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Sepideh Qolian

From Wikiquote

Sepideh Qolian (1994) is an Iranian leftist political activist, rusticated veterinary student and journalist.


  • Even if instead of me and Ismail, you put all five thousand Hafttepe workers in front of the camera and force them to confess with whips and batons, it will still not detract from the essence of the story that you are oppressors and corrupt.
  • The beatings begin. His name is Ismail... he is an Arab... They ask him the name of the operation, he shouts in Arabic: I don't know, the tortures are getting more and more and the torturers are shouting "impure! Speak Persian." The sound of torture is so painful that it hurts me too.
    • تیلاپیا خونِ هورالعظیم را هورت می‌کشد (Tilapia eats the blood of Hur-al-azim)
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