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Early Voyages to Terra Australis/Index

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Aagtekerke, perhaps wrecked off the Houtman's Abrolhos, 182

Aberts, Pieter, skipper, one of the survivors of the "Vergulde Draeck," 77

Abrolhos, v. Houtman's Abrolhos

Albuquerque, in 1511 sent A. de Breu and F. Serrano, with three ships to Banda and Malacca, lx

Alexander VI, Pope, Bull on the discoveries, xxxvii

Alvaro de Mendana, discovers the Solomon Islands, the Marquesas, Queen Charlotte's Islands, attempts to establish a Colony on Santa Cruz, lxx

Ambrollossen, Frederic Houtman, v. Houtman's Abrolhos

Amsterdam, island, drawing of, brought back by Vlamingh, in 1696, 113

Amsterdam, shallop, expedition to the South Land under the command of G. T. Pool, 75

Antelope, of London, under the command of Captain Hammond, met by Dampier, 13

Ant-hills, taken for habitations, 65

Aratus, speaks of a southern continent, xiii

Arias, Dr. Juan Luis, memorial to Philip III, urges the necessity of the discovery of the southern hemisphere, for the sake of converting the natives before the English and Dutch heretics might do it, 1; extract from De Silva's treatise, 3; prophecies, 4; the southern hemisphere not all water, 12; fertile, habitable, 15; rich in metals, pearls, animals, fruits, 16; A. Mendana de Meyra's discoveries, 17; P. F. de Quiros, 18; J. Fernandez, 20; Indians of Taumaco indicate a continent southwards,23; portion of the South Land already visited, larger than Europe, 24; the decline of Spain, caused by the neglect of exploration, 25; final less of the crown threatened, 28

Arms of Amsterdam, ship, touched at the south coast of New Guinea, in 1619, part of the crew murdered by the natives, 44

Aristotle, speaks of a southern continent, xiii

Arnhem, island, discovery, 45

Arnhem, yacht, voyage to New Guinea, 44; skipper and eight of the crew murdered, 45

Atlantis, island of, described by Pla to,ii

Aucke, Pietersz Jonck, v. Jonck

AUSTRALIA. Regarded as forming part of New Guinea and the great southern continent, iv-xi; indications on maps in the sixteenth century, iv, xii, lxv; its coasts touched by the Dutch in the seventeenth, v; secrecy of the Portuguese, ib.; of the Dutch East India Company vi; statement of Sir W. Temple, ib.; quotations from early writers, xii; early maps with indications, xiv; assertion of the discovery by the Chinese, ib.; Binot Paulmier de Gonneville the supposed first discoverer, xx; the Portuguese claim to the discovery, xxi; the Spanish claim, xxii; Magalhaens' claim, xxii; Dr. Martin on the map of Dourado, xxiii; the tract laid down is either Tierra del Fuego or New Guinea, xxvi; other indications on maps of its discovery by the Portuguese, ib.; Dalrymple's disparagement of Captain Cook, xxxi; its refutation by Metz, xxxii; account, by Barbié de Bocage, of a hydrographic atlas which he supposed to be drawn by N. Val-lard, of Dieppe, in 1547, xxxv; Gomez de Sequeira, xlvi; Barros' narrative, xlvi; Sequeira driven to Tobi or Lord North's Island, xlviii; account of the island, xlix; Australia shown to be the country described in those maps, li; the "Londe of Java," lii; P. Crignon on J. Parmentier's voyage, lix; the Portuguese, not the French, the real discoverers, lx; the quoted French maps copied after Parmentier, lxi; Parmentier's information derived from the Portuguese, lxii; the discovery before 1542, lxiv; explorations by the Spanish in the sixteenth century, lxx; P. Fernandez de Quiros, lxx; Australia del Espirito Santo, lxxiv; first authenticated discovery made by a vessel from Holland in 1606, lxxviii; the Duyfhen, 1 xxix; the Eendraght, under Dirk Hartog, lxxx; plates on Dirk Hartog's Island, lxxxii; Bishop Hall's Terra Australis," lxxxiv; Zeachen, erroneously described as "the discoverer of Arnheim's Land, lxxxv; the Land of Edel, lxxxvi; Houtman's Abrolhos, ib.; Eendraght Land, lxxxvii; the Pera and Arnhem, ib.; the south discovered in 1627 by the Gulde Zeepard, lxxxviii; De Witt's Land, lxxx ix; a foul and barren shore, inhabitants wild, black, ib.; wreck of the Batavia on the Houtman's Abrolhos, ib.; account of the natives, xci; G. T. Pool's, P. Pietersen's expedition, xciii; A. J. Tasman's expedition and instructions, ib.; narrative missing, xciv; outline of Tasman's voyage inlaid in the floor at the Stadhuis at Amsterdam, xcv; on maps, cxvi; fragment of the account in Witsen's notes, xcviii; description of the natives, xcix; Carpentaria not discovered by Carpenter, Van Diemen's Land not discovered by Van Diemen, c; the great south land called New Holland, ciii; wreck of the Vergulde Draeck, cv; Waeckende Boey and Emeloort sent to the rescue, description and chart of the west coast, cvi; J. Sadeur's "Terre Australe," cvii; W. de Vlamingh's voyage, cviii; Dampier's description of the natives, ib.; expedition in the Roebuck, cx; last Dutch voyage under Martin v. Delft, cxiii; accounts of the discoveries of the eastern coast entirely wanting before Cook, cxvii; name Australia given by Flinders, ib.; memorial of Arias to Philip III respecting the exploration of the Southern Land, 1; treatise of Fray Juan da Silva, ib.; necessity proved from the scripture, obligation from the agreement with the Catholic Church, 4; physical proofs of the existence and habitability, 14; richness in metals and stones, 16; discoveries already made, 17; all tends to prove the greatness, populousness, and richness of the southern continent, 24; Luis Vaez de Torres on Quiros' discoveries, 31; San Valerio, las Virgines, Santa Polonia, 32; Matanza, skirmish with the natives, 34; Taomaco, inhabitants white and red, some coloured, others black and mulattoes, agreeable people, slavery in use amongst them; they name more than forty islands, 36; Chucupia islands, ib.; Santa Maria island, 37; possession taken of the Ray San Felipe y Santjago, and the land del Espirito Santo, ib.; people black and naked, ib.; departure of the Capitana, 38; pass an archipelago of islands, 39; description of the inhabitants, 40; find Mahometans at the termination of this land, ib.; instructions for the new expedition by the yachts Limmen, Zeemeuw, and Brak under Tasman, 43; former voyages towards New Guinea and the South Laud undertaken for the Dutch East India Company, 44; Staten and Van Diemen's Land found, also the passage to the South Sea, 47; Voyage and shipwreck of F. Pelsart in the Batavia, 59; people on shore savages, black, and quite naked, 64; country flat without vegetation, very large ant-hills only in view, 65; quantities of flies, ib.; see eight savages with clubs, ib.; T. G. Pool's voyage, 75; description of the natives, their weapons,etc.,76- 88; wreck of the Vergulde Draeck and expeditions undertaken, 67; seen by the "Pinck,"85; headdress of the natives a kind of crown, 87; a wild cat and two seals seen, 84; natives use small hammers with wooden handles, and heads of hard stone, 88; description of the west coast by Volkersen, 89; the natives believe in some divinity in the serpent, 95; Australia supposed to be divided from New Guinea by a strait terminating in the South Sea, 97; sea between N. and Banda, called "Milk Sea," on account of its turning white, 97; Dampier's account, 99; in his time unknown whether an island or a continent, 101; dry soil, yet producing trees, mostly dragon trees, 101; no animals, or beasts, few birds, few fish, but manatree and turtle; description of inhabitants, 102; their habits, etc., 103; no particular worship; weapons; no metal; language not known, 104; unsuccessful attempt to make them carry water; indifferent to cloth, 106; Dampier took several of them, 107; W. Dampier's adventures, from a Sloan MS., 108; W. de Vlamingh's voyage, 112; a kind of scented wood found, 113; description of country and natives, 114; the inscription plate of the Eendraght, 115; expedition by the Nijptang, Geelvinck and Wesel, 120; a remarkable fish with a kind of arms and legs, 121; aromatic trees, rats as big as cats, 121; coast like that of Holland, easily approachable; smoke and fires seen on the main land, 122; nut of a certain tree causing vomiting; two black swans, 123; swans, rotgansen, geese, divers, 125; no trees, but briars and thorns, 126; two nests three fathoms in circumference,129; Dampier's voyage in 1699, 134; first signs of the land, 138; curious birds, scuttle-bones, sea-weeds, 139; soundings show coral ground, 140; landing attempted, 141; trees very short, 143; birds, animals, raccoons, curious guanos, 144; fish, 145; turtle weighing two hundred pounds, water serpents, 148; sea snakes, 151; Bluff-point, Rosemary Island, 154; fight with some natives, 158; account of them, 160; further description of the coast and its produce, 163; want of water, 164; discoveries of the Vossenbosch, D' Waijer and Nova Hollandia, 165; description of the islanders, 169; about five hundred met with, 170; the supposition of Australia being an island, strengthened by the natives' rude and barbarous character, 171; natives of Maria's Land try to tow the pats-j allang, 172; the Houtman's Abrolhos, 174

Bachian islands, king of, assisted by Quiros' force, 41

Bandeira, Viscount Sa' de, claim for the discovery of Australia by Magalhaens, xxii

Barbie de Bocage, notice of a hydro-graphical atlas of New Holland, drawn by N. Vallard, xxxv

Barros, on Gomez de Sequeira's voyage, xlvi

Bass's Straits, "Baye neufve," in the old maps, lviii

Batavia, book of dispatches, v. Book

Batavia, under Francis Pelsart, wrecked on the coast of New Holland, 59; a chest with money to be recovered, 50; remains found 178; account of the wreck, and in Thevenot, lxxxix; in. Harris, xc

Bay perdue, on the old maps, lvii

Baye neufve, perhaps Bass's Straits, lviii

Beach v. Boeach

Berkenrode, ship, uncertainty about her fate, 183

Bessia river, name given to the second bay after Rooseboom's Bay, 171

Binot Paulmier de Gonneville, supposed discovery of Australia, xviii journals lost, xix

Bocage, Barbie de v. Barbie

Boeach, misspelt for Lucach or Lochac, xvii

Book of dispatches, from Batavia, extract; instructions for the expedition for the discovery of New Guinea, 43

Bosphorus (Sepharat), meaning Spain, 10

Botany Bay, originally called Stingray, afterwards from the variety of plants, Botany Bay; not the Coste des Herbaiges on the early maps, xxxiv

Bowrey, captain, a copy of Tasman's map in his handwriting, xcvi

Brak, equipped for the expedition to New Guinea, 47

Breu, Antonio, going to Banda, in 1511, lx

Brosses, de, correcting Prevost's misstatement on the discovery of Carpentaria, c

Brazil, discovery by the Portuguese, xxxviii

Buscop, Franchoys, skipper, extract from his journal, on the "Trials," 187

Cabral, discovery of Brazil, xxxviii

Callemore, point of, on the South Land, 172

Calice, promontory, on the South Lana, 172

Cambodia, the Lochac of Marco Polo, xvi

Cano, Sebastian de, one of the commissioners appointed to decide about the right of possession of the Moluccas, xl

Cape Keer Weer, (turn again), the furthest point of New Guinea reached by the Duyfhen, lxxx

Cape York, the very large islands, seen by Torres, in 11° S. L., lxxv

Capitana, expedition under Quiros, 31; crew mutinous, 34 departs suddenly and treacherously, 38

Carpentaria, discovery falsely attributed to Carpenter, xcix; misstatement corrected, c; Dubois on Carpenter, cii

Carpenter, the supposed discoverer of Carpentaria, c

Carstens, Jan, despatched by J. P. Coen with the Pera and Arnhem from Amboina, murdered by the natives of New Guinea, lxxxvii, 44

Castanheda, narrative of the discovery of New Guinea, xlii

Casuaris, name Of the east point in the Roseboom's Bay, 168

Cecco d'Ascoli, map of, xiv

Ceira, name of New Guinea on the old Portuguese maps; mistake for Ceram, 97

Ceram Lauers, trade with the natives of New Guinea, 96

Ceramers v. Ceram Lauers

Charles V. sells his right to the Moluccas to John II, xli

Chastelijn, Cornelis, account of the discoveries, 165

Chinese, supposed to have been acquainted with Australia before the Europeans, xiv

Chucupin, island, 36

Clyn Amsterdam, expedition to New Guinea, 46

Coen, Jan Pietersz, despatches the Pera and Arnhem, lxxxvii

Collaert, Gerrit, captain of the Nijptang, 113

Cook, captain Dalrymple's insinuations, xxxi : established the separation between New Holland and New Guinea, xciv

Cornelis, Jerome, super cargo of the Batavia, conspiracy, 69; taken prisoner, 71; executed, 74

Cote dangereuse, in the old maps, xxxii, lvii

Cote des Herbaiges, in the old maps, xxxiv, lviii

Crawford, Pako, v. Pako

Crignon, Pierre, on Parmentier; lix, lxii

Dalrymple, Alexander, on Thevenot's map, xxxi; translation of Torres relation of Quiros' discoveries, 31

Dangerous coast, so called by Captain Cook, supposed to be the Cote dangereuse of the maps, xxxii, lvii

Dampier's voyage, cviii, cix, 99, 108, 134

De Brosses, v. Brosses

De Breu, Antonio, v. Breu

De Bandeira, Sa', Viscount, v. Bandeira

De Gonneville,B. Paulmier, v. Gonneville

De Legaspi, Lopez, v. Legaspi

Del Espiritu Santo, discovery, 37

Delft Bay, on the coast of New Holland, 172

Delft, Martin van, voyage, cxiii; extract from his logbook, 167

De Mendana, v. Mendana

De Meneses, v. Meneses

De Metz, Gauthier, v. Metz

De Saavedra, v. Saavedra

De Santarem, Vicomte, v. Santarem De Silva, Fray Juan, v. Silva

De Sequeira, Gomez, v. Sequeira

De Torres, Luis Vaez, v. Torres

De Villalobos, Ruy Lopez, v. Villalobos

De Vlamingh, v. Vlamingh

De Witt's Land, coasted by the Vianen, lxxxix

Dirk Hartog's Island, plate, lxxxi

Dirk Hartog's Roads, lxxxi

Dispatches, Book of, from Batavia, v. Book of Dispatches

Doriados, sloop, destined for the expedition to New Holland, disabled, 165

Dourados map, xxiii

Draeck, v. Vergulde Draeck

Du Bocage, Barbie, v. Barbie

Dubois, "Vies des Gouverneurs Generaux," on Carpentaria, cii

Dutch discoveries on the coast of Australia, lxxvii

Dutch East India Company, charged with exclusiveness, vi; defended, ix

Dutchmen, two, exposed by Pelsart, to be looked after, 50

Duyfhen, yacht, expedition to New Guinea; first authenticated discovery of the South Land, lxxix; discovery of the south and west coast of New Guinea, 43

Dwaers-in-den-wegh, island, 68

D'Waijer, sloop, discoveries, 165

Edel, commander of a ship visiting the coast of New Holland; discovery of Edel's Land on the west coast, lxxxvi

Eendraght, ship, discoveries, lxxxi, 44; pole with tin plate of the Eendraght, found by Vlamingh, 115

Eendraght, land, 177

Elburgh, flyboat, touches the South Land, 87

Emeloort, galiot, sent in search of the Vergulde Draeck, 80; separated from the Waeckende Boey, 85

Esquivel, Juan de, assisted by Quiros and his force on one of the Ternate islands, 41

Ferdinand and Isabella, of Spain, agreement with Don John II, about the line of demarcation, xx xviii

Fernandez, Juan, said to have discovered the southern continent, lxvi; discovers the track from Lima to Chili, 20

Fish, a remarkable, with a sort of arms and legs, 121

Flinders, Matthew, suggested the name of Australia, lxxviii, xcvii; on the account of Delft's voyage, cxv

Fortuyn, perhaps wrecked on the Abrolhos, 182

Four Hollanders' ships voyage; first voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies, lv

Franciscan order, undertakes the conversion of the southern hemisphere, 7

Franciscus, Monachus, Mappemonde, lxiii

Frederick Houtman's Abrolhos, v. Houtman's Abrolhos

French merchants send a ship to the Indies, xis

Geminus, speaks of a southern continent, xiii

Goede Hoop, yacht, joins the Witte Valck for the rescue of the wreck of the Vergulde Draeck, 78

Gonneville, Binot Paulmier de, the supposed first discoverer of New Holland, xx

Gouffre in the old maps, perhaps Oyster Bay in Tasmania, lxiii

Guanos with apparently two heads, 144

Gulde Zeepard, ship, discovery, 45

Gun island, off the Houtman's Abrolhos, 179.

Haarlem, wreck of, in Table Bay, 182 Hale, H. on Tobi island, xlviii

Hall, Bishop, Mundus alter and idem, lxxxiv

Hamelin, Captain of the Naturaliste, finds the tin plate of Vlamingh on Dirk Hartog's island, lxxxiii

Hammond, Captain of the Antelope, 134

Harewind, yacht, dispatched for New Guinea, 44

Haring, yacht, dispatched for New Guinea, 44

Hartog, Dirk, discoveries, lxxxi

Hasagays, arms of the natives of New Guinea, 96

Heenhoven, ship, uncertainty about its destiny, 183

Hillegonde, ship, accident, 183

Holden, Horace, driven to the Isle of Tobi, xlix

Hondius, Jodocus, map, to illustrate the discoveries of Drake and Cavendish, lxviii

Hoop, brigantine, sent to the wreck of the Zeewijk, 186

Houtman, Frederick, gives the name to the Houtman's Abrolhos, lxxxvi

Houtman's Abrolhos, discovery, lxxxvi the Houtman's Abrolhos in 1727, by Leupe, 176

Instructions for the expedition for the discovery of New Guinea, 43

Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, agreement with Don John II, about the line of demarcation, xxxviii

Jacobus, Dutch ship, sees the Trials, 188

Jan de Bremen, of Pelsart's crew, confesses to have caused the assassination of twenty-seven persons, 72

Jave, la Grande, on the old maps, supposed to be Australia, lii

John II, agreement with Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain, about the line of demarcation, xxxviii

John II buys the right to the Moluccas from Charles V, xli

Jonck, Aucke Pietersz, skipper of the Emeloort, account, 82

Judaeis, C. de, Speculum Orbis,

Kangaroo, first described by Dampier, cx

Kart, Pieter v. Pita Ka't

Kaijmanshoek, eastern point of the third inlet on the coast of New Holland, visited by the expedition in 1705, 171

Keer Weer, Cape, (turn again), furthest point reached on New Guinea, by the Duyfhen in 1606, 44

Kondur, island, described by Marco Polo, xv

Kuijle Eijland, projecting point on the west side of New Holland, 168

Lacca-iha, New Guinea, particularly ugly people, 97

Lants Welvaren, carries drawings, etc., from the expedition of Vlamingh, to the directors of the council, 113

Leeman, Abraham van Santwigh, upper steersman of the Vergulde Draeck, 82 : journal, 87

Leeuwin, ship, discovery, lxxxvi

Legaspi, Miguel Lopez de, established a Spanish colony at Zebu, lxx

Le Testu, Guillaume, map, xxxvi

Leupe, P. A., description of the Houtman's Abrolhos in 1727, 176

Lima, track to Chili, discovered by J. Fernandez, 20

Limmen, yacht, destined for a nearer discovery of New Guinea, 43; equipped for the expedition, 47

Lochac, described by Marco Polo, xv

Londe of Java, v. Jave

Lonton, promontory on the fifth inlet on the E. coast of New Holland, visited by the Vossenborde etc., in 1705, 172

Lopez de Legaspi, v. Legaspi

Lopez de Villalobos, Ruy, v. Villa-lobos

Lord North's island, the island on which Sequeira was driven, xlviii; description of the natives, xlii, xlix, 1

Louisiade, Torres touching at, lxxiv; description of the inhabitants, lxxv

Louwerens, Captain of the Jacobus, sees the Trials, 188

Lucach, v. Lochac

Luchtenburg, wreck on the Wielingen, 182

Macrobius, map of the world, tenth century, xiv

Magalhaens, Fernando, not the dis- coverer of Australia, xxi; offers his services to Spain, sails in search of the Moluccas, xxxix

Magellan, F. v. Magalhaens

Malaiur, island, supposed to be the kingdom of the Malays, xvi

Maleto, v. Maletur

Maletur, misspelt for Maleto, xvii; occurs on maps of the sixteenth century on or near the Terra Australis, lxiv, 98

Manilius, mentions the southern continent, xii

Marco Polo, map, xiv; account, supposed to refer to Australia, xv

Mare Lantchidol, misspelt for Laut Kidol, or Chidol, "South Sea," xvii

Maria, Santa, island, v. Santa Maria

Maria's Land, point at the Delft Bay; inhabitants very stupid, 172

Martin, Dr., on the map of Dourado, xxiii

Martinez, Joan, Portolano, lxiii

Matanza island, discovered by Torres, 35

Mauritius, ship, discoveries, lxxxvi; met by the expedition to New Guinea in 1622, 44

Meerlust, ship, 183

Mendana de Meyra, Alvaro de, discoveries of New Guadalcanal, San Christobal, etc., 17

Meneses, Jorge de, carried to New Guinea, lxiv

Mercator, Indications of Australia, lxvii

Metz, Frederic, refutes Dalrymple's insinuations against Cook, xxxi

Metz, Gauthier de, v. Gauthier

Meyenberg, ship, brings the cargo of the Middenrack and Stabroeck over to Batavia, 183

Mibais van Luyck, Gilles, first merchant of the Eendraght, lxxxi

Middenrack, wrecks against the Table Bay, 182

Milk-Sea, between Banda and the South Land, 97

Moluccas, dispute between the Portuguese and Spanish, xxxviii; commission appointed to, xxxix; right to them sold by Charles V to John II, xli

Monterez, Count of, vice-king of Peru, lxxii

Montbret, Coquebert, memoir in the "Bulletin de Sciences," xxxiv

Montanus, Arias, Mappemonde, lxv

Necquebar, v. Nicobar

New Guadalcanal, discovered by Mendana, 17

New Hebrides, the Terra Australis of Quiros, lxxii

New Guinea, discovery, iv; New Guinea and New Holland supposed to form parts of a southern continent, xi; made an island in Ortelius's 1587 edition, lxvii; expedition under Tasman, instructions, 43; the inhabitants, 52 description of the country and the natives, 91; their weapons, manners, etc., 92; the Ceramers, Papoos; further description of the country and its inhabitants, 95 seqq. New Guinea supposed to be divided from the South Land by a strait terminating in the South Sea; New Guinea in the old maps, under the name of Ceira (Ceram), 97

New Holland, v. Australia

Nibbens, Jan, communication about the Zeewijk, 179, 184

Nicobar, island, Dampier's canoe upsetting, all papers lost, 109

Nieuwvliet, carries the cargo of the wrecked Middenrack and Stabroeck to Batavia, 183

Nobbens, v. Nibbens

Nova Hollandia, patsjallang, discoveries, 165

Nuyts, land of, colony projected, cxv

Nuyts, Pieter, supposed commander of the Gulde Zeepard; country called after him, lxxxviii

Nijptang, hooker, under Captain Collaert; forms part of Vlamingh's expedition in 1696, 113

Obadiah; imputed prophecy concerning the conquest of the southern hemisphere by Spain, 9

Oero-goba, in New Guinea; inhabitants particularly ugly, 97

Olyftack, sloop, sent to the wreck of the Zeewijk, 186

Oranjes, Hoek, point at the inlet of the coast of New Holland visited by the expedition in 1705, 171

Os Papuos, v. New Guinea

Oyster bay, in Tasmania, lviii

Papoos, at New Guinea, 94

Parmentier, Jean, of Dieppe, voyage to Sumatra, lix

Paulmier de Gonneville, v. Gonneville

Pelsart, Francis, Captain of the Batavia, lxxxix; shipwreck, 59

Pelsart's group, off the Houtman's Abrolhos, 178

Pentam, island, xv; supposed to be Bintam, xvi

Pera, yacht, voyage to New Guinea 44

Petan, occurring on the old maps on or near the Terra Australis, lxiv

Philip III memorial to, by Arias, 1

Philippine islands, settlements attempted by the Spanish, lxx

Pietersen Pieters, v. Pietersz

Pietersz, Pieter, super cargo, takes the command of the expedition to New Guinea after Pool's death, discovers the coast of Arnhem or Van Diemen's Land, xciii, 46

Pinzon, Vincent Yanez, discoveries on behalf of Spain, xxxviii

Pita Ka't, gave the natives of Tobi island their form of religion, 1

Plancius, Peter, opens a school for the purpose of teaching the way to India, lxxviii

Poel, Gerrit Tomaz, v. Pool

Polonia, Sta., v. Santa Polonia

Pool, Gerrit Tomaz, expedition to New Guinea, killed by the natives, xcii, 46

Portuguese, conceal their discoveries, v, xlii; discover Brazil, xxxviii; their claim to the discovery of Australia, xxi, xxvi seqq,; had establishments in the East Indian Islands before 1529, lxi

Portuguese kings, prohibit the exportation of marine charts, v, vi

Portuguese names on the old French maps of New Holland, lix

Pronck, Hendrich, opinion on the expedition to New Holland, 117

Purry, J. P. Memoire sur le Pays des Caffres, etc.; project of founding a colony in Nuytsland, cxv

Quiros, Pedro Fernandez, chief pilot of Alvaro de Mendana, lxx; memoirs to L. de Velasco, lxxi; his Terra Australis is New Hebrides, lxxii; separated from the other two ships, reaches Mexico, lxxiv; addresses Philip H on account of further explorations, lxxvi; discoveries, 18; death, lxxvi, 19

Ramusio, on the secrecy of the Portuguese with respect to their discoveries, v

Ridderschap van Holland, de loss of, causes Vlamingh's expedition in 1696, 112, 114

Riviere de beaucoup d'Iles, xxxii, lvii

Roebuck, Dampier's expedition, cx

Roelandszoon, J. van Wijck, repudiates the charge of covetousness against the Dutch, vii

Roggeveen, expedition, cxvi

Roggeween, Jakob, passenger of the V aterland Getroun, 187

Roseboom, Andries, of the Waijer, logbook, 167

Roseboom's Bay, visited by the Vossenbosch, etc., 168

Rosemary Island, recently examined by Captain King, cxi; name given by Dampier, 154

Rotterdam, ship, searched after, 44

Roty, Jean, v. Rotz

Rotz, Jean, maps, xxix

Rustenburg, point at the fourth inlet on the coast of New Holland, visited by the expedition in 1705, 172

Saavedra, Don Alvaro de, lights on New Guinea, lxiv

Sadeur, Jacques (or Nicolas), "Avantures dans la découverte de la Terre Australe," cvi

Sago, biscuits made of, sold to the crew of Torres by Mahomedans, 40

Sahul Bank, seen by P. Heywood, cxiv

Sambava, occurs on all the MS. maps of the Great Java, liv

San Christobal island, discovered, 17

Sandy Bay, 162

San Felipe y Santiago, showing signs of being the coast of a southern continent, 23; discovered, 37

Santa Cruz, discovered by Mendana de Meyra, 18

Santa Maria, discovered and named by Torres, 37

Santa Polonia, island, 32

Santarem, Vicomte de, "Essai sur l'histoire de la Cosmographie...du Moyen Age," xiii

San Valerio, island, 32

Sardam, frigate, 71

Schildpats island, 172

Schiller, Andries, steward of Pool, 75; killed by the Southlanders, 76

Sea snakes seen by Dampier, 151

Sea, turning white, twice a-year, between Banda and the South Land, 97

Sequeira, Gomez de, voyage, xlvi

Serpent, a divinity of the heathens of New Guinea and New Holland, 95

Serrano, Francisco, goes to Banda in 1511, lx

Silva, Fray Juan de, treatise on the southern hemisphere, 1; extract, 2

Snip, patsjallang, sent to the wreck of the Zeewijck, 186

Solomon islands, discovered by Mendana, lxx

Sondur island, xv

South Land, v. Australia

Southern continent, existence of, believed anterior to Portuguese discoveries, xiii

Southern India, of Gonneville, being Madagascar, xxi

Spain, claim to the discovery of Australia, xxi

Spult, island, discovery, 45

St. Brandan, island, ii

St. Paul, island, Vlamingh's expedition was to land there, 113

Sta. Maria, v. Santa Maria

Stabroeck, wreck, 182

Steyns, Jan, communication about the wreck of the Zeewijck, 179, 180; indicted before the court, 181

Strabo, speaks of a southern continent, xiii

Struyck, Nicholas, tract, containing an account of Dampier's voyage, 114

Swans, black, cviii, 114

Taomaco, island, 36

Tasman, Abel Janszen, discovers Tasmania, explores Torres Straits, xciii; his lost papers quoted by Witsen, xciv; outlines of the coasts visited by him, represented on the floor of the Stadhuis at Amsterdam, xcv; maps, xcvi; notes of his voyage by Witsen, xcviii; instructions for the expedition to New Guinea, 43; map found wrong by Dampier, 152

Temple, Sir William, on the secrecy of the Dutch about their discoveries, vi

Ternate, on the Moluccas, fortified, xxxvii

Testu, Guillaume le, v. Le Testu

Themara, Francisco, Libro de las costumbres, lxiv

Theopompus, mentions an island beyond the then known world, ii

Thevet, "Cosmographie Universelle," 1575, lxvi

Tierra baiza, lxviii

Tierra del Fuego, discovered by Magelhaens, xxvi; mistaken for New Guinea, ib.

Tin plate, with the names of Dirk Hartog and others of the Eendraght, found by Vlamingh's expedition, 130

Toppors-hoetien, island, 68

Tomai, the chief of Taomaco, 36

Tobi island, v. Lord North's island

Torres, Luis Vaez de, commander of the Almirante, lxxiii; discoveries, 20; relation of the discoveries of Quiros, 31

Torres' Straits, name, lxxii; passed by Tasman, xcii

Trial Rocks, opinions on, 186

Tristan d'Acunha, drawing of; Vlamingh's expedition was to land there, 113, 119

Turtledove, shoal, 177

Vaderland, Getrouw, s', extract from the skipper's journal, 187

Valerio, San, v. San Valerio

Vallard, Nicholas, MS. Atlas with his name, xxxv

Van Diemen, Antonio, on the Houtman's Abrolhos, 187

Van Diemen's Land, so named from the governor-general, xciii; northwest corners explored by the Vossenbosch expedition, 166

Van Keulen, map, xcvi

Van Wijck Roelandszoon, v. Roelandszoon

Varckenshoeck, west point of Rooseboom's Bay, 168

Vaz Dourado, map, xxiii

Veerman, sent to the wreck of the Zeewijck, 186

Vergulde Draeck, expedition, cv; wreck, 77

Vianen, ship, discovery, lxxxix, 45

Villalobos, Ruy Lopez de, attempting a settlement on the Philippine islands, lxx

Vinck, flyboat, in search of the Vergulde Draeck, 79

Virgenes, islands, 32

Visser, Chief pilot with Tasman, instructions 43

Vlamingh, Cornelis de, captain of the Weseltje, 113

Vlamingh, Willem de, voyage, cviii, 111; inscription on the plate on Dirk Hartog's island, lxxxi

Volckersen, Samuel, captain of the Waeckende Boey, account, 89

Vossenbosch Bay, on the coast of New Holland, 172

Vossenbosch, fluyt, discoveries, 165 seqq.

Waeckende Boey, sent in search of the wreck of the Vergulde Draeck, cv, 80; loses boat, schuyt, and fourteen men, 84

Water serpents, seen by Dampier, 148

Wesel, yacht, expedition to New Guinea, 46

Weseltje, galiot, unsuccessful expedition to the island of Mony, 116

Weasel, shallop, 75

Weybehays, fighting against Cornelis, 70; takes him prisoner, 71

Wielingen, the, on the Zeeland Bank, 182

Witsen, Burgomaster, his notes the only account of Tasman's voyage, xcviii; extract from his "Noord en Oost Tartarye," 91

Witte Valck, sent to the rescue of the men and specie of the Vergulde Draeck, 78

Wytflie, Cornelius, on "Australis Terra," lxix

Wijck J. Roelandszoon, van, v. Roelandszoon

Zeachen, (ship Zeehaen), supposed native of Arnheim made discoverer of Arnheim's Land, lxxxv

Zebu, Spanish colony founded at, lxx

Zeehaen, ship, lxxxv

Zeemeuw, yacht, destined for the discovery of New Guinea, 43, 47

Zeewijck, wreck, 176; remains found, 179; communication respecting the wreck, 179

Zeewijk, channel, 179

Zuysdorp, wreck, 178

