.
  • Brucie? I thought he was fuckin' joking! Shit!
    • Who: Lyle Rivas
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • I wouldn't fuck a scummy immigrant like you, anyway!
    • Who:"French" Tom Rivas
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • LCPD! Freeze, motherfucker! I said freeze!
    • Who: Charlie
    • Note: Character was an undercover cop, he tries to kill Niko, but Niko kills him.
  • Rolling! Rolling!
    • Who: Jay Hamilton
    • Note: Alongside Manny, he was killed by Elizabeta.
  • Yo Niko, what are you doing here?
    • Who: Manny Escuella
    • Note: Alongside Jay, he was killed by Elizabeta.
  • Shit, they're on my desk! I never hurt anyone!
    • Who: Tom Goldberg
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Yo, it's that rat cop McReary. Ain't it? He don't like a younger brother with ambition. Tell you what, I'll reform. I'll get out of the game. Get a GED or some shit. Make something of my life. McReary is going to think I'm dead. Word. Come on, boss. Don't kill me, boss. I'm too young to die. Please. Please!
  • I may be a dick, but you's a bitch!
    • Who: Clarence Little
    • Note: The first line if Niko chooses to kill him. The second line is how Niko kills him in the Random Encounter.
  • Peace out, cousins!
    • Who: Marlon Bridges
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Don't kill me! I know I fucked Dwayne over real bad but he wouldn't want me dead. He too much of a gentleman for that. He ain't like that Playboy X punk, he's only chasing paper. You do right by Dwayne, he gonna stick to you for life. I didn't mean it. Girl get lonely when her man's inside for a long time. I thought Playboy was gonna look out for me but he didn't answer my calls. Punk didn't wanna know me. I did what I did to survive. Please. I don't wanna die. Come on! Dwayne wouldn't ever hurt no one he loved, even if they screwed him like I did. Please. I'm only human! Come on!
    • Who: Cherise Glover
    • Note: Only if Niko chooses to kill her.
  • Mira, I'm trying to count back here! There ain't no refunds on lap dances! I got a piece back here! It ain't worth it!
    • Who: Jose Trunchez
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • I won't have no bitches calling me bitch, bitch!
    • Who: Javier Trunchez
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Fuck you, man! You a fucking snake like the rest of them!
    • Who: Dwayne Forge
    • Note: Only if Niko chooses to kill him.
  • People respected me! I made a difference!
  • Argh. I was someone, you know. I made it. I changed the game.
  • I took shit to the next level, cats like you just can't accept that.
  • I was an example to all the kids, man. You can't take that away from me.
  • You cold, man, you cold. Taking a cat down in his prime. I was an innovator.
    • Who: Trey "Playboy X" Stewart
    • Note: Only if Niko chooses to kill him.
  • Please don't kill me! I did not mean what I was saying. They were just ideas. It was not meant to be taken literally. I meant no harm to this great country, nor to Russia if that is who sent you. Please!
    • Who: Oleg Minkov
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • I should never have thought I could beat you people! At least I am not being sent back to the homeland. I do not wish to think what they would do to me. Be staying away from me! This democracy you people speak of is all illusion! This country is not free, your constitution is all lies! The government is all powerful, there is no beating you!
    • Who: Adam Dimayev
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • None of you's is gonna get a medal for playing hero! All you's gonna get is a bullet to the heart!
    • Who: Michael Keane
    • Note: Said before he was killed by Eugene.
  • Motherfucker!
    • Who: Eugene Reaper
    • Note: Character kills Michael, but the McReary brothers kills Eugene.
  • Oh, I just did...a little jogger down by the water. But you know what, handsome? I've got a hunger tonight that can't be sated. Come here!
    • Who: Eddie Low
    • Note: He was killed by Niko in a random encounter.
  • Goddamn you! You're just like all the rest!
    • Who: Jeff
    • Note: Characters order Niko to kill his wife, but Niko refuses, as he manages to do himself before killed by an oncoming car in a random encounter.
  • Hey, big Tone. Did you kick some ass or what?
    • Who: Sal
    • Note: He was killed by Niko in a random encounter.
  • The Albanians know they got us over a barrel, Sal. At least it's better than dealing with those fucking drunken Irish bastards, though. Forget about it.
    • Who: Anthony "Tony Black" Spoleto
    • Note: He was killed by Niko in a random encounter.
  • Fucking sneaky scumbag! Tony Black didn't do nothing to nobody who didn't deserve it! What the fuck? We're going to the mattresses for sure!
    • Who: Frank Garone
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Fuck!
    • Who: Bucky Sligo
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Hey buddy! We're gonna need you to move this thing!
    • Who: Mitch
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Why? Why? Why, in God's name, why? Shit, I thought I was out. I thought I was liberated. He's a rat, Derrick Mcreary. Always has been, always will be. Derrick fucking set me up in the first place. Fucking Derrick Mc-fucking-Reary! I don't want to die, I've been rotting in prison for years! I don't want to die. Please, I just want to be free!
    • Who: Aiden O'Malley
    • Note: Character being freed, but he trying to testify against Derrick McReary, causing Niko to kill him.
  • Those putos too old! They finished, fool! This city don't belong to them no more. I wouldn't pay them shit! Fuck off, maricon!
    • Who: Teddy Benavidez
    • Note: Character failed to pay Ray Boccino, causing Boccino orders Niko to kill Teddy.
  • Ray ain't gonna give you shit for helping him out, Nicky! You gotta make a play for yourself! Jesus! You can have Tuna and Johnny's cut! Come on! We'll split the ice! You'll be a rich man, Nicky! You and me can go to Venturas, no one's ever gonna find us!
    • Who: Luca Silvestri
    • Note: Character was stealing diamonds from Ray Boccino, however, Niko chases and kills this guy.
  • Isaac, these are great!
    • Who: Mori Green
    • Note: He was killed by Luis Fernando Lopez.
  • Fuck you!
    • Who: One of Isaac's Men
  • You ain't never gonna outride the Lost biker gang!
    • Who: Jim Fitzgerald
    • Note: Character helping Johnny Klebitz steal money from Ray Boccino, as Niko is ordered by Ray to kills this guy.
  • This was Isaac's deal! he should pay for the screw up! Not I. Show mercy. Is that not what your life has taught you? Let me leave here alive. Don't you kill me, you bastard. Don't you dare. You shmuck, you harbinger of death, don't you kill me. I told Isaac not to trouble you crazy scumbags. He wouldn't listen. Always the same. Kill the others, spare me! Let an old man live out his last years. Isaac's life is enough. Take that and the debt should be paid. You don't need me, too. I have seen your face! I know what it is to look evil in the eye. Let me live!
    • Who: One of the Jewish diamonds dealer
  • You piece of shit! First you kill Mori and now me. This was all Mori's doing, he wanted those diamonds so bad! Veh is mir! Those diamonds were fucking beautiful! I'm screwed. We should never have done business with you scum. This is a matter of principle, I will not be done over by a bunch of nebishes! How do you murdering scum sleep at night? I wasn't going to let you take the diamonds and the money and get away with it!
    • Who: Isaac Roth
    • Note: Character was threatening Ray Boccino, attempting Niko to kills this guy.
  • This heroin is cursed! You don't fucking want it!
    • Who: One of the Triad drivers
  • Everyone on the Commission is gonna want Jimmy P. clipped after this!
    • Who: "Chubby" Charlie Matteo
    • Note: Character had discovering Phil Bell's role in sabotaging a cocaine deal, however, Niko chases and kills this guy.
  • Tell Peg I'm sorry...
    • Who: Anthony Corrado
    • Note: He was killed by Niko.
  • Weren't you the one who helped me get into this country?
    • Who: Kim Young Guk
    • Note: Character had devaluing american currency through counterfeiting, causing Niko kills this guy.
  • Thank you.
    • Who: Darko Brevic
    • Note: Brevic is a former soldier, who fought in Balkan Wars along with Niko Bellic (game protagonist) and 12 other men- he betrayed his unit for 1000$. A drug addict and drunkard, living in Bucharest, later in game he is kidnapped by an unnamed government agency in exchange for Niko's services, who seeks revenge on Darko for his betrayal. Niko can decide whether to kill Brevic or let him live.
  • Alright! Yes! Thank you! Thank you all for coming! Yes! Okay!
    • Who: Roman Bellic
    • Note: In the "Deal" ending, Roman says this line at his wedding right before an assassin attempts to kill Niko. In Niko's struggle to stop the assassin, Roman is shot and killed.
  • A gift from Dimitri Rascalov.
    • Who: The Assassin
    • Note: He was killed by Niko in the "Deal" ending.
  • Hey, Dimitri, what's the problem? You and me is partners now! We're back on top!
  • Whatever.
    • Who: James "Jimmy" Pegorino
    • Note: The first line that he was killed by Dimitri in the "Deal" ending, and the second line where he was killed by Niko in the "Revenge" ending.
  • Fuck you, you dick...
  • Think about Pegorino, he's got nothing without this deal. Niko, it's not too late, we can work this out! Go easy on me. We were friends, remember? Hey, come on, we got history. You're fucking a lot of people over by killing me. Don't do it! It was a long time ago that I pissed you off. Forget about it. I didn't mean nothing. Please. It was never my idea to set you up. You don't need to do this.
    • Who: Dimitri Rascalov
    • Note: He was killed by Niko, the first line was a "Deal" ending which was heard in Russian, and the second line was a "Revenge" ending.
  • I'm gonna check around back.
    • Who: Brad Snider
    • Note: Says this before being shot by Dave Norton.
  • Hold on a second. I think someone's trying to dock with me. Hello-?
    • Who: Jay Norris
    • Note: While revealing a prototype phone at a televised press conference, he hears it ring and answers it, only to be killed by an explosive hidden inside of it.
  • Fuck you.
    • Who: D
    • Note: Says this before being killed by Stretch, for setting up him, Franklin and Lamar.
  • I didn't mean nothing by it, man. I just...(Trevor: I know. I know, cowboy.) I messed up.
    • Who: Johnny Klebitz
    • Note: Said before he is beaten and killed by Trevor Philips.
  • Johnny!
    • Who: Ashley Butler, Johnny's Girlfriend
    • Note: Says this after Trevor kills Johnny. She can be killed afterwards. If she survives, she will be mentioned as having been killed in Heroin Orgy later in the game.
  • Bullshit!
    • Who: Terry Thorpe
    • Note: Says this to Trevor after he is told that Johnny Klebitz was murdered by Trevor. He is killed shortly after alongside Clay.
  • This better be bullshit!
    • Who: Clay Simons
    • Note: Says this to Trevor after he is told that Johnny Klebitz was murdered by Trevor. He is killed shortly after alongside Terry.
  • Well, it's your call...
    • Who: Dom Beasley
    • Note: Dom says this to Franklin, before jumping without a parachute to his death.
  • You're all so literal. Okay, scrap that. Let's pick it up. According to my insider sources, Poppy has been spotted here, at The Generic Hotel. The question is: why? Is she really attending a charity fundraiser for starving children, or is she getting tag-teamed by the cast of Medicate Me? There's only one man you can trust for the answers, and that's why I'm risking life and liberty to bring you the truth!
    • Who: Beverly Felton
    • Note: Beverly says this while filming his reality show, talking about Poppy Mitchell. If Franklin decides to kill him, due to Beverly not paying him, these will be his last words.
  • I... could give a fuck what your fucking name is! I'm not afraid to use this. I'm not. Bob taught me.
    • Who: Debra
    • Note: Says this to Floyd and Trevor while getting out a gun from a drawer, before being killed off-screen either by Floyd or Trevor.
  • Fuck Bob!
    • Who: Floyd Hebert
    • Note: Says this to Debra and Trevor while grabbing a knife, before being killed off-screen either by Debra or Trevor.
  • Out of my way!
  • Move! A mad man's coming!
    • Who: Molly Schultz
    • Note: Says this while being chased by Michael De Santa for stealing the "only copy" of his movie 'Meltdown'. Shortly afterwards, she is sucked into a jet turbine and shredded into pieces.
  • Saying something don't make it true!
    • Who: Ortega, leader of the Aztecas
    • Note: Says this to Trevor Philips after he crashes his Trailer into a river.
    • Note 2: Can be kept alive. If he survives the mission, he will instead raid Trevor's Meth Lab and be killed in the !process.
  • [Steve Haines: Who the fuck are you with?] With me!
    • Who: Andreas Sanchez
    • Note: Says this in response to Steve Haines asking who the corrupt F.I.B. units are with. He is killed after by Steve Haines shooting him in the head.
  • Michael! Ah, fuck! I thought I was with the one Judas! I'm surronded by them! You fake motherfuckers! You wanna piece of me? Fuckin' come get me! You wanna kill me? Take a fucking shot!
    • Who: Trevor Philips
    • Note: Said while he is covered in gasoline after crashing into a tanker. He is burned to death when Franklin or Michael's bullet ignites the gasoline.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Kill Trevor" ending.
  • You don't understand nothing! I'm all you got! You made the wrong call.
    • Who: Michael De Santa
    • Note: Said to Franklin when he decides to ignore Michael's guidance.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Kill Michael" ending.
  • Where's that girl, man? Where's that hot little girl with the clipboard? I just saw her down there somewhere. What? Hold on...I don't care that she's an intern! Now just get this thing going, alright? I wanna get out of here! Boom! Vinewood!
    • Who: Steve Haines
    • Note: Says this while being interviewed before Trevor kills him.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Deathwish" ending.
  • Enough talk! I will take care of this private business in a private place.
    • Who: Wei Cheng
    • Note: Said to Franklin in Chinese before he kills him.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Deathwish" ending.
  • Uh-huh. Yeah, boom!
    • Who: Harold "Stretch" Joseph
    • Note: Said to Michael before he kills him.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Deathwish" ending.
  • Wait, wait, hear me out!
    • Who: Devin Weston
    • Note: Said to Trevor before he, Michael and Franklin leave him inside the car and push it off the cliff where it blows up.
    • Note 2: This line is said only if the player chooses the "Deathwish" ending.
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