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Last words in Resident Evil

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Following is a collection of last words spoken by characters in all Resident Evil media.


  • Killing me won't make things right.
    • Who: Major Timothy Cain
    • Source: Resident Evil: Apocalypse
    • Note: Said to Alice before as she goes to throw him out of a helicopter into a swarm of zombies below. She replies "No, but it's a start." and hurls him into the mob. With no way out, Cain makes a last stand before running out of bullets. The zombified Dr. Ashford and the other zombies then maul him to death.
  • Well, I'll be damned. L.J., you sneaky son of a bitch.
  • Go on without me!
    • Who: Greg Glenn
    • Source: Resident Evil: Degeneration
    • Note: Said after getting bit by a zombie while helping escort the survivors out of the airport terminal. He stays to buy as much time before he is zombified and later euthanizied by the soldiers storming from outside.
  • Run! No, go! I don't wanna hurt you...Please...!
    • Who: Curtis Miller
    • Source: Resident Evil: Degeneration
    • Note: Said to his sister Angela fearing he won't be able to control his human side after mutating in a monstrous G-virus form. She rpelies "Alright, Curtis... Let's finish this!" The floor gives way as the dome is being purged while Leon saves the S.R.T. sibling. Though Curtis clings on trying to take his sister down with him, Leon quotes "If you don't try to save one life, you'll never save any!" then fires a bullet into the monster's head loosening his grip and he falls to his fiery death.
  • Now wait a minute; Yes, I'm a stockholder. And WilPharma should regain the public's faith after this incident. But there's no way in hell I would support terrorism to ensure that. First of all, what is the G-virus? I've never even heard of it! [Claire: I know YOU ordered Frederic to dispose of the G-virus when you called him.] I told him not to show you anything more than you needed to see; That was it.
    • Who: Senator Ron Davis
    • Source: Resident Evil: Degeneration
    • Note: Said trying to voice his innocence because he was a pawn by the real villain: Frederic Downing. Leon confirms Davis did not know anything. These are the senator's last known words. As some time later, he is assassinated in his office off-camera confirming his death when his hand slumps over as his computer is cleaned out.
  • Beekeeper...
    • Who: Scarecrow
    • Source: Resident Evil: Damnation
    • Note: Said to Leon who is designated as Tin-Man to warn of the rebels using B.O.W.s. But then, a Licker jumps in and claws him to death.
  • Leave me here... [Coughs painfully] If we go on like this, we'll all be killed before can launch and attack on the cpaital... Go... Create a new future...
    • Who: Ivan "Ataman" Judanovich
    • Source: Resident Evil: Damnation
    • Note: Said knowing his humanity is slipping away. He hopes his fighters will build a new future for Eastern Slav Republic before Buddy mercy kills him with a gunshot.
  • You know, I didn't really care about independence. I just wanted to have fun with you and my friends. and...
    • Who: JD
    • Source: Resident Evil: Damnation
    • Notes: Said having been parasitised by Las Plagas since he cared less about Eastern Slav independence. But then his Las Plagas infection worsens and the parasite blows his head apart. Leon solemnly says "I was looking forward to showing you America." then mercy shoots him dead.


  • I don't know. It got dark, and I... I got hit from behind. [Patrick: Did you see who it was? Did they take anything?] No.
    • Who: Press Secretary Spacer
    • Source: Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness
    • Note: Said after being bit by a zombie. Despite Patrick's efforts to help him, Spacer is zombified and tries to attack him before being headshot by Leon who had just returned from Pittsburgh.

Video games

  • Rebecca, you must be careful...the forest is full of zombie...and monsters...
    • Who: Edward Dewey
    • Notes: Last words before offscreen death. Next appearance is that as a zombie.
  • About ten minutes to...
    • Who: Soldier
    • Notes: Last words before being ambushed by leeches.
  • Wesker...Birkin...
  • We'll see which one of us is gonna die!
    • Who: James Marcus
    • Notes: First line is said after being shot, having been betrayed by Wesker and Birkin about 10 years ago. The Queen Leech brings Marcus back to life, and the second line is said before he turns into the Queen and is killed by Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen.
  • Hey! Come here!
    • Who: Joseph Frost
    • Notes: After finding a severed hand and gun in the bush, Joseph signals the rest of the team, but is then attacked by Cerebuses, or zombie dogs, and devoured.
  • No! No! Get away from me! No!
    • Who: Kenneth Sullivan
    • Notes: Last words before being attacked and killed by a zombie.
  • Chris! Chris, stop! No!
    • Who: Richard Aiken
    • Note: Says this to Chris as the Neptune prepares to attack and devour Chris. Richard pushes him out of the way, saving Chris' life, but at the cost of Richard's as the Neptune eats him instead.
  • Umbrella...
    • Who: Enrico Marini
    • Note: Says this to Chris, believing he was betraying S.T.A.R.S. and Enrico prepares to shoot Chris, but Enrico is then assassinated by an unknown figure who is later revealed to be Wesker.
  • The S.T.A.R.S. are finished...someone is a traitor...Umbrella set us up...
    • Who: Enrico Marini
    • Note: Says this to Jill, informing her that S.T.A.R.S. has been betrayed, but Enrico is then assassinated by an unknown figure who is later revealed to be Wesker.
  • Mother...
    • Who: Lisa Trevor
    • Note: Says this upon seeing her mother's corpse in a coffin. Lisa then grabs her mother's skull and jumps into a pit below to her death.
  • My chest! Can't...take the...pain! (Claire Scenario A)
  • What the?! (Claire Scenerio B)
  • Damn you, William! (Remake)
    • Who: Chief Brian Irons
    • Note: In Scenario A, Chief Irons has a G-Virus embryo implanted by monster William Birkin. As he says this, the embryo violently bursts out of Irons' body. In Scenario B, Irons says this after hearing a monstrous scream from the mutated William Birkin. Birkin drags Irons by the leg through a trap door from bellow and then rips him in half. In the remake, Irons suffers the same fate as he does in the original version in Claire A.
  • Arrgh! my chest, it's... burning!! (Leon Scenario A)
  • Get that scum! Make him pay! (Leon Scenario B)
  • C'mon - c'mon, don't be an asshole...OK? You need this! Just get me the fuck outta here! (Remake)
    • Who: Ben Burtellucci
    • Note: In Scenario A, Ben has a G-Virus embryo implanted by monster William Birkin. As he says this, the embryo violently bursts out of Ben's body. In Scenario B, Ben says this to Leon after being mortally wounded by a mutated William Birkin. In the remake, Chief Irons imprisoned Ben because he knows about Irons’ association with Umbrella. As Ben begs for Leon to get him out after revealing this to Leon, Mr. X crashes through the wall of Ben’s cell and grabs him by the skull and crushes it, killing Ben instantly.
  • That guy's a maniac! Why'd he bite me?!
    • Who: Unnamed Truck Driver
    • Note: Says this to himself after pushing a man away from him after he attacks the truck driver. The truck driver was unaware that the man who attacked him was a zombie. The truck driver later turns into a zombie and tries to run over Leon and Claire as they dodge the zombie, who then crashes into a car, causing a massive explosion that incinerates him.
  • You should be safe inside here. I'm keeping a close eye on things.
  • Don't you worry girly, you'll be safe in here. I'm keeping a close eye in things.
  • Just go... Just give us some privacy. (Remake)
    • Who: Robert Kendo
    • Note: Says this to either Leon or Claire (depending on the Scenario). Seconds later, a horde of zombies burst through the window of Kendo's gun shop and they attack and kill Kendo. In the remake, Kendo had lost his family due to Umbrella. He says this line to Leon and Ada as he takes his T-Virus infected daughter into a room where he regrettably shoots her. It is unknown what happens to Kendo afterwards as he is not seen again.
  • Just go!
    • Who: Marvin Branagh
    • Notes: Marvin later on turns into a zombie.
  • Sherry... (Claire Scenario A)
  • Sherry... You have to escape... I know I've been a terrible mother... but I still love you. (Claire Scenario B)
  • No one gets that sample now.
    • Who: Annette Birkin
    • Notes: In Scenerio A, Annette, who was mortally wounded by her mutated husband William, helps Claire to create an antidote for her daughter, Sherry, who has a G-Virus embryo implanted in her by William. In Scenerio B, after suffering severe cranial damage from falling debris, Annette is later found by her daughter Sherry and dies from her injuries. In the remake, Annette is mortally wounded by William and later shoots Ada before succumbing to her injuries.
  • Sorry, but I won't just hand over my life's work.
  • G is my creation! (Remake)
  • Who: William Birkin
    • Notes: Says this to the U.S.S. Alpha Team who are trying to collect the G-Virus from Birkin. One of the soldiers shoot Birkin, mortally wounding him after Birkin accidentally knocks over a case that alarms the soldier. Birkin then injects himself with the G-Virus that causes him to mutate into his monstrous form. During the final confrontation with Leon and Claire, they escape from the lab via train which has a self-destruct mechanism in it. Leon and Claire escape from the train and it blows up, taking Birkin with it. In the remake, he says this after injecting himself with the G-Virus.
  • Noooooo!
    • Who: U.S.S. Alpha Team Member 1
    • Notes: Killed by the mutated Birkin.
  • Fire...Fire!
    • Who: U.S.S. Alpha Team Member 2
    • Notes: Is also killed by the mutated Birkin.
  • Stay back! Don't come any closer! Stay back!
  • Tell Marvin... (Remake)
    • Who: Elliot Edward
    • Notes: In the original, Edward says this in all Leon/Claire B scenarios when he is overwhelmed by two zombies and causing him to shoot down a rescue helicopter with his MP5, killing him in a fierce explosion. In the remake, he says this to Leon/Claire while trying to escape a hoard of zombies. As either character tries to help Elliot escape via a shutter, he is gruesomely torn in half by zombies, and later becomes one himself.
  • I told you! I'm not leaving! NEVER! Just get away from me!
  • I'm not going anywhere! I'd rather starve to death in here than be eaten by one of those undead monsters! Now leave me alone! (Remake)
    • Who: Dario Rosso
    • Notes: Character had lost his daughter to the zombie outbreak and refused to evacuate with Jill by locking himself in a container. When Jill comes back later, Dario is found being eaten by the zombies.
  • Jill! Help! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  • Then do me a favor and don't fuck up like I did. Go! (Remake)
    • Who: Brad Vickers
    • Notes: In the original, the first line is said before the character is attacked by Nemesis. In the remake, Brad says the second line to Jill after having been bitten by a zombie.
  • S.T.A.R.S...
    • Who: Nemesis
    • Notes: Repeated line during the game; character is a monster that has been programmed to hunt down members of the S.T.A.R.S. unit for Umbrella. Jill then replies that she will show it "S.T.A.R.S." before finishing it off.
  • Well, they want you eliminated for reasons of their own. The amount is modest, but there is a reward to be claimed upon the confirmation of your death.
    • Who: Nikolai Zinoviev
    • Notes: Says this to Jill, as he attempts to kill her. Nikolai is then killed by Nemesis. However, this is only if the player decides to push Nemesis off the bridge earlier in the game. If the player decides to jump off the bridge (the canon path), Nikolai will utter these words, but ultimately survives.
  • What are you doing?!
    • Who: Will
    • Notes: Said while being partially eaten by a zombie. Later, more zombies come to eat him, killing him.
  • Please let me die while my conscience remains...
  • I feel the hunger...
    • Who: Bob
    • Notes: Bob is near to complete infection at the time of the lines. Depending on difficulty, Bob either shoots himself after saying the first line, or turns into a zombie after saying the second line.
  • I don't believe this, something else I have to fix to get out of here.
    • Who: Monica
    • Notes: Said in an elevator before being attack by either William Birkin or another monster. She manages to survive the conflict, but later faints. She has the G-Virus implanted in her and wakes up a short time later before an Embryo bursts out of her chest.
  • See if this works.
    • Who: Dr Hursh
    • Notes: Said before restoring power to the elevators, after which he is then attacked by a Leechman. He tries to escape, but the Leechman consumes him.
  • It's gonna blow!
    • Who: Charlie
    • Notes: Both Len and Charlie are firefighters investigating the boiler room when the boiler blows up. They try to escape, but the blast consumes them both.
  • Get out!
    • Who: Len
    • Notes: Both Len and Charlie are firefighters investigating the boiler room when the boiler blows up. They try to escape, but the blast consumes them both.
  • Yoko, its been two years. Oh, but you might not know that. After all, what happened was so terrible, I think you'd want to erase it from your memory...
    • Who: Greg
    • Note: Greg is confronting Yoko, when Nicholai manages to shoot him in the head from above.
  • I'll never leave your side again.
    • Who: Albert Lester
    • Notes: Driven insane by the T-Virus, the hospital starts to collapse, when he finds his wife's body. He embraces it, saying the line, before both are crushed by debris.
  • I told you, there is nothing to-
    • Who: Carter
    • Notes: Line said to Linda concerning the Hunters roaming the facility before being struck down by the Tyrant T-0400TP.
  • Alexia...you're finally awake...Alexia...
    • Who: Alfred Ashford
    • Note: Last words before dying from his wounds and after resurrecting his twin sister, Alexia.
  • She gave this to me as a token of thanks for saving her, I don't need it any...more.
    • Who: Rodrigo Juan Raval
    • Note: Rodrigo gets swallowed by a gulp worm but is rescued by Chris, but dies from his wounds and hands Chris Claire's lighter.
  • I'm glad that I met you...I...I love you...Claire...
    • Who: Steve Burnside
    • Note: After being mutated by the T-Veronica virus, Steve tries to kill Claire but later regains his senses and saves her from Alexia's tentacle; only to be impaled in the stomach by the tentacle and revert back to normal. Steve later dies from his wounds (although he may not be dead).
  • You want it? You are not worthy of its power.
    • Who: Alexia Ashford
    • Notes: Said in response to Wesker's demand for the T-Veronica virus; she then transforms into her first form and attacks Wesker; however, Wesker (following a time-honored tradition) forces Chris (and by extension the player) to destroy her.
  • We'll stay and watch the car. Don't want to get any parking tickets.
    • Who: Cop with beard
    • Note: Last words before their patrol car is pushed over a cliff, into a river by Ganados.
  • Did you say something?
    • Who: Cop with glasses
    • Note: Last words before their patrol car is pushed over a cliff, into a river by Ganados.
  • Lord Saddler...
    • Who: Numerous Ganados
    • Note: If a villager Ganado is killed without their head blowing off, they sometimes say this line.
  • You carry the same blood as us it seems; Nevertheless, you're an outsider. Just remember, if you become unpleasant to our eyes, you'll face severe consequences.
  • Lord Saddler! (Remake)
    • Who: Chief Bitores Mendez
    • Note: Only known words when the elephantine strength village chief sees the first stage of Las Plagas infection inside Leon. At the end of the second chapter, Leon fights the mutated Bitores Mendez in a burning barn and despite the odds, kills him and takes his prosthetic eye to get out of the village.
  • I am a researcher, hired by Saddler. He found out what I was up to. Heh heh. [gives Leon pills] Here. It should suppress growth of the parasite. The sample, Saddler took it. You have to get it back!
  • You know, I led a pretty shitty life. But now, eh... What do you think, Leon? People can change, right? (Remake)
    • Who: Luis Sera
    • Note: Last words before dying after Saddler impaled him with his tentacle tail. The second line is from the remake, where Luis is instead killed by Krauser with a knife to the back. He dies from his wounds while smoking a cigarette after saving Leon from Krauser.
  • I want you to suffer, just like Ashley will.
  • Please help me... Lord Saddler... (Remake)
    • Who: Ramon Salazar
    • Note: Spoken at the beginning of his battle with Leon, which ends with his death. These aren't really his last words, as he does taunt you ad nauseam during your fight with him. The second line is his last words in the remake.
  • Prepare for your death, Leon!
  • I trained you well... Leon. (Remake)
    • Who: Jack Krauser
    • Note: Last words before battling Leon, who defeats Krauser in battle. In the remake, Krauser says the second line after Leon fatally wounds him.
  • [Leon: Thanks. When we get out of here, drinks are on me.]Yeah, I know a good bar!
  • What the...!? Dammit! (Remake)
    • Who: Mike/Pilot
    • Note: After helping Leon out, he is shot down by a rocket launcher by one of Saddler's men. In the remake, Mike dies when his helicopter is surrounded by Novistadors, causing him to say the second line before crashing his helicopter and dying.
  • Oh, I think you know. The American prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies. Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of cliches.
    • Who: Osmund Saddler
    • Note: Last words before turning into a monster form.
  • No! We are not done yet! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    • Who: Sergei Vladimir
    • Note: Said after turning into a monster form, and being shot to death by Albert Wesker.
  • You don't know what you're talking about! You can all go to hell!
    • Who: Reynard Fisher
    • Note: Said before being executed by the Majini.
  • What the fuck are those?! Mathison to HQ! I'm being attacked by flying B.O.W.s! I'm losing engine power! Oh shit! I'm out of control! I'm going down! Mayday! Mayday!
    • Who: Kirk Mathison
    • Note: Said as his helicopter that was aiding Chris and Sheva early in the game is knocked out of the sky by the Kipepeo B.O.W.s. Seconds later, he is killed in the crash and his body is shown charred.
  • Dying's not so bad. But it doesn't change anything...you're still screwed!
    • Who: Ricardo Irving
    • Note: Character had transformed into a huge mutant monster to battle Chris and Sheva, but was defeated and died soon after.
  • ALBERT!!!
    • Who: Excella Gionne
    • Note: Said before turning into Uroboros Aheri. Had wanted to rule Wesker's "new world" by his side, but was injected with Uroboros by him.
  • Now my candle burns dimly. Ironic, isn't it? For one who has the right to be a god! To face his own mortality...
    • Who: Ozwell E. Spencer
    • Note: Said before being killed by Wesker.
    • Who: Albert Wesker
    • Note: Said before grabbing the helicopter Chris is escaping in with a tentacle. Chris and Sheva then fire two rockets at him, which cause a massive explosion in the lava that incinerates Wesker.
  • Captain...
    • Who: Finn Macauley
    • Note: Character gets infected by Carla Radames' C-Virus darts and cries this out to Chris before he his cocooned into a Napad B.O.W..
  • Dad...
    • Who: Liz
    • Note: Character dies and then shortly comes back as a zombie after having been infected by the C-Virus. She eats her father alive before being killed by Helena.
  • Liz?
    • Who: Liz's father
    • Note: Character was trying to save his daughter Liz, but she succumbs to the C-Virus, becomes a zombie, and kills him.
  • No! Stay back! Get the hell away from me! NOOOO!!!
    • Who: Peter
    • Note: Character tried to escape a gun shop, but was killed by a zombie that had mutated into a Bloodshot.
  • "Dammit! Dammit! Pops! Hold on, I'm coming Pops!"
    • Who: Unnamed Japanese man
    • Note: Character has been pulled out of the escape bus by zombies and is eaten alive.
  • You coming with me, son? Fine, I'll buy you a drink in hell, boy!
    • Who: Unnamed gun shop owner
    • Note: Character has been pulled out of the escape bus by zombies and is eaten alive.
  • No! No-!
    • Who: Nancy
    • Note: Said while getting eaten by zombies after the escape bus has stopped on a cliff edge just outside the Tall Oaks Cathedral.
  • No! Help me! Please God, help!
    • Who: Rookie police officer
    • Note: Said while getting eaten by zombies after the escape bus has stopped on a cliff edge just outside the Tall Oaks Cathedral.
  • Son of a-Get off me!
    • Who: Bus driver
    • Note: Said while trying to fight off zombies after the escape bus has stopped on a cliff edge just outside the Tall Oaks Cathedral. He is then killed in a firey explosion after the bus falls off the cliff.
  • Helena?
    • Who: Deborah Harper
    • Note: Said when found by her older sister Helena. Deborah then succumbs to the C-Virus, which was she injected with by Derek C. Simmons, and mutates into a B.O.W., which forces Helena, Leon, and Ada to kill her. After their fight in the Catacombs of the Tall Oaks Cathedral, Deborah staggers blindly off the edge of a cliff, only for Helena quickly grabs her hand. Helena then promises that she will avenge her sister, begs for forgiveness, and releases Deborah to fall to her death.
  • No! NOOOO!!!
    • Who: Derek C. Simmons
    • Note: Character had been infected with C-Virus by Carla, and began mutating into a B.O.W. He says this line when Ada impaled him with a crossbow arrow and throws him off a platform in the Quad Tower and into a pit of fire. Simmons shortly returns, now having mutated into a giant insect monster, before Leon and Helena blow him up with a rocket launcher. Simmons reverts back to his human form, as he falls and is impaled by the obelisk in the courtyard of the tower, finally killing Simmons for good.
  • Just go!
    • Who: Piers Nivans
    • Note: Said imploring Chris Redfield to leave him behind, knowing that he had infected himself with the C-Virus. Chris hoped to figure something out at the escape pods, but Piers does not board the escape with his superior. Chris yelled from his end "Piers! No, don't do this! Open the door! Goddammit, listen to me! We can still both get outta here, there's still time!" Piers readies the escape pod to launch while Chris pleads "What are you doing? No, Piers, don't! You can still make it out! GODDAMMIT, PIERS!" With launch finalized, Chris screams helplessly, "NOOOOO! Piers, open the goddamn door, that's an order!" As the pod leaves, Chris cries out to his partner while Piers stays behind as the underwater Neo Umbrella base caves in.
  • Done...everything finished...finally, I can die. I...can die....
    • Who: Jack Norman
    • Note: Said after his T-Abyss Tyrant-like form is defeated by Jill and Chris in his underwater Queen Dido hideout. After this, he collapses dead while he winds up burning his Veltro banner.
  • You could help me...It's not too late...
    • Who: Neil Fisher
    • Note: Said as his infected Uroboros Tyrant-like form is trying to entice Claire Redfield to his cause. Thankfully, Moira overcomes her guilt and fear of guns, picks up Claire's handgun and yells "GO JUMP ON A DILDO, BOSS!" shooting him several times until he drops dead.
  • Not hillbillies. The Bakers. Jack and Marguerite Baker. And they were quiet, not backward. Lot of bad rumors about their son, Lucas. Bad seed, apparently.
    • Who: Andre Strickland
    • Note: Character is killed off-screen by Jack Baker.
  • Come on!
    • Who: Peter Walken
    • Note: Character is impaled and then decapitated by Mia Winters while trying to free Clancy Jarvis.
  • No no no! You can't be serious...Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Don't ki-
    • Who: Hoffman
    • Note: Said before being electrocuted by Lucas Baker after losing a game of Blackjack to Clancy. This only renders Hoffman unconscious, but he soon wakes up and is killed by a saw.
  • Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh man! Fuck! Fuck!
    • Who: Clancy Jarvis
    • Note: Said while being burned to death in Lucas' "Happy Birthday" room.
  • Hey. Put that door back up. Put that door back up! What are you doing?
    • Who: David Anderson
    • Note: Said before being decapitated from behind by Jack while shouting at Ethan Winters to re-open the garage door.
  • Oh yeah, oh yeah! That's real nice!
  • Ethan, free my family - please.
    • Who: Jack Baker
    • Character is killed after Ethan uses the serum on him, fully crystalizing Jack as he says the first line. Ethan later re-encounters Jack's spirit in a dream after being captured by Eveline, and in his second line, Jack begs Ethan to free his family from Eveline's control. Jack comes back to life in End of Zoe, but is finally killed for good by his own brother, Joe.
  • Don't touch me!
    • Who: Alan Douglas
    • Note: Character is killed by Eveline after calling her a "bitch".
  • I just wanted a family.
    • Who: Eveline
    • Note: Said before Ethan finishes her off with the Albert-01.
  • Fuck! My head - my head!
    • Who: Lucas Baker
    • Note: Said after he mutates. Character is killed by Chris Redfield.
  • Ethan, go...Save your daughter!
    • Who: Elena Lupu
    • Note: Said this to Ethan Winters about his infant daughter Rosemary before falling into the fiery depths below.
  • Curse you!
    • Who: Alcina Dimitrescu
    • Note: Said shortly before being killed by Ethan Winters in her mutated form.
  • Stupid idiot! What are you doing to my cute friends!?
    • Who: Donna Beneviento
    • Note: Spoken through her doll, Angie, before she is killed by Ethan Winters.
  • H-Help me! Mother! Maaaaaaaaaaaaa-!!!!
    • Who: Salvatore Moreau
    • Note: Said as he is being killed by Ethan Winters in his monster form.
  • No, no! This can't be the end for me! I...must...kill her!
    • Who: Karl Heisenberg
    • Note: Spoken as Ethan Winters kills him in his cybernetic form.
  • My daughter...My Eva!
    • Who: Mother Miranda
    • Note: Said while being killed by Ethan Winters in her final mutated form.
  • Goodbye, Rosemary.
    • Who: Ethan Winters
    • Note: Said to his infant daughter before detonating the bomb Chris Redfield planted, sacrificing himself to destroy the mutamycete.